Correct Opening Method of a Radio Anchor

Chapter 382 Little fresh meat should not exist (2/5)

The barrage in the live broadcast room continues.

The situation on the scene has changed.Angela is no longer so tough, but looks at Ye Feng with a pleading look.

Ye Feng: "Do you want to apologize to me"

Angela's voice was crying: "I'm sorry, I was wrong, I want to be a good person, I hope you are noble"

Don't wait: Angela finished speaking, Ye Feng suddenly interrupted: "No, no, you don't have to apologize, because even if you apologize, I will forgive you!"

Angela's gaze suddenly became: vicious: "You want me to die"

Ye Feng waved his hand, and a string of bills appeared on the big screen.

Take a closer look, these bills turned out to be a detailed list of Angela's last year's income, and every transaction is so clear.

"There are 11 national tax workers, I can only help you get here."

Ye Feng shouted into the camera, then looked at Angela again, and smiled: "By the way, I have to apologize to the tax bureau and see if the tax bureau is willing to forgive you."

This sentence! Ye Feng said it was very cold! In an instant, countless people's minds appeared infernal scenes! Liu Huazai: "Can you give me a chance? I want to be a good person!"

Liang Chaowei: "Okay, go and tell the Independent Commission Against Corruption to see if they want you to be a good person!"

The outsiders watch the excitement! The insiders watch the doorway! This Qianhua Award ceremony is almost full of energy, and it is a concentrated spot for performance accidents.

Now the attention is extremely high. Naturally, many national tax officials are watching. At this moment, they knew that Angela was evading taxes and immediately launched a forensic investigation.

Let's talk about the scene,! Cutting off the wealth of people is like killing a parent! Parents can still kill, and the wealth can't be broken. This is Angela's creed of life.

Ye Feng broke Angela's wealth, Angela hated Ye Feng, and even wished to die with Ye Feng, staring at Ye Feng with a bitter expression.

But Ye Feng didn't care at all. Instead, he continued to preach to the camera and the stars in the audience: "Angela said before, they are very busy!"

"To act, to participate in crafts, charity parties, etc."

"The final result, no time to act!"

"But have you ever thought about what Yi's job is?"

"An actor's job is acting. You can't perform well, but you do this, do that..., is it appropriate?"

Speaking of which, Ye Feng looked at Angela as an actor. He couldn't even act well, but he went to a variety show. Is this appropriate?"

Angela looked resentful and said nothing.

Ye Feng sneered: "All this is for money."

"In order to make money 1.

It's not shameful, it's shameful that you made money and paid

Said that I didn't have time to act."

"It's like something, when you become a watch, you still want to set up an archway."

"The fungus is darker than the hair, so you can say that you are a good one."

"A little bit of face, okay"

In the last few words, Ye Feng said that it was particularly heavy, even equivalent to a soul crit, and directly scolded Angela as a watch, and the fungus was darker than her hair.

Anger-anger-anger-endless anger, accumulated in Angela's chest.

Being scolded as a watch, Angela finally broke out and pointed at Ye Feng viciously: "Ye Feng, you dog man, what do you know?"

"Existence is reasonable, do you know"

"Our little fresh meat exists, so naturally there is a reason for our existence."

"You don't like us, some people like us, and my fans can drown them with one mouthful, believe it or not"

"My fans like me, how old are you"

This attitude is quite bad.

If you make a mistake and get scolded or beaten, you must stand upright and accept the punishment.

But Angela is more awesome, not only... not accept it, but also pretend to be forced! Ye Feng sneered: "Existence is reasonable"

"Children are not sensible, but you make all kinds of gimmicks to attract the children."

"Children should have studied hard to achieve a better future, but what about you"

"Your words and deeds, your state of life, all transmit wrong values ​​to children and fans."

"The most ridiculous thing is that your money comes from fans and kids."

"You have led the 563 children astray to a certain extent, and the money is still spent on children and fans."

"This is equivalent to the knife you used when you killed the fan, but the fan bought it."

"It exists objectively, is it reasonable?"

This remark! It's not awkward, but it's reasonable and well-founded, and the analogy is appropriate.

When Ye Feng said this, the scene, and the live broadcast room were all applauded.

Angela's fans were also trying their best to defend themselves, but the scattered explanations were immediately submerged in the Wang Yang barrage of the people.

Ye Feng raised his phone, pointed at the dense barrage, and looked at Angela with a sneer: "Look, can you find your fan’s barrage, so drown me, do you want Laozi to call a few yellow urine? Wake you up"

Seeing this! Angela had nothing to say, and argued: "I didn't earn all the money for myself, but also used a large part of it for charity. Didn't I use photos and videos to prove it before?"

: I hope you guys will be happy watching it, hehehe!

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