Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 975 The game ends. Please vote for me (〃)

Conan couldn't help but touch his chin, feeling slightly anxious: Could it be that the "terms" were actually some kind of hypnosis supplemented by electric current, which would prevent him from telling the news that Noah wanted him to hide after signing it? !

...No wonder Noah said he was going to "self-destruct" and at the same time invited him to "see you in the next game", as if he was looking forward to the future.

Conan: "..." There is such a terrifying technology.

And since Noah has that "Z" mark. It means that it is already a member of the "Anonymous Organization"... Now it seems that the "Anonymous Organization" has no less black technology than the black organization.

Another example: People from the black organization seemed to have been killed by bombs. The anonymous lady has experienced bombs, jumping off buildings, and car accidents... without any injuries.

By the way, speaking of Anonymous...

Conan suddenly remembered another thing.

He looked at Kudo Yusaku opposite and said tentatively: "Before Noah disappeared, he said that he wanted to 'thank Anonymous for helping him plan this action.'"

Conan: "!"...You can say this!

Although it sounds like this, Anonymous and Noah are not accomplices, but have a relationship like a client... But at least the incident this time is related to Anonymous.

"Anonymous?" Kudo Yusaku frowned slightly and repeated the name in a low voice, "It's the mysterious person you mentioned who likes to trouble the black organization every now and then and occasionally rescues high school students. It is said that he is 'ubiquitous and omniscient' organize?"

... Kudo Yusaku had heard of this organization, but was not impressed.

Anonymous people rarely leave traces in society. They always appear briefly and disappear suddenly.

If they hadn't been shy about calling themselves "Anonymous," this might even be a mysterious organization deeper than the "Black Organization."

"..." No, strictly speaking, it is deeper than the black organization - Kudo Yusaku thought of his friends who worked in the FBI and Interpol.

I have the impression that many state agencies have actually paid attention to the existence of "black organizations" and even placed undercover agents among them.

But anonymous...

At least so far, I have never heard of anyone successfully entering this organization undercover, and there is not much accurate information about it.

This is of course related to the fact that the "Anonymous Organization" has been active for a short time and has caused relatively little social harm. But now, this low-key organization can actually live in harmony with advanced artificial intelligence. It sounds like he directly planned this shocking kidnapping of players...

"I will pay more attention to their intelligence in the future." Kudo Yusaku thought for a moment and looked at Conan - he always felt that his son seemed to be shocked just now, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Just as he was about to ask, Conan spoke first and asked the question he had been curious about all night:

"By the way, who did you create the 'Professor Moriarty' in the copy as a prototype? Why did you deliberately make it look like a young man? And the 'Colonel Moran' who even changed his gender... …”

"Those two NPCs are not our original characters. They were probably added in by Noah without authorization." Yusaku Kudo touched his chin, "Since you said that Noah is related to 'Anonymous', then maybe those two NPCs are also related to them - don't you think that 'Colonel Moran' has a very similar temperament to 'Miss Anonymous' who most often represents anonymous activities. It's a pity that she covered her face with a black gauze and couldn't see her appearance clearly. "

Conan shook his head hesitantly: "I didn't see her face clearly, but I could vaguely feel that there were some differences in the looks of 'Colonel Moran' and 'Miss Anonymous'..."

Before he finished speaking, Kudo Yusaku suddenly raised his hand to interrupt him.

Kudo Yusaku's eyes fell behind Conan and saw a young figure rushing towards him from a distance.

He paused and stopped discussing this issue in public.

Kudo Yusaku tore off his signature and handed it to Conan. Then he patted the head of this "little fan" in a self-serving way, turned around and walked away.

"..." Conan looked down at the signature, which was not uncommon to him at all. Remembering that there were so many people in the hall, he reluctantly gave his father a face, carefully folded it and put it in his pocket, trying to show off a little bit about meeting an idol. look of joy.

Then Conan turned around and followed his father's gaze just now.

Just then, he saw Haihara Ai running towards him.

Hui Yuan Ai grabbed him. This tomboy, who had always been silent and quiet, had completely lost her cool at this time, and even her eyes were slightly red. She said excitedly: "Where is Noah?!"

When Conan heard this familiar question, he said almost instinctively: "It has self-destructed."


Hui Yuan Ai put down his hand dejectedly.

When she came out of the game cabin just now, all she could think about was the "Colonel Moran" in the black gauze dress - this couldn't be a simple "face collision". Haibara Ai was very sure that it was definitely Miyano Akemi. Even the look on his face when he kissed her was exactly the same.

As soon as the game ends, the players wake up from the hypnotic state one after another. Hui Yuan Ai ignored the surprise and rushed to the control room immediately to ask what was going on.

But in the control room, there was only a group of chaotic police officers and a few dejected staff.

When asked about "Colonel Moran", they all said: The original Colonel Moran in the game was a majestic bearded man. They didn't know what the "female Moran" was about.

Although Haihara Ai's thoughts were confused, his basic reasoning ability was still there.

She thought that since her sister was not created by the game, she must be the "Noah" who interfered with the game without authorization.

Just in the control room, Dr. Ali noticed something strange about her and walked over worriedly.

Hui Yuan Ai then grabbed the old man and asked.

Then from Dr. Agasa, I heard Kudo Yusaku’s previous analysis: Conan was one of the last people to leave the game, and there was a short window period between the end of the game and the player’s return. If anyone had contact with Noah, it would have been Conan.

Huihara Ai then turned around and rushed back to the venue, heading straight for Conan.

Finally got such cruel news.

Haihara Ai: "..." Noah who made the "NPC" self-destructed, then...

Where is my sister?

Outside the Mihua Municipal Building.

Jiang Xia avoided the reporters blocking the place and left from the alley in a low profile.

At the same time, he stretched out his hand and grabbed Miyano Akemi, who was trying to throw herself back. When they left the hall just now, they saw Ai Haibara running towards the control room.

"It's okay. I'll drag her into the game in a few days. Noah said it's almost done." Jiang Xia grabbed the ghost who was doing QAQ and sighed, "Let's get down to business first - it's useless for you to go there now. She can’t see ghosts.”

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