Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 9 Kudo Shinichi and his pots

As soon as Jiang Xia entered the classroom, the noisy environment suddenly became quieter.

It's not because he's afraid of school bullies - although Jiang Xia has some less serious friends, he never picks on his classmates or engages in school bullying - it's mainly the female classmates in the class who have become quieter.

Mostly looking at his face.

A few of them were more keen, looking at the back of his hand.

The silence only lasted for a moment, and the number of people whispering gradually increased.

Jiang Xia found a seat as usual, sat down, and took the test quietly.

During the break, he went out to find a vending machine and bought a can of Coke. When he returned to the classroom, Jiang Xia's drawer was stuffed with a lot of medicine.

On the medicine bottles outside, there are perfumed notes with words of concern or confession written on them.

Some of the ones on the inside are not, but there are traces of tape on the bottles.

Jiang Xia guessed that they had stickers on them before, but they were removed by those who came after them... Tsk, tsk, tsk, this is an evil world of looking at faces.

Fortunately, he has always been handsome in his past life.

Please pass on this habit.

Jiang Xia didn't touch the medicine and notes.

It’s not good to take it home, and it’s not good to throw it away.

Later, he thought about it and realized that he wouldn't need the drawer anyway, so he might as well put it here first.

In this way, the person who gives the gift next time may fail because he cannot find an opportunity.

And if he acts rashly and handles it improperly... According to the nature of urine in this world, Jiang Xia is worried that before long, someone will poison his water glass.

Then Kudo Shinichi in the back seat can look sad while doing the "choose one of three suspects who poisoned his crush" and use him to boost his performance...

Kudo Shinichi was also late today, arriving after two exams.

But he had a valid reason - on the way here, he encountered a murder case at a breakfast restaurant and came here after solving it.

The invigilator nodded as usual and let him in.

Kudo Shinichi's position is just behind Jiang Xia.

When passing by Jiang Xia, his eyes accidentally glanced at Jiang Xia's hand holding a pen, then moved it back, and stared at it thoughtfully for a while.

As soon as he finished collecting the papers, Jiang Xia was poked on the back by a pen.

Turning around, he saw Kudo Shinichi staring at the back of his hand and asking with curiosity:

"What kind of injury is this? The bruise area is too large and even. If it is not an impact injury, there may be a problem with important organs. You'd better..."

Jiang Xia interrupted him without changing his expression: "Yesterday afternoon, I was hit by the football you kicked away."

Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko happened to be passing by, and were shocked when they heard this.

The two of them turned to Kudo Shinichi at the same time and angrily condemned: "You can't kick at the goal?!"

"??" Kudo Shinichi was also shocked, "Football is a multi-player sport that values ​​cooperation! How can it be possible to just face the goal..." Huh?

No, wait. This doesn't seem to be the point.

...The point is that he didn't play football at all yesterday and was at the police station making up records!

But at this time, it was obviously too late to focus on the key points.

The way Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko looked at him was as if they were looking at a guy who kicked someone without apologising, but the next day he came to ask the victim how he felt as if nothing had happened.

Kudo Shinichi was stunned for a moment, and then tried his best to retort: ​​"You can't just listen to one side of the story - such even bruises, and not swollen at all, can't be caused by a football. You..." He turned to Jiang Xia, wanting to ask him what the hell was going on. thing.

However, the front desk had already fallen asleep on the desk and was catching up on his sleep.

Yesterday, Jiang Xia finally touched a ghost. She was a little excited and couldn't sleep, so she got up in the middle of the night and rolled up the ghost mint all night. She stayed up until early in the morning and fell asleep. She was very sleepy.

"...Hey!" Kudo Shinichi couldn't accept this kind of behavior of taking the blame and leaving, so he leaned over and tried to shake the person up.

However, before he even touched Jiang Xia, Mao Lilan slapped him on the table and warned in a low voice: "Don't disturb others' rest."

Kudo Shinichi: "..."

He was about to defend himself, but suddenly he felt a strong murderous aura.

Kudo Shinichi raised his head warily and looked around for the source of murderous aura. He saw most of the girls in the class staring at him silently, and there were even a few foreign students standing by the window.

...something's wrong.

This is going very wrong.

It is obvious that Kudou Shinichi is the most popular and handsome high school detective in Teitan Middle School. There were many beautiful girls writing love letters to him in the past few days... Why is it that when Jiang Xia comes to school, the world is different?

Although he was not angry, there were too many people glaring at him...

Kudo Shinichi measured his strength and silently closed his mouth.

Forget it, don't argue with your weak-hearted neighbor.

Maybe when Jiang Xia said that, he wasn't actually cheating on purpose, but was seeing an illusion...

Kudo Shinichi no longer thinks of one hundred thousand whys.

Jiang Xia spent a quiet day happily.

After returning home from school, he began to prepare tools that could be used to help Kinoshita Yoko search for people.

Jiang Xia's house is quite large, with several floors and a basement.

The layout is somewhat similar to the layout of Dr. Ali's house next door.

Dr. Ali lives up to his name, he is a weird inventor, and he is also Conan's golden finger provider - he makes everything like voice-changing bows, anesthesia watches, satellite sneakers, and football belts.

Next door is the Kudo Shin family.

Every time Jiang Xia passes by there and sees the house number with "Kudo" written on it, she feels that Jiang Xia's parents' luck is actually pretty good.

Kudo Shinichi’s father, Kudo Yusaku, is the IQ ceiling of this world.

And Jiang Xia and his wife have lived next to him for so many years, and their identities have not been revealed...

Jiang Xia thought about it carefully and felt that this was due to Jiang Xia's parents being away from home all year round, while Kudo Yusaku always stayed at home writing his mystery novels, so the social animal and the otaku rarely interacted.

Now that Jiang Xia's parents have ascended to heaven, and Kudo and his wife have gone to settle in the United States, Jiang Xia no longer has to worry about this problem.

However, there was Kudo Shinichi who was also an expert at stealing identities.

Fortunately, at present, Kudo Shinichi has not discovered that Jiang Xia is working for a strange organization.

This may also be the reason for the same style - Kudo Shinichi and Jiang Xia don't have much contact.

Jiang Xia Tongzhi is one year older than the high school protagonists. Later, due to various reasons, he was left one level when he entered higher school. He became a classmate in high school. He has not been classmates with the protagonists for a long time.

Both Jiang Xia and Jiang Xia Tongzhi were very skilled at skipping classes... Thinking of this, Jiang Xia was determined to maintain the fine tradition of skipping classes.

Jiang Xia went into the laboratory at home, found a few useful props, and changed into light clothes.

Then he put on a mask to cover his face, ran between Kinoshita Yoko's company and home, secretly diverted some power from the street lights, and installed several surveillance cameras.

After that, the conditions on those road sections began to be seamlessly broadcast live 24 hours a day at his home.

Three days later, in the evening, when Jiang Xia was pruning potted plants, the surveillance system made beeps.

It detected a specific picture.

Jiang Xia put down the scissors, called up the video playback, and saw a car with a unique color passing by the surveillance camera.

He zoomed in and took another look at the license plate and realized that this was his goal, so he packed up and got ready to start work.

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