Correct Opening Method of a Radio Anchor

Chapter 322 I am an emotional spray machine (with wrong chapter instructions included!)

: Readers, I’m so sorry! Yesterday, I accidentally shook my hands. I didn’t really want to lie to you. Now the chapter has been revised. The correct operation process is: Click on Feilu-Personal Center-Upper right corner settings- -Clear the file cache-Then, you can see the correct chapter by looking at Chapter 322. I'm so sorry that I won't charge you more. In order to apologize, I will add the codeword, and I will add one more tomorrow and the next day! In the future! The plasma cannon of the world.

Not as good as the second battalion commander’s Italian artillery "Yang" during the Anti-Japanese War



Speaking of this, many stars in the audience laughed. This is definitely the worst time the second battalion commander was hacked.

Hou Peipei's face! Turned to 14 black, retorted: "The East China Sea Magic Base is not only a weapon like a plasma cannon."




Hearing more than one weapon, Ye Feng went straight to the scene and laughed.

Hou Peipei scolded angrily: "Mr. Ye, what are you laughing at?"

Ye Feng faced the screen, pointed to the scene of street fighting with aliens on the screen, laughed and said, "Did you see it, did you see it"

"Other aliens came to Blue Star in a spaceship just to fight us in the street."

"Everyone watch the video, watch the so-called sci-fi wars, do they look like the water guns we played when we were young"

As soon as these words came out! The scene, and the audience in the live broadcast room, all looked at the big screen.

I saw on the big screen, with long hair fluttering, Wu Fanfan was holding a laser gun and fighting in the street.

Shoo, hoo, is like a water line sprayed by a water gun, and then concentrated on the aliens.Although the aliens fell to the ground, they did not die.

See here! "Punch"

A star audience couldn't help but laugh.

Immediately, many viewers burst into laughter, and even tears of laughter came out.

This is a sci-fi movie. It's so funny. At this moment, many stars and actors have joy in their hearts, but more are bitter.

Yes! It's bitterness.

Although Xiaoxianrou is well-known, it is only a minority compared with celebrities.

Many good actors are not only angry when they see this kind of junk electric power in the East Sea Magic Base wins the prize.

They even have an urge to push the award ceremony, let them choose by themselves, choose the best movie, the best actors.

But they know that all this can only be thought of. The organizer, the judges, and the entertainment company will not allow them to do this.

If the street fighting at this moment is paired with beaming music, there will be no sense of violation.

The live broadcast room! It has exploded! "Don't tell me

, I have matched Donghai Molei with a joyous theme song!"

"Happy, beautiful sheep, ten years of life and death, shooting cannons, spray guns, beautiful girls with fluttering hair!"

"Puff, hahaha, are you trying to laugh at me upstairs"

"I like the live broadcast room. Going to the live broadcast room is like going home. The people here speak nicely, everyone is talented, oh yo, I like it very much."

"Look at Hou Peipei's face, hahaha!"

"Have you seen Chen Anran, Chen Anran is already shaking, hahaha!"

Let’s talk about the scene! Ye Feng looked at Hou Peipei curiously, and smirked: "You care about this, it's called special effects."

Hou Peipei's face is ugly! Ye Feng continues to be unreasonable and inhumane: "How can people spend 50 cents on special effects? What do you mean by spending five cents?"

"Forget it, your five-cent special effects are just five-cent special effects."

"But your worst is the five cents of the summer currency. Use the five cents of the Zimbabwean currency. This is a few meanings."

As soon as these words were spoken.

Hou Peipei's blush was like a tomato, and ashamed he even wanted to find a place to get in.

However, what Hou Peipei did not expect was that Ye Feng gave her a thumbs up.

Hou Peipei looked ugly: "Mr. Ye, what do you mean?"

Ye Feng smiled evilly and said: "This is the praise I brag to you, I hope you will continue to work hard and work hard with Xu Guoqiang, and you will be able to deliver your own babies in the future."

Bragging to yourself, then deliver your own baby.

For a moment! Hou Peipei is all messed up.

Who am I where I am 980 What am I going to do? When Hou Peipei is sober, Ye Feng has turned his goal to Chen Anran.

Now! Chen Anran! Panicked! He knows Ye Feng is ferocious.

But I didn't expect that Ye Feng was so cruel, it was a cruel one.

Ye Feng looked at Chen Anran and smiled slightly: "What's your mother's name?"

Chen Anran: ""

f*ck! These are a few meanings. Why don’t you ask my mom’s name according to the routine? These are a few meanings. F*ck, it turns out to be scolding my mom. Chen Anran was furious: "You scold my mom, What means"

Ye Feng smiled: "I just wanted to ask what your mother's name was, and you gave birth to a son who is so capable of trolling a calf."

Chen Anran was furious, and his hair and beard were all flared: "Why did I pull the calf?"

Ye Feng faced the public and chuckled softly: "Let me tell a joke, the story of the movie "Demon of the East China Sea" is very exciting."

As soon as this remark came out, even without Ye Feng, all the stars laughed directly.

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