Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 856 Kidd? No, I am Kudo Shinichi, the leader of the plus update to alliance

Chapter 856 Kidd? No, I am Kudo Shinichi, plus update to the leader of the alliance [Shaking Mountain Seal]

However, speaking of just now, Kidd used magic to create an air cushion...

Jiang Xia touched his chin and fell into deep thought for a moment: He didn't know whether Kidd was self-taught with this simple application of magic power, or whether Kidd's father, Kuroba Toichi, came to Japan and was secretly tutoring his son.

If it's the latter... In Jiang Xia's impression, Black Feather Touichi seems to be a magician as well. And his magic power is definitely more refined than Kidd, a rookie in the magic world.

For a psychic, magic power is also a form of energy core, and the energy core can strengthen his ghosts, allowing the ghosts to operate as puppets for a longer period of time, and various skills also have a chance to be strengthened.

However, since the last time the witches came all the way to deliver a takeaway, Jiang Xia has lost track of them and has been unable to find other sources of magic power. She has to knock on the door at Kidd's house every now and then to collect some magic power. Or when Kidd was stealing treasures, he could make effective use of resources and absorb the energy cores generated in those treasures.

But if Kuroba Thieves comes back...

Jiang Xia thought about it and felt a little surprised.

When you have some free time and drive the Kiritengu again to visit Kuroba's house, maybe you should bring some souvenirs and ask politely about Kuroba Toichi...

Next to him, Kidd felt a chill in his back.

He felt the cold wind howling around him and felt that he had not worn enough clothes today.

In addition, Kidd was also a little confused because he suddenly had a car accident in the air and fell from the eighth floor.

He groped among the dark buildings and found his tool bag. At the same time, he looked to the side with vigilance and confusion, trying to figure out the current situation - what did he hit just now?

Kidd tried his best to recall it, and vaguely remembered that the thing had a slightly human shape, but the lower half was huge.

After slowly emerging some terrifying creatures in my mind.

Kidd shook his head, shaking off all kinds of weird thoughts, and then gradually came to a conclusion.

——The object of the collision just now was more like a person riding some exotic vehicle and flying between buildings.

When falling, using magic to buffer it, Kidd also helped the strange creature next to him to buffer it.

But until now, due to the dim light around him, he had never fully understood what was happening.

At this time, a beam of bright light suddenly came over, illuminating Kidd's eyes.

Immediately afterwards, more than ten meters away, there was the sound of a group of people approaching. Soon, the leader shouted at them: "Who is there? Don't move! We are the police!"

Kidd's eyes moved, and he hissed in his heart: This is Uncle Zhongmori's voice.

Nakamori Ginzo is a member of the Police Investigation Section 2 of the Metropolitan Police Department.

Almost every time Kidd appears, he is responsible for leading the arrest team. After repeated defeats and battles, the more frustrated you become, the braver you become.

After Kidd issued a notice of tonight's theft, the Zhongshan Police Department led people to cordon off the area in advance, and also agreed to broadcast the entire arrest process to the outside world. They planned to catch Kidd under the watchful eyes of the people in the live broadcast room and clear the name of the police.

It's still some time before Kidd's preview.

The live broadcast has not started yet, and the Zhongsen Police Department has not entered the exhibition hall.

So just now, after arranging internal defense, he ran out to inspect the siege net.

Unexpectedly, as soon as they reached this area, they heard a huge roar. The alert Zhongsen Police Department immediately came with its subordinates following the sound. The searchlight was directed towards the source of the sound, and two figures were illuminated on the collapsed shed.

……Two people?

The Nakamori Police Department, eager to arrest people, immediately thought of "Phantom Thief Kidd and his assistants."

His eyes lit up, and he led a group of people around him.

Kidd hasn't started to disguise yet, he's just scouting the area nearby.

Suddenly being illuminated by a light and surrounded by police, he didn't panic and quickly came up with an idea.

Kidd pushed the tool bag into the ruins of the shed, and by raising his hand to block the light, he secretly fiddled with his hair a few times, and now he made a Kudo Shinichi hairstyle, and then left it generously. In place.

With this face, Kidd doesn't think it's a big problem.

——He happens to look a lot like Kudo Shinichi, and Kudo Shinichi was once a high school detective so famous that he was called "the savior of the Japanese police." Even Nakamori Police Department, the policeman who searched Section 2, must know him.

In Kudo Shinichi's face, he should be able to fool him by using the excuse that "the famous detective went to investigate nearby in order to capture the Phantom Thief and accidentally fell." Anyway, famous detectives like to wander around the scene.

...Even if there is a flaw somewhere, the worst possible outcome is to throw some smoke bombs and escape. That would also leave others with the illusion that "Kid has disguised himself as Kudo Shinichi", thus preventing the Nakamori Police Department from becoming suspicious of "Kid's" true appearance.

The light source and the police were getting closer.

As they approached, the Zhongsen Police Department quickly discovered that the two people who fell on the shed did not run away, but stayed in place calmly.

He gradually became a little confused - could he have guessed wrong and this was not Kidd and his accomplices?

He came closer and took a closer look at the faces of the two people.

The Nakamori Police Department showed a disappointed expression.

——Two "suspicious persons", one of whom is Jiang Xia, who is well-received by the police.

And the other...

Nakamori Ginzo murmured in his heart: Isn't this the bastard boy from the neighbor's house?

——Kid’s real name is Kuroba Kaito, and he is Nakamori Ginzo’s neighbor. He is also very close to the daughter of the Zhongsen Police Department and stays at their house all year round. Of course the Nakamori Police Department knows him.

However, the Nakamori Police Department looked at "Kuroba Kaito"'s unusual hairstyle, and then looked at Jiang Xia next to him...

He silently crossed out the option "Kuroba Kaito" in his mind. He guessed that the person in front of him was Kudo Shinichi, who looked very similar to the neighbor boy.

Because Nakamori Ginzo remembered that Eka didn't know him, Kuroba Kaito, but he was familiar with Kudo Shinichi - in his impression, Nakamori Ginzo had seen the report that "Kudo Shinichi's classmate was possessed by the ghost".

At this time, Kudo Shinichi's hairstyle of the same style and Jiang Xia, the famous detective symbol, allowed Kidd to successfully get through in front of the Nakamori Police Department.

Nakamori Ginzo: "..." These are probably just two high school detectives who came to join in the fun. And Kidd probably wouldn't have thought of making such a big noise before committing the crime and being surrounded by the police who came upon hearing the noise.

Thinking of this, Nakamori Ginzo snorted, looked at the two high school student detectives in front of him, and said displeasedly: "Why are you running around? Catching the Phantom Thieves is our police's business! Don't think that you don't need to study to become a detective, go back and write Homework! Don’t cause trouble around here.”

Kidd heard the words "detective" and realized that the Nakamori Police Department did think of him as "Kudo Shinichi", and he smiled inwardly.

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