Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 846 This must be Uzo’s trap. Please vote for me (づど)

Mouri Kogoro used to be a policeman and is now a detective. Regardless of his identity, he is considered an expert in murder cases.

He knew as soon as he heard that the police were suspicious of Sayuri Shimamura - when encountering a murder case, it is indeed a more effective basic process to first check the acquaintances around the deceased.

"Don't worry! Miss Shimamura is innocent." Thinking of this, Mouri Kogoro patted his chest twice.

He glanced at Miwako Sato, and then at Jiang Xia, who was listening in a low-key manner: "After I separated from Xiaolan and Jiang Xia, I drank with my friends for a while, and then took the train back. While waiting for the train, I looked at my watch, and it happened to be It’s 7:30 in the evening. The two stations are not far apart. I arrived at Mihua Station before 8:00.

"Then on my way home, I was at the back entrance of Mihua Middle School - that's where it was." Mouri Kogoro walked to the balcony and pointed out, "I met Miss Shimamura. She said she knew a person who could see the Toto Beach Bridge. It’s a great place, let’s go for a ride there together.”

“When we arrived at the place, it was around 8:30 pm, we had some drinks and chatted for an hour and a half.

"Then I set off home at around ten o'clock and stopped by Miss Shimamura's company. By then, it was already ten fifty - which is the time we called the police."

Sayuri Shimamura also listened silently.

After hearing the last sentence, she carefully added: "I opened an import company in Chaoyang Town, and I just stopped by to pick up some information."

While she was talking, although she was looking at Miwako Sato, she couldn't help but glance at Jiang Xia from the corner of her eye.

——Sayuri Shimamura didn’t expect that when she kidnapped a drunken Mouri Kogoro as an alibi tool, Jiang Xia would be recruited as well. Normally, she would be quite happy to see Jiang Xia, and might even go to a celebrity to get an autograph, but now...

Sayuri Shimamura bit her nails uneasily.

Although she felt that her plan was very thorough, and she had the amazing help of Mouri Kogoro.

But at this moment, a famous detective was standing next to her... She was always worried that if something went wrong somewhere, Jiang Xia would suddenly show an "I understand" expression in the next second, then look at her and come to her with pity. One sentence: Miss Shimamura, surrender yourself...

Then all her painstaking planning would be over.

Just thinking, what are you afraid of?

After listening to the testimonies of the two key witnesses, Jiang Xia seemed to have thought of something. He looked at Sayuri Shimamura and Kogoro Mori, his eyes turning back and forth between the two, but he hesitated to speak.

Sayuri Shimamura's heart suddenly lifted, and her heart rate soared in an instant.

The next second, the high school student really spoke.

But it was not Jiang Xia who spoke.

——Mao Lilan has just recently discovered a little bit of the fun of being a detective, so when they were chatting about the case, she stood next to Jiang Xia and eavesdropped.

At this time, after hearing something that concerned her greatly, Mao Lilan couldn't help but look at Maori Kogoro, her eyes full of suspicion:

"An hour and a half? What did you talk about?"

——Although Mouri Kogoro and Fei Eri are currently separated. But in Mao Lilan's heart, they are still husband and wife.

Under such circumstances, Mouri Kogoro went out to see the scenery and chatted with other women, and they chatted for so long...

Mouri Kogoro's expression froze slightly as she stared at him.

After a moment, he snorted: "Children should stay out of adults' matters!"

...Actually, he and Sayuri Shimamura didn't chat for that long.

Because Mouri Kogoro remembered that during the conversation, he felt so sleepy that he fell asleep.

During this time, he couldn't prove that Sayuri Shimamura was always by his side. However, considering the distance between the bridge and here, plus the time he fell asleep... Even if Shimamura Sayuri sprinted straight between the two places while he was asleep, she would not be able to come back in time to kill her roommate.

Mouri Kogoro then felt that the problem was not big.

And it's really not good to talk about this kind of "falling asleep during a date" - it not only makes him seem to be old and lacks energy, but also makes Sayuri Shimamura unattractive... and both of these are obviously not true, so Eventually, he decided to keep quiet.

However, thinking of this embarrassing incident, Mouri Kogoro sighed, but also had a slight doubt.

——I don’t know why, but he wasn’t sleepy at all when he started driving, but then he suddenly fell asleep. And it seems that I sobered up very quickly today...

After thinking about it, Mouri Kogoro raised his hand and scratched the back of his head: Forget it, maybe he had another drink with Miss Shimamura at that time, so he couldn't resist his sleepiness. Anyway, judging from the time, she didn't have time to kill.

Mouri Kogoro quickly put aside these "useless details" and stopped thinking about it.

He yawned sadly and continued to watch the police collect evidence.

at the same time.

Next to him, Jiang Xia looked at the scene of the crime and fell into deep thought.

The murderous aura in Belmod's body faded quickly.

Currently, the only thing that attracts Jiang Xia to stay here is the fresh shikigami currently touching Sayuri Shimamura's calf.

——If it were another case, Jiang Xia might try to poke the murderer a few times to see if he could squeeze out some fresh murderous energy and enjoy the process of growing food rations.

But Shimamura Sayuri wasn't bold enough - before, when the moon was dark and the wind was high, she did show a lot of murderous intent when she faced Mouri Kogoro who was knocked down by sleeping pills.

However, now, surrounded by a group of police officers, Sayuri Shimamura's body suddenly became clean and looked harder to squeeze than vodka.

Jiang Xia gradually lost interest in the process of solving the case and wanted to end it as soon as possible.

However, as an "unknowing bystander", if you want to solve the case yourself, you have to travel too far to the check-in point, which is very troublesome.

Not as good as...

Jiang Xia looked at Belmod next to him, and then at Mouri Kogoro himself, who had experienced everything. As his eyes moved, he suddenly had other thoughts.

——Although Belmode is very lazy in producing murderous aura. But she has many rare skills and connections, and will undoubtedly be an interesting ally.

But now, it is rare to go out with Belmode. Since she was there, it just so happened to show her something else.

Well, let's add some more trouble to her by the way - I don't want Belmod to be like Gin, who makes a killing sound when poked, but she should at least return to her daily level...

Thinking like this, Jiang Xia took out her mobile phone and typed a few words.

Then he yawned sleepily.

He rubbed his eyes and shook his head as if to force himself to wake up, but in the end he seemed unable to resist his sleepiness and walked towards the sofa in the corner of the living room.

Belmode was standing nearby, silently lowering his presence.

Suddenly seeing this scene, she was slightly startled - as an outlaw who had used many tricks, she could tell at a glance that something was wrong with Uzo.

I wanted to walk over and ask about the situation, but before I stepped forward, I had a second thought: That was Uzo...

Belmode stopped suspiciously again.

The next second, she realized she had made the right decision.

——Uzo glanced at her and smiled at her from an angle that no one could see.

Almost at the same time, Belmod's phone buzzed and he received an email.

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