Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 80 The qualities a passer-by should have

Suzuki Sonoko looked at Conan and Mao Lilan, who were stunned, at Toru Amuro, who was frowning in thought, and finally at Jiang Xia, whose eyes were a little hollow and seemed to be distracted, and then turned back to the strange woman in front of him.

She hesitated and said: "...h-hello?"

Suzuki Sonoko's ride was relatively stable and she didn't run around on the Shinkansen. She missed the opportunity to see the anonymous person, so she couldn't identify the person in front of her with the original "martyr who jumped off the train."

But Suzuki Sonoko still felt keenly that the atmosphere was a bit strange - Mao Lilan and Conan were just short of writing an exclamation mark above their heads, and Jiang Xia's boss also seemed a little wary, and his eyes were much sharper than before.

Only Jiang Xia was normal... No, it couldn't be considered normal. Jiang Xia didn't seem to be too sleepy. Her eyes were slightly slower than usual. But this probably has little to do with Anonymous. Since yesterday, Jiang Xia only felt energetic for a short while when she first saw them, and then she always looked sleepy.

When Suzuki Sonoko tried to talk to Anonymous, Amuro Toru watched from the sidelines vigilantly.

As a well-informed intelligence officer, he certainly knew what happened on the Shinkansen that day.

It is a very rare sight for gin to be suppressed. Fortunately, the transaction partner was not an important person. After being arrested, he was unable to provide much information to the police and did not cause any losses to the organization.

But for the organization members in Tokyo, this is still a rare piece of gossip.

Of course, while gossiping, you should also continue to investigate. The boss believes in Gin's ability, so he takes this matter very seriously.

However, intelligence officers were sent out in batches, but no one could find any useful information - it was very simple to find the person who took away the bomb, but further down, nothing could be found.

There are some vague records of Anonymous's appearances on the black market, but after further investigation, they found that the identity Anonymous used at the time was also a fake. This person seemed to have appeared out of thin air, leaving no trace at all.

Toru Amuro tried to check within the police, but only found anonymous alarm records, but could not find out the identity of the other party.

However, through the incident of calling the police and the anonymous reporting of bombs, we can barely see her stance - she likes money, does not like to affect innocent people, and seems to be much kinder than the members of the organization.

So later on, Toru Amuro didn't pursue it any further. And to be honest, I don’t have any clues, and I can’t investigate even if I want to.

However, Toru Amuro didn't expect that when he was just taking his apprentice on a business trip, he would actually run into this mysterious person that the police and the organization could not find, and he would take the initiative to talk to him.

Toru Amuro couldn't help but glance at Jiang Xia and recalled a series of cases that Jiang Xia had encountered. Could this new apprentice really have some strange magnet physique...

Toru Amuro once browsed the anonymous photos secretly taken by passengers and found that Anonymous and Miyano Akemi looked similar.

But Miyano Akemi is indeed dead, and now, standing face to face, Toru Amuro is even more convinced that Miyano Akemi and Anonymous have very different auras and are completely two different people.

He shook off the strange sense of sight and tried to talk to Anonymous, trying to get some information.

However, there was no response from Anonymous, as if except for Suzuki Sonoko, everything else was just air.

Suzuki Sonoko was being stared at by Anonymous, and she gradually blushed. According to her understanding, by staring at others so directly, could it be that the woman in front of her wanted to date her?

Suzuki Sonoko sighed inwardly. Today she obviously came to catch a handsome guy. Unexpectedly, she didn't catch the handsome guy, but she caught a beautiful sister. Although, but...well, actually, it's not impossible...

Suzuki Sonoko covered her face, hesitated shyly, and prepared to nod.

But suddenly I heard an anonymous voice whisper: "Have you heard of a rumor?"

Suzuki Sonoko was stunned: "Huh?"

Anonymous curled her lips and smiled faintly: "A year ago, on the way to the beach restaurant." She pointed to the restaurant on the mountain in the distance, "A woman with dyed hair was robbed and killed by a murderer, stabbed twenty-seven times in the abdomen. , all the internal organs were turned out.

"That case has not been solved yet. The undead have been lingering here. If a similarly young woman with dyed hair took a camera and went to that restaurant to take pictures, the photos would show the woman's tragic death."

"!!" Mao Lilan felt that her scalp was about to explode, and she hid behind Jiang Xia and Suzuki Sonoko.

Toru Amuro: "..." I originally thought that Anonymous was going to say something big, but I didn't expect that the first thing he said was feudal superstition...

He spoke decisively, breaking the terrifying atmosphere exaggerated by the anonymity: "There are no ghosts in the world, and those 'supernatural photos' on the Internet are all synthetic fake photos."

"It's not important." Anonymous shook his head slightly, still looking at Suzuki Sonoko, "What's important is that you are being watched."

Suzuki Sonoko's throat moved, and she swallowed in horror: "W-what?!"

Just at this moment, two passers-by passed by.

Passerby A muttered in response: "Did you hear that something was found next to the tram track again?"

Passerby B obviously didn’t have much information and didn’t know what riddle his friend was asking: “What is that?”

"Corpse! Corpse!" Passerby A said a little scared, "The mutilated corpse of the woman with dyed hair!"

Toru Amuro and Conan: "..."

They stared at the two passers-by suspiciously, wondering if they were extras hired by Anonymous.

Jiang Xia, who was driving the Puppet, couldn't help but glance over there. The two big brothers were too cooperative.

Of course Jiang Xia did not hire anyone. This was purely a coincidence that often happened to Emperor Ou. It was just that the timing was too coincidental, but it seemed a bit fake...


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