Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 932 932 [Fake ghost’s intuition] More updates to the leader [Super

Chapter 932 932 [Fake Ghost’s Intuition] Additional update to Alliance Leader [Super Invincible Tyrannosaurus God of War]

Next to Haihara Ai.

Jiang Xia casually took a piece of cookie and nibbled on it, looking at the other corner of the banquet hall.

There, Thomas Sindora was chatting quietly with several celebrities.

Jiang Xia lowered her gaze slightly and landed on his lap, where she saw a shikigami, which looked steaming hot and quite fresh.

Jiang Xia: "..." Taking action so soon?

Just as he was thinking about it, he paused slightly while chewing the biscuits.

——The pattern space was slightly fluctuating, as if something was sticking to the outside without restraint, scratching his barrier.

Jiang Xia: "..."

He looked around calmly and found some soft and comfortable single sofas placed in the corner.

So I walked closer, intending to pick one and hang up against it.

On the way, when passing by a bronze statue, Jiang Xia saw Kudo Yusaku surrounded by fans.

Jiang Xia simply nodded to the Riddler writer and said hello.

Then without looking any further, he quickly found an inconspicuous sofa and sat down.

After creating a comfortable hang-up environment for the main body.

Jiang Xia let the shikigami fly out of him, passed through the wall behind him, and came to an empty room next door, where he piled up puppet clay. .

After that, Jiang Xia looked at the ghost beside him and decisively threw Matsuda Jinpei over, using it as a vest.

Although Matsuda Jinpei had just experienced a magical adventure with Miyano Akemi and theoretically needed a rest.

But just now, when she left the lounge, Jiang Xia had already fed the ghosts with the murderous aura that had been fired but not used. The working ghosts had already been resurrected with full health.

And in this kind of organization-related situation, if puppets are to be used, it is indeed safest to use Matsuda Jinpei.

After all, currently, only the Matsuda puppet has the status of an "organization member" and is an officially certified Uzo stand-in.

Both the shikigami and the puppet squeezed through the wall and reached the empty room next door.

Jiang Xia glanced at the relatively safe banquet hall, threw the main body on the sofa and hung up.

His consciousness skillfully passed through the wall and attached to the Matsuda Jinping puppet - in his script, his real name is "Nishito" and his pseudonym is "Kurosawa Zuo". He has been in a wealthy family, dug mines, and entered the army. Circus, "Fake Uzo" who has a set of legendary life experiences.

As soon as he arrived, the surrounding space fluctuated, and something was spit out from the conscious space.

——That's a ghost, it smells like a ghost fetus. It drew an arc in the air and fell to the ground.

Jiang Xia drove Matsuda Jinpei's puppet, pushed up the sunglasses on the bridge of his nose, looked at the "ghost", and paused slightly.

"..." A normal ghost fetus usually looks like a Q version of its pre-life state.

But this thing in front of me is probably "Noah"...

I don't know if it's because it's half a fake ghost, but now it looks like a round ball of air with a small tail. It was like a large pile of transparent fragments, brought together by strange forces, and finally kneaded into this shape like dough.

Jiang Xia: "..."

It looks a little strange.

But now, since Noah has an "entity", it is much easier to catch than the data flow just now...

The new ghost has just been spit out. It was lying on the ground, as if there were two coils of mosquito coils in front of its eyes, and it seemed that it had not yet recovered from some terrible experience.

Jiang Xia walked over, squatted down and poked it.

When he found that the new ghost didn't respond, he couldn't help but pat it like a rubber ball.

The ghost is like a pudding that has been bombarded with bullets. After playing it a few times, it suddenly wakes up.

It seemed as if it had finally recovered from a nightmare. First it opened its bean-like eyes and looked around at the real world blankly.

Then he remembered something, jumped up suddenly, and bumped into the TV next to him.

... Before she could touch him, Miss Spider lifted up her spider legs and crossed her legs, pushing her back to the ground.

After some indescribable processing. Although Noah is still a fake ghost, now, it is closer to other ghosts than artificial intelligence.

The air mass ghost struggled hard and squirmed towards the TV.

Although it feels very confused about the current situation. However, after all, he was once a sane artificial intelligence, and Noah quickly remembered business.

——It stretched out a short hand and banged against the TV.

The TV turned on in response, and successfully connected to the camera that was originally prohibited from access.

Soon, a picture appeared on the screen.

——What the camera is facing seems to be the computer room in the basement.

A man fell on the office chair, covered in blood, and his chest had stopped rising and falling.

——This is Kenmura Nakabin, the head of research and development of the holographic game "Cocoon".

At the same time, he is also the biological father of Hiroki Sawada.

Jiang Xia: "..." In other words, after discovering Sindora's secret, he did not announce it to the public, but made an appointment to have a private chat with the other party in a deserted place. He is probably the grandfather of Noah's Ark?

Noah looked at the screen, paused for a moment, and slowly collapsed to the ground, looking like an upside-down transparent pudding.

Xiaobai looked at it and thought of something. He wiped the corners of his mouth greedily and secretly extended his hand to Noah.


Jiang Xia held down the little devil who was about to move.

He glanced at the scene on the TV screen, and then looked at Noah, who had a good hand: "You caught me just now, do you want me to help you save him?"

"...So be it. He is me...he is Hiroki's father. But they separated when Hiroki was very young."

Noah looked at the corpse on the screen with complicated eyes.

Maybe it was because he found that he couldn't run away, or maybe it was what happened just now that hurt his young heart. Seeing that the matter was settled, Noah lay down under Miss Spider's legs and gave up struggling.

Like those criminals who failed to commit crimes, it murmured in a low voice: "Originally, I prioritized him after using 'cocoon' to 'change Japan'. But just now, I saw you - your body It seems that the combination with consciousness is not so close, so..."

As Noah was talking, he looked at Jiang Xia, suddenly noticed something, and stopped talking.

"..." Maybe it's something like soul fragments, gathered too much. Even though he is a synthetic fake ghost, Noah actually has some talent as a real ghost.

It vaguely developed a bit of ghost instinct. At this time, it looked at Jiang Xia from a close distance and gradually became aware of the concept of "spiritual medium".

Noah asked hesitantly: "You...can you fulfill my wish?"

Jiang Xia lowered his head and looked at the ghost that looked like the smoke from Aladdin's lamp, but more moist. For the first time, he felt that the topic of "wishes" was a bit strange.

... He quickly put away his messy thoughts and nodded: "If you are willing to sign the contract honestly. Within your ability, yes."

Can consider it……

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