Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 892 Rescue Messenger Please vote for me (`)

When he thought that things might fail, Vodka felt secretly regretful.

In order to make things develop in the direction he wanted to see, Vodka instinctively entered the thinking mode of the organizational cadre: thinking that if things were really like this, then he might be able to provide a little help to the agent...

After making this decision.

before taking action.

Vodka detected that he had "made a decision" and followed the course of action he had set for himself before, habitually examining his choice from the "Uzo perspective".

A second later, he was startled.

——If you really do it, you will become an accomplice! If you leave even the slightest trace, you will probably be arrested or wanted by the police immediately!

Vodka: "..." Just because of that greeting card, if I relaxed for a moment, I almost...

Cunning Uzo, he remembered this!

Vodka added a new note to the grudge book in his heart.

"..." Although he didn't know what the use of memorizing this would be, he would write it down anyway... Even if he couldn't get revenge, he could at least observe the pattern of Uzo's tricks on him, and he would be able to avoid them more easily and skillfully in the future. Open all possible death endings.

At the same time, Vodka stopped looking back and forth between Osamu Kenzaki and Atsushi Makuma. . .

He wiped away the dangerous thoughts he had just had, and sat quietly on the sofa, upright, pretending that he was nailed to the seat by an invisible nail.

——In this kind of chaotic scene, many things are done and many mistakes are made.

Now that it's out, it's too late to regret it. In short, you must be more awake and turn a blind eye to the various baits set by Uzo. Only in this way can we leave safely...

Others fail to notice vodka's complex psychological activities.

They were also shocked by the agent's reaction. They looked at the agent who was crying silently in surprise and didn't know what happened.

At this time, the door clicked - Hoshino Terumi came back after changing clothes.

She uncomfortably fiddled with the star tentacles above her head and took a few steps into the living room, only to find that the atmosphere was a little strange.

The agent was alerted by her entry.

He came back to his senses, raised his hand to wipe his eyes, and quickly returned to normal:

"Sorry, I have some trachoma, and I was exposed to oil smoke just now..." He raised his head and looked at the three idols in the living room who had changed into their gi uniforms. He cleared his throat and said nonchalantly, "Everyone is ready. Already?"

"Yeah." Choking from the oil smoke... Kinoshita Yoko didn't quite believe it.

But the person involved didn't want to say more, so she could only nodded along with the other person's topic, pretending that it didn't happen, and turned to look at the TV.

"Detective Zuomonji" is playing on the TV.

This episode happens to co-star Kaoru Kusano and Osamu Kenzaki, which is very memorable for today's engagement ceremony.

At the same time, Kaoru Kusano hid in the bathroom to take a shower because he was too embarrassed to watch the play he was starring in with acquaintances.

Now, the episode is almost over.

As a busy star, Kaoru Kusano also has a clock in her bathroom, and she knows it too.

That is to say...

"Xiao Xun should be out soon." Kinoshita Yoko said happily, "Let's start preparations now!"

Kenzaki Shu was not very interested in what happened next.

He turned to look at the TV screen, saw his heroic figure, and sighed quietly.

Afterwards, Osamu Kenzaki turned to Vodka, who was sitting next to him, and whispered to this "good brother" he had just met:

"These guys are not watching my drama at all - even though it is an old drama from a few years ago, it is still my favorite work, but today, it is just a tool used to take Xiaoxun away... Sigh , as expected, brothers are still reliable."

——Kenzaki Xiu remembered that Vodka had been looking at the TV screen a lot just now, probably because he was concentrating on admiring his acting skills.

Beside him, Vodka recalled the young and cute Kaoru Kusano who played Osamu Kenzaki's assistant on the screen. Then he thought about Kaoru Kusano, who was about to become Osamu Kenzaki's wife, who was not only cute but also a little more mature and sexy. Murderous thoughts surged in his heart, even more so than Gin who was catching an undercover agent.

However, I remembered what Kenzaki Shu said just now.

Vodka couldn't help but sneer happily in his heart.

He nodded and said meaningfully: "Of course I want to enjoy your show."... Until you were transformed from a passerby into a corpse prop in the shadow of Uzo, and then were carried away by the funeral parlor...

After thinking about the scene, Vodka felt much more comfortable. I even think Uzo is a lot more pleasing to the eye.

Calculating the time, Kaoru Kusano should be back soon.

Kinoshita Yoko began to distribute fireworks to everyone in the living room.

Vodka took one from her hand, with a happy blush on his face: he was a little reluctant to let it go, and wanted to pick it up as a souvenir... Following Uzo, although the burden on the cardiovascular system is greater, but now it seems that this is like It's the kind of game that's extremely difficult and rewarding. Every time you pass a life-and-death level, there are hidden rewards that are so wonderful that you want to keep moving forward...

As the TV series ended, a group of people in the living room gathered at the door holding fireworks, planning to give Kaoru Kusano a surprise when she walked in.

However, after waiting for a long time, the corridor was quiet and no one came at all.

Vodka: "..." I don't know whether to talk about it or not, he always has a bad feeling...

"Why haven't you come yet?" Yoko Kinoshita was puzzled for a moment, then poked Osamu Kenzaki, "Kusano Kaoru's fiancé", "Go over and have a look - Kaoru seemed a little angry when he left just now, maybe he is waiting for us. Go coax her."

At this time, it is actually more up to the women to urge him.

But they were all wearing the debut uniforms of the Earth Lady Team.

If Kaoru Kusano sees it, the carefully prepared "surprise" will be ruined.

After excluding them, among the remaining three men, Kenzaki Osamu, who is his fiancé, is of course the most suitable to seduce a woman who is taking a bath.

Kenzaki Xiu was startled and instinctively wanted to refuse.

But before he spoke, he thought of something and sighed: "Okay. I guess she is having trouble again... she has so many little tempers."

Vodka heard this intimate tone, his fingers trembled, and he almost scratched the salute gun in his hand.

He snorted coldly in his heart: This is called tsundere, one of Miss Axun’s shining points! An unappreciative bastard.

Cursing in his mind for a while, Vodka looked at Kenzaki Osamu walking towards the bathroom and was suddenly startled.

He remembered one of his many speculations just now - "Miss Axun who is alone will be poisoned, so she needs to keep an eye on the other two bad men."

Vodka: "..."

Seeing that Kenzaki Osamu is about to get the time to act alone.

Vodka struggled for a moment, and finally caught up with Kenzaki before he reached the corridor leading to the bathroom.

Originally, Vodka wanted to find an excuse like "going to the bathroom" to keep an eye on Kenzaki Shu.

However, halfway through the run, Vodka's heart skipped a beat when he saw the scene in the corridor.

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