Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 955 Hidden Boss

Jiang Xia still looks like his soul now, which is different from the "Jiang Xia Tongzhi" that players are usually familiar with.

Just now, players had only seen "Professor Moriarty" from a distance on the second floor of the coffee shop next to the crime scene of "Jack the Ripper". At that time, the window had not been wiped specially, and it was covered with a thin layer of dust and a little reflective.

So now, when players first see someone coming, it is difficult to recognize them.

However, Suzuki Sonoko had no worries about this aspect at all: "You are..." She was startled, and she recognized him quickly, and said in surprise, "You are the mysterious person on the second floor of the coffee shop!"

——When she first entered the game, Suzuki Sonoko listened to Conan Haibara Ai's analysis, and the impression that "the mysterious man is the player's helper" still remains in her mind.

"Good evening, lovely lady." Jiang Xia acquiesced to Suzuki Sonoko's words. He took off his hat, turned it over and pressed it on his chest, and bowed slightly and slightly, with a hint of reserve that an elder should have in his politeness.

Then he handed the hat to Miyano Akemi who came up to him. He ignored the chaos in the poker club and walked slowly to the long table, turned around and sat down.

Under the gaze of the players who were either nervous or excited.

"Moriarty" raised his head, looked at the group of strong NPCs surrounding the player, and said with a smile: "It's guest time. If you stay here, you will only disturb my rare guests."

"I'm very sorry, let's leave now." The strong men bowed deeply, as if they were quite afraid of causing the boss's dissatisfaction.

Soon, they exited the house neatly, and the last one to leave picked up the kicked-off door from the ground and installed it with a click, showing great dedication.

After the rest of the crowd left.

Jiang Xia looked at Conan, her eyes fell on the wine bottle he held high, and he knocked on the solid wood table with his fingers, and said kindly: "Okay, please return the wine. An excellent guest should not destroy the owner's belongings—— That's a fine wine carefully selected by Moran, don't break her heart."

Noah mingled among the players. Hearing this, he looked at the wine bottle and felt a little sad: It was obviously the wine he had worked overtime to make, and the taste was tailor-made for Jiangxia. It was just what he wanted... No, this is not what he meant. , this is called the blood and sweat of working ghosts...

Conan did not notice the fleeting complex expression of "Hideki Morohoshi".

His attention at this time was all focused on the black-haired young man who suddenly appeared at the table.

Conan: "..." Although the other party hasn't reported his name yet. But regardless of the plot, or the attitude of Colonel Moran and those thugs...

Conan couldn't help but a name popped into his mind.


"..." If this is really the case, then this "criminal mentor" is too young. Without that mature attire, he seemed to be classified into the category of "you will be asked to show your ID when you enter a bar"... Conan couldn't help but secretly wonder: Why did Dad and Dr. Ari design such a young "Mo Professor Riati" comes out?

Or maybe this is the setting for Noah's Ark?

What's the purpose of this?

Conan thought as he jumped off the table with the bottle in his arms and walked carefully towards Moriarty.

But in the end, he failed to get close to the young professor - "Colonel Moran" stood in front of him, blocking his approach, and took the bottle of red wine from Conan's hand.

Conan hesitated between "shamelessly getting closer and observing" and "since there are not many people, it's better to be patient", and finally chose the latter.

——If it was really just a game, or if he was the only one in the game, he might risk trying the former.

But now, clearing this game is related to the lives of at least 50 people...

Conan glanced at the gun on Miyano Akemi's waist and said nothing.

After passing the wine, he walked to the stool on the other side of the long table, jumped on it and sat down. He and "Professor Moriarty" looked at each other across the long table, thinking secretly.

Across the table, Miyano Akemi picked up the bottle of wine and glanced at Jiang Xia, a little hesitant.

"..." Although she is dead, because she has a sister who is also underage, Miyano Akemi always feels that she should not drink if she is under 20 years old.

But then I thought about it, we are in a game anyway, and drinking too much will not harm your liver or brain. And in reality, psychic masters often wear vests to buy wine, and they can’t stop them...

After a second, she silently opened the bottle cap and let the wine flow into the glass in a polite manner.

Jiang Xia watched this scene with satisfaction.

He picked up the wine glass, looked at it, smelled it, and finally took a slow sip.

Then, under the anxious gazes of the players but afraid to speak directly, he looked at them leisurely: "What do you want from me?"

Conan said as tactfully as possible: "Did you deliberately put Jack the Ripper on the street to cause chaos?"

"That's right." Jiang Xia put down his wine glass and glanced at the players with interest. He remembered Kudo Yusaku's appearance and smiled mysteriously at Conan, "But it's not entirely true."

Originally, in Kudo Yusaku's setting, "Jack the Ripper" was a perverted nobleman who was dying. Players and Holmes will work together to find him and successfully pass the level when the noble confesses before his death.

…But now, this is Noah’s playbook.

In this game, in addition to "wanting to restart Japan", Noah also has another purpose - he wants to expose the fact that "Sindora is a descendant of 'Jack the Ripper'".

Therefore, the character "Jack the Ripper" in the game has undoubtedly become a top priority.

Therefore, Noah specially made a new set for him.

"Jack is a genius."

Jiang Xia recalled the settings in the game and slowly leaned back on the chair. He rested his elbows on the armrests of the chair, crossed his fingers in front of him, and showed a nostalgic expression as he was remembering something, "He was a street kid I picked up in the slums."

Conan, Mao Lilan, Suzuki Sonoko: "..."

…Looking at a face that’s about the same age as them, speaking in the tone of “a grandpa who adopted a troubled child,” I always feel a slight sense of dislocation.

But they dared not say it.

This is obviously Moriarty's home turf.

If because of "questioning the professor's age and experience", "Colonel Moran" with unknown force value was offended, and their group was wiped out here, things would be in trouble - in my impression. When they were fighting just now, Colonel Moran did not take action and just watched leisurely.

Explained in terms of the game, the players secretly thought: This "Colonel Moran", who is said to have extremely high strength, is probably a hidden boss.

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