Correct Opening Method of a Radio Anchor

Chapter 384 Deformed fatherly love (4/5)

Everyone knows the name Li Chunsheng.

The first set of photos released by Angela before, even if she cured Li Chunsheng's eyes, she was sent home

Angela realized the seriousness of the matter.

This time, once the public relations are not good, she will be blocked by the entire network, so she must struggle a bit! Angela looked at Ye Feng, with some crazy voice in her voice: "Li Chunsheng's thing is true, right"

Swish, one after another, they focused on Ye Feng.

After the previous incidents, everyone has habitually doubted the charity of Xiaoxianrou, but they believe in Ye Feng's words.

Therefore, everyone wants to get the answer from Ye Feng, to know whether Angela's treatment of Li Chunsheng's eyes is really in front of everyone. Ye Feng solemnly said: "It's true!"

In order to express it more clearly, Ye Feng added: "It is true that Angela rescued Li Chunsheng and sent him back to his hometown!"

As soon as these words came out, Angela had a smile on her face, and she knew she couldn't get cold.

At the scene, the audience and the female fans of the live broadcaster cast incomprehensible glances at Ye Feng.

How could this be so clearly only one step away from being blocked, why did Ye Feng admit that Ye Feng's current prestige, coupled with the anger that the audience has already provoked, as long as Ye Feng denies it, Angela will be blocked immediately.

But why Ye Feng admitted that he was puzzled, many fans sent barrage: "Nizi, are you rebellious?"

"Nizi, you said that the Li Chunsheng incident is false, and we will believe you."

"That's it, it doesn't matter if you ban a trash star like Angela, telling a lie."

"Give you a chance to reorganize your language. If you can't answer well, drink dichlorvos for your father, so that you can taste the loss of your loved ones."

Besides the scene, everyone looked at Ye Feng puzzledly.

Ye Feng changed the conversation and said in a deep voice: "Although Angela has done good deeds, this kind of good deeds is not worth promoting!"

Angela laughed loudly and proudly said: "I let an old man see the light again, and let a father and son reunite again. If this kindness is not worth promoting, what is worth promoting? Ye Feng did not directly answer, but faced the camera: "Fans!"

"When you were young, whether you came to grow up, you must let your parents live a good life."

The problem came out.

The barrage exploded rapidly in the live broadcast room!.

"As long as it's an individual, I think so."

"It feels like this world is very boring, if it weren't for my parents, I would have left."

"Yes, you are in such a poor marriage and love environment now, what I want to do now is to take good care of my parents."

"Nizi, what do you mean by suddenly asking this question"

The scene, above.

Ye Feng looked at Angela and asked: "The reason why we grow

Big, it’s for parents to live a better life."

"If we grow up and our parents' days are not as good as before, then what is the point of our growing up?"

Angela: ""

What does this mean is that the trap does not look like it.

What should I do? Seeing Angela did not answer, Ye Feng slowly said: "Angela said before that the reason why Li Chunsheng ran away from home is to not burden his son's family."

"Let me ask, this kind of thinking, right"

"Li Chunsheng has worked hard for his children all his life. As a result, he is old, but he is unwilling to drag his children. He chooses a person but wanders."

"This seems to be a great paternal love, but it is actually a deformed doting."

"The young are supported, and the old is dependent."

"This sentence refers to the fact that young children are raised, and the elderly can rely on them when they are older."

"That is to say, the father raises the child and waits for the father to be old before relying on the child to provide for the elderly."

"And in reality"

"Li Chunsheng devoted his whole life to his deformed love. When he finally came to rely on his son, he chose to wander about."

"Is that good?"

"Has his son fulfilled his responsibilities as a son?"

As soon as these words are spoken, you, audiences and fans, are silent.

I have to say that this is really sad.

When the silkworms are dead, the silkworms are exhausted, and old people like Li Chunsheng have paid more for their sons than the spring silkworms.

It's even too deformed.

Everyone should have their own life, and people like Li Chunsheng have no life at all.

Ye Feng pointed to Angela: "You think what you are doing is a good thing"


"What you did is not only...not a good thing, but a great bad thing!"

"As you can see from the previous video, it is a backward rural area, and it is normal for the elderly to look down on diseases."

"When the example of Li Chunsheng being cured by a good-hearted man after his wandering was spread, what would you say will happen?"

"Some local children would suggest that their sick parents are homeless."

"Or some parents who don't want to cause difficulties for their children will also choose their wandering spontaneously, hoping to meet good-hearted people who can treat themselves."

Speaking of which! Ye Feng's tone became: very harsh: "Forever!"

"Old people who are sick and wandering will become a default custom of the locals."

"But when these old people go to outside society, will they get help again?"

"The answer is: definitely not!"

: I am obviously responsible for being funny, why write such a heavy topic, a question mark!

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