Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 920 920 [The ghost hiding in the venue] Please vote for me (σ≧

Chapter 920 920 [The ghost hiding in the venue] Please vote for me (σ≧▽≦)σ

A year ago, Noah's Ark took the DNA tracing system and ran to find Hiroki Sawada's biological father, Nakabin Kenmura. I want this human being to make the truth known to the public.

However, Jiancun Zhongbin is a rigorous and rigid person. No matter what he does, he pays attention to evidence and organization.

So after receiving the situation, he did not act rashly. Instead, he first invited his college friend Kudo Yusaku to investigate the truth about Sawada Hiroki's death.

A year later, Yusaku Kudo and Nakabin Kenmura finally understood the reason why Sindora forced Hiroki Sawada to death.

Noah's Ark secretly observed all this, thinking that this matter could finally be settled.

Who knows, something unexpected happened:

After Jiancun Zhongbin obtained certain evidence, he did not directly announce it to the outside world.

Instead, he made an appointment with Sindora to talk alone, hoping to persuade Sindora to take the initiative to plead guilty at tonight's game conference.

...And the time the two of them had agreed to "talk alone". It's this evening, before the game launch.

In the banquet hall at this time.

Noah used its "eyes" to quietly peer into the real world, especially paying attention to Thomas Sindora's every move.

——I don’t know why. There is obviously not much evidence, but it feels extremely strongly that Xin Duola has murderous intentions. .

... Tonight, Sindora went to Jiancun Zhongbin's appointment, perhaps not to have a peaceful talk, but to kill the insider.

Noah: "..." Hiroki's biological father is about to die.

But if it finds a way to save it, whether it is using electronic equipment to attack Sindora or contacting other people present, it may expose the abnormality of the AI, which will lead to the suspension of tonight's "Cocoon" conference.

As a result, the selected fifty important children cannot enter its territory.

Noah's plan to "change Japan" may also be blocked and fail.


The two-year-old artificial intelligence took a closer look and firmly placed "changing Japan", a matter that inherited Hiroki Sawada's will, as the highest priority.

It originally planned to abandon Kenmura Nakabin.

But after seeing Jiang Xia, Noah's Ark's "eyesight" gradually focused on this person.

Although "Noah's Ark" miraculously possesses some of the human characteristics of growth.

But it, which was mostly composed of data, failed to see the ghosts around Jiang Xia through its inactive "eyes". Jiangxia's anomalies cannot be discovered intuitively.

However, the other half of the characteristics made Noah vaguely feel it.

——Jiang Xia's consciousness and body seem to be unsoundly combined.

...In layman's terms, other people's consciousness and body seem to be firmly cast together.

But Jiang Xia seems to be able to disassemble and assemble at any time...

The artificial intelligence stared at the young detective who occasionally walked past the surveillance screen.

Soon, it realized that it might be able to stop Sindora who wanted to kill Jian Cun Zhongbin without revealing its existence.

Noah slowly gathered the energy it could mobilize and calculated something quickly.

——It can try to pull Jiang Xia's consciousness out of that body.

Then he temporarily "borrowed" that body and used Jiang Xia's entity to save Jian Cun Zhongbin like he usually does to control characters in the consciousness space.

After that, as long as this body faints until the holographic game "Cocoon" starts playing, Noah thinks that he will not expose the abnormality of the AI, can successfully "change Japan", and will not have Sindora successfully silenced.

"..." I don't know if there is any risk to the consciousness of the detective who was pulled out of the body. After all, the detective is not in the "cocoon" now. There are no protective facilities and he can only pull hard.


The thought of Noah's Ark stirred slightly, and a massive data stream flashed through his eyes instantly.

——All are reports related to Jiangxia, as well as various other information.

This time, unlike those positive reports on solving crimes, there were also some news about beatings that had been suppressed or destroyed.

In addition, Jiang Xia seems to be connected to several encrypted accounts, and the owners of those accounts, as well as their extended contact networks... many are villains with heavy blood debts.

In short, this is far from the "good guy" in Noah's concept.

Noah thought with some seriousness: "..." He is indeed very different from Hiroki. At least in terms of how much they value "life", there is a huge difference.

...It is really difficult to treat these bad guys and good guys equally.

The light in Noah's eyes faded.

While the information is settling, it has also made a decision.

in the corridor.

When Jiang Xia was still a few steps away from the banquet hall, he suddenly felt that strange jellyfish-like smell that suddenly became stronger - like a pile of jellyfish pieces that were originally very broken, suddenly piled together, and began to cause Ready to move for the same purpose.

While he was concentrating on the feeling, a gust of wind suddenly spun up from the safety lamp at his feet and blew diagonally upward.

Jiang Xia instinctively took a step forward as if being pushed by the strong draft.

After a moment, he came back to his senses, stabilized his body, looked back and forth, and frowned slightly:

——This corridor is adjacent to the banquet hall, almost in the middle of the entire first floor, far away from the windows. And there are no air outlets at the front or rear.

So...where does the wind come from?

...Is it related to those strange jellyfish skins that suddenly gathered together?

Jiang Xia: "..." Speaking of which, after the wind blew, the breath that suddenly became active was suddenly gone. The jellyfish seemed to poke their heads out for a moment, and then shrank back in seconds... What were they doing out there?

Just as he was a little confused, the ghosts around him suddenly started to stir.

Jiang Xia looked down and suddenly realized something was wrong.

He counted carefully with trembling heart...

——Two ghosts are missing.

...Miyano Akemi and Matsuda Jinpei, who were sitting on his shoulders before, disappeared at some point.

Jiang Xia: "...??"

...His ghost!

...They are still the two most human-like! !

After discovering that the ghosts disappeared out of thin air, Jiang Xia immediately activated the contract to try to take them back to the seal space.

However, it failed.

Sending instructions is like walking through some long and complicated passage, blocked by invisible barriers on the way. Those usual exchanges and interactions slowly faded away.

"..." The only gratifying thing is that judging from the completeness of the contract, the two ghosts are currently in good condition. It seems that they are only temporarily trapped, rather than entering some terrifying "Ghost Fetal Meat Grinder" or other devices. .

In addition, it seems that because of his ghost and contract bond, he was involved in strange places at the same time.

Those abnormalities that were still vague before now gradually became clearer in Jiang Xia's eyes.

He frowned and thought for a moment, then quickly walked towards the banquet hall without staying where he was.

"..." The ghost must be found.

But before that, we need to take some measures to cut off our worries.

After all, when it comes to finding someone, the most taboo thing is for Calabash Boys to save grandpa and send them off one by one...

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