Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 83 Missing Kudo Yukiko

Selling TV stations daily.

At this time, Jiang Xia and Kudo Yukiko had already entered the shooting scene and were getting familiar with the camera positions.

According to the regulations of this TV station, no audio or video equipment is allowed into the studio. Therefore, guests and viewers handed their mobile phones to the staff before entering.

When the "man in black" dialed Kudo Yukiko, a woman's mobile phone vibrated in the small basket in front of the staff.

The staff member smiled and muted it quickly so as not to disturb other people's work.

The call couldn't be answered.

The man in black put down his phone silently, stared at the screen, and fell into deep thought.

Conan hid behind the door and observed secretly. He didn't know if it was an illusion, but he always felt that the man in black looked calm at first glance, but upon closer inspection he seemed a little panicked.

Conan was confused, and at the same time he thought with luck, could it be that Fumiyo Edogawa did something strange and was arrested by the police? That's pretty good, enemy -1.

Just as he was thinking about it, the man in black suddenly turned around and walked towards the kitchen where Conan was.

Conan was startled and quickly moved back to his previous position, lying down and pretending to sleep.

Soon, the kitchen door creaked, and the man in black pushed the door open and entered.

He walked straight to Conan, pushed him, and said in a strange hoarse voice: "Stop pretending, I know you are awake - where is Fumiyo Edogawa?"

Conan was afraid that the man in black was deceiving him, so he still closed his eyes and refused to move.

After a stalemate for more than a minute, the man in black sighed.

He took off his mask, revealing a face very similar to Kudo Shinichi's.

Kudo Yusaku, Conan's father, squatted down in shame and poked the dirt-covered Conan with his mask: "Wake up. Have you seen your mother? We agreed to be here half an hour ago rendezvous, but she never came.”




Conan opened his eyes in shock, looked at the "dangerous organization member" next to him in shock, and jumped up in shock: "??!"

In order to cooperate with his wife's plan to "let Shinichi experience being beaten by society", Yu Kudo and Kudo Yukiko split into two groups this morning and went to the hotel to set up a "silence scene".

Afterwards, he came to this empty house as planned, but was surprised to find that his son was still there, but his wife was missing.

Kudo Yukiko's phone has been unable to be reached and is outside the signal range.

Kudo Yusaku left the empty house while his son was still awake and searched along the road.

He chased him to a nearby convenience store, but lost track because of the heavy traffic and messy footprints.

With limited information, Kudo Yusaku could only think as best he could.

He stood in front of the convenience store and looked at the nearby subway station.

Yukiko's mobile phone cannot be connected. This may be because she entered a place with poor signal, such as an elevator, subway, etc... Of course, it may also be that the signal has been artificially blocked.

Here, first exclude the elevator. Because he called several times, ten minutes apart in total, it was impossible for Yukiko to stay in the elevator for such a long time.

The possibility of taking the subway was also low - there was still business to do today, and there was no reason for Yukiko to leave him without saying a word and run away alone on the subway. She would at least send him a message.

And if it's a kidnapping, the subway is obviously not a good tool for transporting hostages.

So it is more likely that someone used a signal jammer to interfere with Yukiko's mobile phone, which caused it to be out of the signal range.

But the problem is, which serious person would carry a signal jammer these days.

The more Kudo Yusaku thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong.

Although his wife has not been seen for many years, it is inevitable that there will be some fanatic fans with evil intentions. In addition, there is a more dangerous situation.

——Perhaps because they pretended to be members of the black organization, they were targeted by that dangerous organization.

Kudo Yusaku's expression gradually became serious when he thought of this.

Being able to make poison that can make people smaller, even if shrinking is just a side effect, is enough to prove the strength of this organization.

The worst-case scenario is that the black organization has actually noticed Conan, who looks similar to Kudo Shinichi, and for some purpose, does not immediately capture the target, but always observes in secret.

In this case, if they pretended to be members of the organization and approached Conan today, wouldn't they be right in the crosshairs of the gun?

...The possibility of this hypothesis is not high, but once it is true, the consequences will be very serious.

Therefore, Kudo Yusaku did not stay any longer. He hurried back to the empty house, took a look at the kitchen first, and was pleased to find that his son was still there.

So he was lucky and tried to find Kudo Yukiko again, hoping that she had actually returned from the convenience store, but just happened to miss him...

However, no one could be found.

After a moment of silence, Kudo Yusaku made another tentative call, and then found out to his confusion that there was a signal on Kudo Yukiko's side, but no one answered.

... Could it be that the kidnapper discovered that someone was trying to contact Yukiko, so he stopped blocking the signal and wanted to talk to him?

Kudo Yusaku felt that he needed to master more information.

With this in mind, Kudo Yusaku turned his attention to his son.

——Conan, who was pretending to be asleep, was shaken by Kudo Yusaku.

Unfortunately, Conan failed to provide information and was even more confused than he was.

Conan stared at the familiar face, and it took him a few beats to notice Kudo Yusaku's question. He repeated doubtfully: "My mother?"

Kudo Yusaku nodded: "It's 'Edogawa Fumiyo', she's disguised."

"..." Conan recalled the situation on the road and rolled his eyes, "No wonder 'Edogawa Fumyo' kept praising 'Kudo Yukiko' when he mentioned my family situation..."

Kudo Yusaku sighed: "At the beginning, we just wanted you to realize that fighting that organization alone is a very dangerous thing... But now it seems that your situation may be worse than I expected. Be dangerous.”

Conan tried to free himself from the rope and asked angrily: "Huh?"

Kudo Yusaku helped him untie the knot: "Your mother is missing and cannot be contacted. I am looking for her, but there are no clues now..."

As he said that, he threw away the rope and picked up his son who had not yet recovered from the ground: "We can't stay here anymore. Leave first. We'll talk on the way."

Japanese TV station backstage.

When father and son are trying to find a wife/mother. Kinoshita Yoko looked excitedly at Kudo Yukiko who had taken off her disguise mask, with little stars in her eyes.

——As a die-hard fan, she stood face to face with her idol and even shook her hand... Although her idol was sporting a funny belly filled with stuffing, Kinoshita Yoko was so happy that she was about to ascend to heaven. .

Kudo Yukiko had been retired for a long time, and now she met her fan after a long absence, a lovely and polite junior, and the two chatted happily for a while. Not long after, it was time to start shooting.

Jiang Xia sat at the table and looked at the slightly messy scene, but he was not too nervous. After all, he remembered that in the original world line, Mouri Kogoro also appeared in many programs.

With such seniors setting an example...Jiang Xia felt that she could do it too.

The recording went really smoothly.

Although there are live questions and answers, Jiang Xia watched too much anime as a child and is already familiar with the various routines in this world. Basically, he can guess the ending directly if the conditions are laid out.

And reasoning is not about arresting people, and does not require evidence. As long as the results are correct, the process can be made up as long as it is reasonable.

Kudo Yukiko was sitting in the audience below, looking at Jiang Xia with relief, feeling that the skills she taught must have come in handy.

There are four people sitting at the long table in the center of the camera, Jiang Xia, a resident guest, the host and assistant - today's assistant is a guest appearance by Yoko Kinoshita.

However, compared to Kinoshita Yoko, Jiang Xia's attention stayed more on the host.

The host is a middle-aged uncle, a funny-looking comedian. He has a lot of murderous aura around him.

It seems that this is the kind person who sent a ghost today...

During the live broadcast, an advertisement was inserted and the recording was paused.

The host immediately covered his lower abdomen and began to groan in pain.

Jiang Xia was very cooperative and concerned: "Are you okay?"

"Fortunately, alas, maybe the milk in the morning has expired..." the host said, grabbing a passing staff member, "Where is Suwa? Why haven't I seen him this afternoon?"

Suwa is the producer of this show. He was indeed not in the studio now, because the host had made an appointment with him a long time ago and asked Suwa to wait for him in the conference room downstairs.

Now, the host suddenly mentioned this, hoping that someone would notice Suwa's location so that he could create an alibi after killing someone later.

Jiang Xia sat quietly next to him and watched the host's performance tolerantly.

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