Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 938 938 [Another Badge]

While watching the children lining up to enter, Mao Lilan saw a figure and was suddenly startled.

She murmured in confusion: "Conan? Isn't he not interested in games?"...He ran in to play anyway, looking very anxious.

Suzuki Sonoko saw her worried look and smiled.

She took off the egg-shaped badge on her chest and put it generously into Mao Lilan's hand:

"Go! Of course the guardian must fulfill his duty of 'taking care of the naughty child' - I don't have the patience to do this kind of thing. I leave this glorious mission to you."

Mao Lilan was startled. She was no longer a child, so of course she knew how precious this badge was, so she instinctively wanted to refuse.

——Although Yuanzi said that she "doesn't like to play", something just happened told Mao Lilan: There must be many people who say "don't like to play" but actually charge into the game as soon as they see the game experience activated. ...For example, Conan just now. the garden in front of me?

"I'm different from that duplicitous brat!" Suzuki Sonoko noticed her confusion and patted her on the shoulder, "I'm really not interested in games at all - okay, go, it's going to start soon. .”

Mao Lilan heard her confident tone and accepted the badge.

She waved goodbye to Suzuki Sonoko and entered the stage where the cocoons were placed.

Suzuki Sonoko watched her enter the venue, yawned, and planned to go to the banquet hall to chat with Jiang Xia and relax while the little light bulbs were gone. There was no handsome guy in the game to be eye-catching. Moreover, Jiang Xia seems to be getting busier and busier recently, and there are fewer opportunities to travel together...

With this in mind, she planned to head to the venue.

However, as soon as he turned around, Suzuki Sonoko suddenly saw a familiar figure heading straight to the game hall. .

——Jiang Xia walked straight to the stage entrance, showed his badge, then passed through the electronic door and sat in the "cocoon" on the stage.

Suzuki Sonoko looked at this scene from a distance and was stunned for a moment: "?!"

...Wait a minute, do you all want to go in and play?

... Then isn’t she the only one left outside? ?

Suzuki Sonoko: "..."

She had already conducted a survey just now. There were some handsome guys at the banquet this time, but most of them were still in elementary school, or their sons were in elementary school...

But now, most of the people she knew were sitting in the game cabin, and now she was left alone outside as a beautiful girl... Did she want to chat with Dr. A Li? !

In Suzuki Sonoko's heart, an unwilling thunder struck.

She was holding on to the railing, looking eagerly at the lucky tourists sitting in the "cocoons" one after another on the stage, and she was a little tearful.

After crying for a while, some kind of radar suddenly moved slightly and vaguely captured something.

Suzuki Sonoko turned her head in confusion.

I saw a handsome young man standing a few meters away. The man was wearing a black suit, sunglasses of the same color, and had naturally curly hair. He doesn't look like a good person, but...

Very handsome.

Suzuki Sonoko: "..." No, no, no, that's not the point.

The key point is that the handsome guy has an egg-shaped badge on his chest - he is actually qualified to experience it.

Moreover, the young man did not queue up, and did not seem to intend to play with a group of children.

Suzuki Sonoko looked at the handsome guy from the sky, then looked at the badge on his chest, and suddenly an idea flashed: "!"

She hesitated for a moment, moved over little by little, cleared her throat as if nothing had happened, raised her finger and pointed to the field: "Well, why don't you go and play? The game will start soon."

The man turned to look at her.

Then, as if he could read her mind, he took off the badge and put it in her hand: "It's for you."

Suzuki Sonoko: "!"

This is lucky too! I happened to meet a calm and handsome guy who had a badge but didn't want to play games...

She looked at the curly-haired man's face and originally wanted to reserve his contact information and repay him later.

But then I thought about it: Today’s visitors have all been registered. There is still a chance for a "chance encounter", but the game is about to start - although you can buy a game cabin and connect with friends in the future, the first wasteland experience is still somewhat different. This is the time when it’s easiest to have your heart beat faster and leave a lasting memory!

"Then I'll go." Suzuki Sonoko trotted towards the stage. On the way, she turned around and waved to the curly-haired man in black, "Thank you!"

Suzuki Sonoko quickly walked through the electronic door and sat in the last empty "cocoon" before the time limit.

Behind her, Jiang Xia drove Matsuda Jinpei's puppet and pushed up the sunglasses on the bridge of his nose to hide his merit and fame.

"..." It's all here, there's no need to waste the badges you got from the organization - the puppet certainly doesn't need this kind of thing. After signing Noah, he can take the ghost in for a walk at any time.

At present, it seems that there is indeed no mark on the badge. Even if it is a badge given by the organization, it will not cause trouble.

Even if someone wants to investigate, and really finds something... Suzuki Sonoko's identity is very innocent, and further investigation will only lead to the head of the Matsuda puppet.

And "Kurosawa Zuo", the non-existent man in black, was originally born to take the blame. A mere new pot is nothing.

Jiang Xia: "..." Having said that, the badge given by the organization may not necessarily lead to overturning.

Maybe Gin didn't make a mistake this time and really chose a safe and reliable source of badges.

Jiang Xia drove the puppet and handed out badges to Suzuki Sonoko, who often invited him to hang out, and ended the spiritual medium's repayment.

Then he avoided the cameras on the passage, came to a place where no one was around, dispersed the puppets, and returned his consciousness to his original body.

The main body is sitting in the "cocoon" at this time.

The shape of the "cocoon" is like an egg opened from the middle. Inside are various instruments and soft seats.

When the game starts later, everyone realizes that after entering the game, all the pictures displayed to the outside world will be decided by Noah. And it will only be played once and will not be leaked.

Overall, this game is very confidential.

The main body stays in the "cocoon", just in time to distance itself from everything that is about to happen outside.

Before the game ends, "Jiang Xia" will have a solid alibi. "..." However, speaking of this, calculate the time and speed up the exit of "Jack the Ripper" at that time, so as not to delay the organizational task of "trailing Sindora".

Soon, as everyone entered the "cocoon", the equipment started and the eggshells slowly closed.

Next to Jiang Xia, the interface suddenly moved.

He looked around casually and found that Noah squeezed out. The round body was first squeezed into a bunch, and then ejected, re-expanding into a round ball.

There was a hint of excitement in Noah's voice, like a child pretending to be calm when facing his favorite game.

He solemnly said: "Everything is ready!"

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