Correct Opening Method of a Radio Anchor

Chapter 331 Give me more face (5/6)

Hear the words! Hou Peipei's face turned pale and turned to Xu Guoqiang: "You said"

Xu Guoqiang also looked shocked: "I didn't say it, I'm fine to say what this is."

Hou Peipei looked shocked: "Then how did he know that I would go to your house, bring you a gift, and let you introduce me to ways to make money"

Xu Guoqiang looked dumbfounded: "I don't know."

Ye Feng looked at Hou Peipei with a smile and said, "Not only did I know that you went with a gift, I also knew that Xu Guoqiang was very embarrassed at that time, saying that this matter is not easy to handle, but when you take out a 500,000 yuan passbook, Xu Guoqiang immediately said that this can be done!"

"A week later, you were a guest on a talent show, right"

"Three, four, seven"

As soon as these words came out! Hou Peipei and Xu Guoqiang, their faces were pale, they looked at Ye Feng at the same time, and said in shock: "How do you know you?"

The two were shocked! The fans in the live broadcast room were also shocked.

When fans saw this scene, they were not calm.

"Yes, I also want to ask, how did Nizi know"

"Yes, yes, this kind of thing should be very secretive, how did Nizi know about it"

"Hehehe, you are newcomers, we old people won't ask such stupid questions."


"Because Nizi is omnipotent. If you look back at the past, you will find that Nizi is simply a fairy operation."

"for example"

"For example, now Nizi doesn't use the mobile phone to broadcast live, why can we see Nizi's screen"

"When you say this, it seems that Mrs. Ye doesn't really have a mobile phone, so what kind of live broadcast is he using now?"

"I don't know, this Nizi said in the live broadcast before that he has a black technology system called Sai Loli, which can directly mobilize satellites, and live broadcast."

"But the satellite, can't go through the wall"

"Satellite, you can't live broadcast through walls, but you can in Loli."

"There is this kind of operation"

"Look, okay, you will see more sorrows in the future."

Let's talk about the show scene,! Ye Feng looked at Xu Guoqiang again and sneered: "You said that you are old and can't take part in the drama, and you have a big family to raise it very hard, right"

Xu Guoqiang's face was pale, and he looked at Ye Feng in fear.

Ye Feng scolded, "You raise a few, "You, your daughter-in-law, your daughter, and your son have all taken the card!"

"Zai Di, earn money in Xia Guo 1.

, Give it to the United States"

"Furthermore, you have eight villas in Xia Country, and five villas in the United States. Your personal deposit has reached 79 million 7 Xia Yuan."

"Zhedi, this is pitiful, pity your mother!"

Hearing the words! Xu Guoqiang's pupils shrank suddenly, dripping with cold sweat: "What do you do?


Ye Feng continued to breathe fragrance: "You said that you are old and no one wants you to act. But some time ago, the New Legend of the Three Kingdoms invited you to play Zhuge Liang. You offered a special price of 30 million, which scared away other directors. ."

"Zhedi, you have forgotten all these things"

Xu Guoqiang's face was like paper, and he said in horror: "Who told you these things"

Ye Feng smiled evilly and said: "I can fortune, do you believe it"

Xu Guoqiang frowned: "Fortune-telling, you can really fortune-telling"

Ye Feng cursed: "Damn, you believe in anything you say, I said I would drive a spaceship, believe it or not"

Hearing that, Xu Guoqiang was so angry that he wanted to go crazy, and was ready to lie on the ground and pretend to have a heart attack, so as to sue Ye Feng for bullying the old Xigu.

However, Ye Feng didn't take this set at all, and he sneered directly: "Damn, you dare to pretend to be sick, and I will shake all your dirty things out!"

Xu Guoqiang showed horror in his eyes: "How did you know that I was going to pretend to be sick"

Ye Feng sneered: "If I can't get your pulse, I won't be a veterinarian."

As soon as this word came out, it immediately caused a burst of laughter in the live broadcast room.

"Hahaha, Nizi, are you trying to laugh as a father"

"If you can't get your pulse, Nizi won't be a veterinarian. It turns out that Nizi is a veterinarian."

"Nizi has always been there: He is not a veterinarian, what is he who is inferior to cleaning up these beasts?"

"Hey, it's over. I watched Nizi's live broadcast and laughed out a pig cry, and then my girlfriend watched it too. Now my girlfriend is attracted by Nizi, so I must have half the humor of Nizi."

"Brother, you are cold, just break up!"

"Yes, you are cold, the world is divided into ten fights, and the inferior sorrow is eight fights. This half of you is the four fights, you are finished!"

"If you don't have enough anger, just break up, don't struggle."

"Yes, the Five Girls Singles Association welcomes you!"

"I'll teach you how to practice the Five Dragons and Pillars!"

"Yes, yes, men's traditional craftsmanship can't be left behind!"

At the same time, Ma Chengde and Dong Botao's faces were gloomy.

3.6 They have given Ye Feng face, and they have given it to the extent of being benevolent.

However, Ye Feng was shameless and pushed his nose to his face.

They get everyone inside the Thousand Flower Awards, which is a sky-high cost, and the cost is no less than that of building a traffic superstar.

In order to calm the anger of Cheng Long and others, they even made a concession and directly gave up the two trophies.Ye Feng didn't know what was good or bad, and wanted the remaining four 44 trophies.

Can't bear it! Can't bear it! Can't bear it! Dong Botao walked up to Li Jiejie and said solemnly: "Brother Jie!"

: Ladies and gentlemen, there will be another chapter at 12:1 in a while!

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