Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 927 927 [Please be more serious about fishing]

Noah: "..." Although I don't know why, Jiang Xia and the body look different... but now is not the time to dwell on these details.

Just now, Noah re-mobilized his "senses" outside. However, he was unable to determine where the body was.

Time was running out. Instead of searching aimlessly, it quickly felt that it was better to show weakness to the enemy first and give Jiang Xia the illusion that "Noah's Ark has been completely suppressed."

After that, as long as he keeps an eye on Jiang Xia's whereabouts and notes his path back to his body... he can truly find the opportunity to take over that body.

in the corridor.

Jiang Xia looked at the two ghosts that suddenly grew in size, and led them out of the dilapidated corridor unaccustomedly.

The atmosphere here is eerie, with dim yellow sconces hanging on the walls, and the ceiling is mottled and peeling off as if soaked in water. On both sides of the corridor, there are some decorative cabinets, paintings, and curtains at intervals.

Jiang Xia walked for a while and suddenly felt a strong sense of déjà vu.

——It’s like playing some immersive escape room game.

For example, the faded painting on the wall gradually becomes lighter in color from the upper right to the lower left. Corresponding its changes with the broken marks on the stairs leading to the second floor, we can probably piece together a rugged code. Behind the curtain on the left, there may be a secret compartment hidden. The way to open the secret compartment is to move a few branches to the same uneven angle, then open the cabinet and find the clue to go out...

Just as I was thinking about it, there was a sudden "click" in front of me. .

Turning around, he saw Jinpei Matsuda coming to the end of the corridor. He reached out and turned the doorknob, and the door opened with a sound.

Dirty air with a chemical smell came in. The wind also blew in, lifting the curtains that Jiang Xia was watching just now. A mottled decorative wall was exposed behind the curtain, and there was no such thing as a hidden grid.

Jiang Xia: "..."

The two ghosts came to the door, confirmed that it was safe, and looked back at Jiang Xia, wanting to ask him where to go.

However, when he turned around, he saw the master of the spiritual medium staring at them with a complicated expression.

Miyano Akemi and Matsuda Jinpei: "...?"

Although they didn't know what was happening... after hesitating for a moment, they tentatively tried to retreat back into the house.

Jiang Xia waved his hand and drove the ghost back to the street.

He also walked out.

Jiang Xia: "..."

...The AI ​​Noah is too straight when it comes to catching fish.

To let them leave so easily. What if someone is more cautious and doesn't dare to go out? The scene clearly looks like an escape room...

However, if you think about it carefully, you can understand it.

Hiroki Sawada sounds like a child without a childhood. The artificial intelligence created based on his thinking and memory would probably not have any childhood.

Even if Noah wants to take time out to play games, in its eyes, those "puzzles" are probably just a bunch of data that can be seen through at a glance. And if Noah cannot experience the fun of the game, he will naturally not understand the meaning of the game. Therefore, when building a space, this kind of interesting puzzle will not be introduced...

In short, it’s all Noah’s problem.

The opponent's preparation is too rough, and it is meaningless to compete with the air.

Jiang Xia sighed softly, no longer thinking about this, and looked up at a carriage on the other side of the road.

He vaguely felt the way to the outside world.

——This carriage is probably a "teleport point" for leaving.

Noah probably wanted to use the basic principle that "the player can find a way out after defeating the boss" to get past it. But it forgot that he was not a good planner serving customers' wallets, but a villain who suddenly snatched ghosts...

Jiang Xia waved her hand indifferently: "Let's go, get in the car."

When the old coachman saw them approaching, he jumped down from the carriage, held down his hat, bowed deeply, and raised the curtains for them. Looks like a conscientious service worker.

Jiang Xia glanced at him, and soon, three "people" entered the car.

The wheels roll forward.

In Jiang Xia's perception, the outside space is getting closer and closer.

The tattoo space was left on the body by him and was not taken away. Consciousness instinctively follows the mark and is pulled there.

The moment he completely left Noah's consciousness and was exposed to the air.

Jiang Xia quickly took back the two ghosts and changed his direction slightly.

——He did not return to his body the way he came, but plunged to another place.

When Jiang Xia opened his eyes again, the calm water beneath him was once again rippled by his steps.

But this is different from the "London" street in Noah's space just now.

This time, what Jiang Xia stepped on was no longer the dirty water on the street.

But a large expanse of clear blue water.

——He stood in the middle of a "sea".

Artificial ghosts can create consciousness spaces, and psychics can of course also have them.

This is the outer layer of the pattern space.

If the pattern space is compared to the earth, then the place Jiang Xia is stepping on now is like the atmosphere surrounding it. It's just that compared to the "atmosphere", this place is more like a piece of water.

It can protect the soul's memory and consciousness to a certain extent, as well as the murderous aura and ghosts piled up in the pattern space, which is equivalent to covering the pattern space with a protective film.

According to Noah, even the "path" to this protective layer is very complicated.

Jiang Xia: "..." From the current point of view, Noah's abilities will be weakened a lot in the real world. Even judging from the fact that it caught the wrong ghost just now without realizing anything was wrong and brought the ghost directly back to its base camp, it can be said that it is like a blind man.

So now, Noah should only be able to follow his breath and run straight towards this space. Even if it goes slightly off track, it will gradually be pulled back by gravity after getting closer. However, it may take some time for it to find its way.

...Speaking of which, Jiang Xia thought, this ghost is really brave. He wanted to snatch his body as soon as he came up.

And judging from what Noah said before, this artificial AI seems to have not realized that it has some "human" characteristics, nor does it understand these unscientific things.

"..." Sawada Hiroki is really a genius across the ages. He can create a complete artificial intelligence at the age of ten. Moreover, this AI has emotions, will, thoughts, and can even grow... It is said to be a human, but it is. Not too different.

And since it has the characteristics of a ghost, it also masters interesting holographic games. For a psychic, it is impossible not to be curious about this "ghost"...

In addition, if left unchecked, no one knows how much influence the fake ghost with this "growable" characteristic will have on his peaceful ghost-picking life in the future.

Jiang Xia thought with a sense of crisis - the ghost that could steal him now might steal it with him one day in the future, so he couldn't turn a blind eye to it.

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