Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 871 New Character Design

Many things that humans can eat and drink are highly toxic to cats and dogs.

Haiyuan Ai didn't know the specific ingredients of Jiang Xia's fake cigarette, and was worried that if the Anonymous Cat had a problem with smoking, the Anonymous member who drew the "Z" on the cat's paw would come to kill the cat.

In Haibara Ai's eyes, compared to the organization, Anonymous is obviously not that scary and gloomy. But she has never forgotten: Anonymous is also an extremely mysterious and dangerous organization, and its members do not seem to shy away from taking the lives of others——

Although there is no evidence so far, Haibara Ai always feels that Pisco, who recognized her identity in the Aido City Hotel a while ago, died at the hands of an unknown person.

——That night, when the anonymous lady who saved her left, she said lightly, "Pisco will not survive tonight."

Then that day, Pisco really died in the fire. Or die in the place where the burning is the most intense... Rounding it off is equivalent to being cremated on the spot.

Therefore, although Haiyuan Ai has a lot of belonging and affection for Anonymous. . . But deep down in her heart, there was actually a trace of indelible fear.

...She didn't want to see a certain member of Anonymous focus their unkind eyes on Jiang Xia because of the hatred of the poisonous cat.

Although Haihara Ai once speculated that there might be a tattoo there because "Jiang Xia wears wrist guards all year round" and Jiang Xia is also a member of the Anonymous Organization.

But in the end, she knew very well: this was just an unfounded association. The possibility that Jiang Xia is an Anonymous member is not high - the Anonymous members Haihara Ai has met so far are all mysterious and have no fixed identity in society, and they always walk in the dark. In comparison, Jiang Xia, who has become famous recently, is obviously different from them.

And Jiang Xia is very busy most of the time: commissions, organizational tasks, part-time jobs pushed by the unscrupulous boss of the firm, and cases caused by the incident... If he holds the position of "Anonymous Member" again...

Hui Yuan Ai secretly shook his head. Jiang Xia would be too tired and would definitely not be able to manage her time.

Jiang Xia heard Hui Yuan Ai's reminder and glanced at the cat sitting on the chair.

The dry cat was stunned, and suddenly had a bad premonition. It jumped up, rolled up, pressed its ears and tried to run away.

But it was too late.

Jiang Xia quickly stretched out her hand and took the ghost mint from the cat's mouth before it ran away and held it in her hand.

Then he smiled at Haiyuan Ai: "You really shouldn't give it a cigarette. But it just kept acting coquettishly, so I knelt down and touched it. When I came back to my senses, the cigarette had been taken away..." As he spoke, He sighed and shook his head, showing a helpless look.

Mao hugged Jiang Xia's legs: "QAQ!!"

... Even though the ghost mint is held in the hand of the psychic master, it can still be sucked. But the feeling of the two is different after all, and it is obviously holding it in his mouth and sucking more.

...Dear little girl!

The lazy cat didn't dare to climb on Jiang Xia to grab the ghost mint. He had no choice but to angrily step on Hui Yuan Ai several times, and finally huddled up in a ball sadly.

Then Haiyuan Ai picked her up and touched her head.

After Jiang Xia fed the cat and had breakfast, she didn't stay at home longer.

He went to the office to sort out the mailbox, sent a few cats to the wives, and then went to the Rice Flower Municipal Building to finish what he planned to do but forgot to do last night - to explore the Thomas Sindora game. The terrain of the press conference site.

It's evening.

Jiang Xia looked at the time and went home first to get the small gifts she had prepared.

Then we came to the place where we had made an appointment with Vodka last night - Acupido Momota Club.

The store manager here is a friend of Kinoshita Yoko.

Most of the people who usually come here are presidents of various clubs. On the contrary, there are not many artists, and they are not very popular among reporters. Secrecy is pretty good.

Jiang Xia's meeting place was at the back door of the club.

He arrived at the appointed place on time and waited for a while on the deserted street.

It didn't take long. A black car approached silently and stopped on the side of the road.

Jiang Xia looked into the car through the front window and found that Gin was driving.

...and he came as expected.

Jiang Xia looked pleased.

The ghosts pounced on him with familiarity, and began to pick up the new murderous aura that had been pouring out of Gin Jiu these days.

Amid the lively harvest scene, the passenger door clicked open.

Vodka straightened his collar and got out of the car with a natural look on his face.

He is still wearing a black suit today. However, the burgundy shirt he usually wore in the past was replaced by a white color that is closer to ordinary social animals. He no longer wore a black tie, and replaced it with a sapphire blue stripe. The hat on his head was taken off, and his hair was combed into a human-like slicked back. But the sunglasses on his face were still stubbornly put on, but they were changed into a slightly more everyday style.

...Only some details have been changed, but the overall impression has changed from a "thug of the evil forces" to a "stronger social animal".

Jiang Xia looked him up and down.

Vodka still raised his chin at first, trying to ignore Jiang Xia's gaze.

But after a few seconds, he gradually couldn't bear it anymore. He had a straight face, a hint of stiffness in his movements, and his whole person suddenly looked a little gloomy.

With a smile on his face, Jiang Xia stepped forward and patted the vodka: "Don't look like this, be more natural - you are now 'extremely admiring Jiang Xia, so you rely on your skills to find an enthusiastic assistant who wants to experience the life of a detective'."

Vodka: "...?"

...Is this the character set by Uzo?

Oh, it’s too long, I can’t remember it.

And it’s so inconsistent—who would want to worship Uzo! And what about "worship", what "enthusiasm", what "assistants"...each of them sounds like they are paving the way for future "cannon fodder"!

Vodka remained extremely vigilant.

He just nodded calmly: "I know."

Vodka thought: We are all cadres, and I am even more senior. Moreover, Uzo's most terrifying behind-the-scenes attributes have been exposed in front of them. As long as he is vigilant enough and guards his heart, this guy has nothing to fear.

Vodka mentally recited the key points he had summarized all night long, quickly calmed down, and raised his hand to push the sunglasses on the bridge of his nose.

Jiang Xia smiled: "That's good."

He handed a half-sized box in his hand to Vodka: "This is your detective assistant toolbox. Please take the time to familiarize yourself with the contents later."

After Vodka took the box.

Jiang Xia took out another roll of posters and handed it over: "This is a very commemorative poster. I'm not a star chaser, so there's no use keeping it. I'll give it to you as a thank you gift for your help."

"...I don't often chase stars, but I have some understanding of this aspect." Vodka responded lightly, his eyes falling on the tube of posters wrapped in transparent material.

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