Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 86 Brushing Izu

In the morning, Jiang Xia came to the detective office as usual, lined up the newly received cat bags and dog cages, and counted them.

In addition, the previous mandate regarding money lending collateral has also expired. Jiang Xia checked the register and called the clients one by one.

After the cats and dogs were distributed, another person came to the door.

Jiang Xia raised his head and found that it was the client who asked him to keep an eye on the collateral.

The client just went to see Mrs. Maru to pay back the money and get back the mortgaged pottery, and now she stopped by the detective agency to make up the balance.

She was obviously very happy to get the pottery back successfully.

After paying the fee, she gave Jiang Xia a beautiful little card with gilded words:

"This is the store where my friend is working. His store recently moved and he gave us some experience coupons, but I really don't have time to go. If you are interested, you can go and have a look."

After Jiang Xia saw her off, he looked at the experience coupon in his hand.

It is not uncommon for clients to give away coupons casually. This is actually a way for the clients to advertise and distribute one when encountering a suitable occasion.

At this time, the business card box of the office was filled with many experience coupons for the opening of new stores. Most of them were restaurants, and there were also several game arcades. Jiang Xia had given them to his hard-working younger brother.

But this time it’s special – it’s a voucher for a ceramics classroom experience.

Jiang Xia originally planned to put it into the business card box after scanning it.

However, Jiang Xia paused when he saw the word "Izu" on the address.

Izu is a famous seaside tourist resort, about two or three hours' drive from Tokyo.

Jiang Xia has no interest in watching the sea, but he remembers that in this world, Izu is also a place prone to accidents. Every time Conan and others go to the beach in Izu, they will encounter some cases that can pick up ghosts.

...Why don't you go to school tomorrow and try to drop this experience coupon at the feet of Mao Lilan or Suzuki Sonoko and see what happens?

Just as he was thinking about it, Xiaobai suddenly poked him and pointed behind him.

Jiang Xia turned around and saw Toru Amuro standing at the door of the office elusive, looking at the experience ticket in his hand: "Kikuemon's pottery studio?"

Jiang Xia was startled.

After a moment, he thought about it and remembered that Toru Amuro could barely be considered a member of the protagonist group and should have some event physique.

So he handed over the experience coupon and asked tentatively: "Have you heard of this store?"

"Well, this is a store promoted by 'Kikuemon'." Toru Amuro took the card and looked at it carefully.

Seeing Jiang Xia's very interested expression, he said by the way: "'Kikuemon' is not a name, but a title. Anyone who can get it is a national treasure-level pottery master.

"Now 'Kikuemon' has been passed down to the fifth generation, and its owner Mankichi Tsuchiya is almost 80. At this age, the pottery studio is suddenly renovated... maybe because there are fewer and fewer people learning this craft, He wants to build a famous store to attract apprentices to his apprentices.”

"..." Jiang Xia didn't expect that an experience coupon that he accepted casually would have so many backgrounds.

In addition, there is another thing that is a bit strange - Toru Amuro knows too much that pottery is not a popular hobby. Even if Bomoto is good at gathering intelligence, does he even remember the real name of the fifth generation "Kikuemon" clearly?

...There is something fishy.

And if there is something fishy, ​​it usually means there is hope of picking up ghosts.

Amuro Toru noticed that Jiang Xia's eyes gradually became strange when she looked at him.

He thought of Jiang Xia's spoiler-like reasoning ability and didn't hide it: "There is indeed a related task recently." As he said that, Amuro Toru shook the experience coupon in his hand, "I'll take this and use it."

Jiang Xia nodded.

Then he took out his phone and opened search.

Kikuemon is really a celebrity, and you can find a lot of information about him on the Internet.

Recently, there is indeed a ceramics experience classroom under this person's name, but it is not opened by him himself, but by his junior brother, a man named Mino Muneyuki.

Meinong Muneyuki actually opened a store more than ten years ago, but it has always been very low-key. But recently, Kikuemon urged his junior to renovate the store and made many improvement requests.

So currently, this store is still in trial operation.

The experience coupons given to Jiang Xia by the client were actually not advertisements, but genuine "experience coupons" with limited circulation and not for sale.

Jiang Xia looked at the news and then at the two impressive names, and suddenly regretted it.

...If I had known this, I shouldn't have nodded just now.


[Update time: 8:30 am]

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