Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 910 910【Good Colleague】

The badge is made of solid and thick material and looks like an egg with light blue stripes across its sides. Under the illumination of street lights at night, it shines with a delicate luster, giving people a sense of high-end silently.

Vodka glanced at it twice and thought it looked familiar.

Soon, he remembered: "This is the experience ticket for Sindora's game conference??"

Jiang Xia nodded, not looking surprised at all, as if today's party was not an engagement ceremony, but a place specially used to receive badges.

"Uzo"'s next mission target, the big fish that is about to be destroyed by the Dark Shark - Thomas Sindora, has recently successfully arrived in Japan from the United States and will appear at the game conference at the Mihua Municipal Building tomorrow. .

At that time, they will announce the world's first holographic game, "Cocoon".

In the venue, 50 game pods were arranged in advance for party participants to experience. In other words, there are only fifty places in the world.

At this time, the badge in Jiang Xia's hand was the qualification to experience the game cabin.

Most of these badges were issued to senior people with children. Kaoru Kusano gets this probably because she will be the face of the game in Japan. This press conference happened to be held in Japan.

But now, it seems that Kaoru Kusano just wants to get married and retire as soon as possible, so he gives away the badges casually. This may be because there is a "detective" element in the game, which can attract high school detectives like Jiang Xia. . I don’t know how she will deal with her future work... Fortunately, the problem is not big - if everything goes well, after tomorrow, this game will never be released again.

Of course, these are not the point.

The point is, with this badge, plus an admission invitation that is not difficult to get. Tomorrow, Jiang Xia can visit almost all areas of the game conference. He can enjoy this holographic game that is about to be out of print... No, he can collect more information as much as he wants. In this way, when plotting against Thomas Sindora, Naturally, it is also more convenient.

Vodka stared at the palm of Jiang Xia's hand, looking at the badge with a thick luster floating on it.

After being stunned for a moment, he suddenly remembered something.

He asked doubtfully: "Didn't Brother Gin give you one?"

"Only fifty badges are issued. No matter how concealed the transfer is in private, the source may be found out, especially if someone is paying attention deliberately." For example, some police officers in island countries who have a lot of free time, and some in the United States The FBI over there has a lot of connections, "In comparison..."

Jiang Xia raised the badge in his hand and admired it in the moonlight: "——Sure enough, this kind of thing obtained through one's own efforts is the most practical to use."

Although Ginjiu said: The badge he gave Jiang Xia came from a president who cooperated with the organization but did not know the actual situation of the organization - that president gave it to a veteran cadre of the organization. And the veteran cadres are reliable.

But Jiang Xia felt that the words "so-and-so is reliable" coming out of Ginjiu's mouth were not guaranteed at all, but rather something to be wary of.

Therefore, Jiang Xia had no intention of letting "Jiang Xia" use it from the moment he got the badge and invitation letter for the game conference from Gin.

He originally planned to get an invitation letter from elsewhere and sneak into the venue. Then let the puppet wear the badge given by the organization and try to see if it can pass the security check and experience the holographic game. If the puppet can't pass, it's not too late to run away. Anyway, what happened was a puppet, and it had nothing to do with his law-abiding nature.

But now, since he got the badge from Kaoru Kusano, he doesn't have to go to such trouble.

Next to him, Vodka listened silently for a while. He didn't hear anything else, but he could hear Jiang Xia's distaste for the badge given by the organization and its confidentiality.

Vodka glanced at Jiang Xia with complicated eyes: Other cadres have not disliked Wu Zuo, but Wu Zuo has begun to dislike others... What kind of world is this? The evil ones complain first...

"..." However, this also reflects that in some aspects, Uzo's caution is not inferior to that of Gin. Even more...

Thinking of this, Vodka sighed in disappointment.

——He prays every day that Uzo, a dangerous person, will cause trouble quickly, his identity will be exposed, and he will be arranged by the organization, so that this guy will not be able to harm innocent colleagues... But now it seems that even this little bit of simplicity The expectations seemed far away.

Um? Speaking of which...

Vodka suddenly had a question: "If you want to achieve your goal in today's matter, just bring someone who knows first aid. Why bring me here? - Although I can also deal with trauma, in this aspect, I can't Not a professional."

And just now, even though it was him who did the first aid, Miss Axun only gave Jiang Xia a gift... Thinking about it, Vodka was inevitably a little sad.

"Bringing someone here who is too professional makes it look like I knew that scene was going to happen in advance. That's not good." Jiang Xia sighed:

"And I don't know any members of the organization who specialize in medicine... If you are willing, you can help me introduce them. I will save them for backup - after all, important tasks are carried out in pairs, so it is formal enough. I know them There aren’t many people, so I have to bother you more to come over and support the scene.”

Vodka: "..."

Keep it as a spare?

Preparation for what? ?

Vodka didn't want to think about it.

At this time, all he could think about was "acting for the tiger": his vodka was the unlucky ghost. And the bastard tiger was lying next to him, poking him all the time, asking him to find a few more victims to kill him... Although Vodka was a little tempted, the thought of what if he was really in cahoots with Uzo, and then Gin was involved in the matter. Big brother knows...

Vodka snorted and didn't say a word. He firmly kept the contact information of other colleagues - it was rare to survive this time together, and he didn't want to fall short because of his loose mind after escaping countless death traps.

"Now that I've got the 'clean badge' you asked for, I should have nothing to do with you from now on." Vodka didn't want to stay with this dangerous person any longer. Without waiting for Jiang Xia to answer, he strode away, "I'm leaving. "

"Wait a minute." Jiang Xia reminded reluctantly, "When you go back, remember to use your current 'assistant' name and identity to redo a set of documents that can withstand inspection—there may be opportunities for cooperation in the future. .”

Vodka strode away without looking back.

...As for the documents?

He had already thought about it: burn it when he got back!

Then, as Uzo said, make a new set that will stand up to scrutiny.

"..." It's not to get up close and personal with idols like today.

But Vodka feels that as a hero, when faced with fear, you must not blindly choose to escape - it is useless.

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