Correct Opening Method of a Radio Anchor

Chapter 394 Mr. Dong likes to eat Jinke La (4/5)

Dong Botao raised the problem.

The stars and fans in the live broadcast room focused on Ye Feng again.

In Xia Guo, a society of human relations, there is a balance between merits and demerits, and charity can't offset the evil of Little Fresh Meat.

But it is okay to win glory for the country.

Xiao Xianrou resisted the cultural invasion of the Goryeo Kingdom for Xia, and would not allow the culture of Goryeo to enter the Xia country. It would be crazy to attract fans like entering the land of no one. This is a great contribution to the country's advantage! The subtext of Dong Botao's words is that : "Our company's little fresh meat has contributed to the country. This is an indelible contribution!"

"You want to block all the small fresh meat, but you will pass this level first."

See Ye Feng not talking! Dong Botao was very proud, and pretended to care about Ye Feng: "Mr. Ye, I must remind you one more thing!"

"As you said, existence means reasonableness may be wrong, but existence means a cause must be right!"

"The little fresh meat from Korea is more 520 than our little fresh meat."

"But now teenagers like that kind of... motherly girlishness."

"If you like it, there is a market!"

"With the market, we don't do it, naturally foreigners will do it."

"Let the young people who are poisoned by foreigners make our money, it is better to make the money by our own people, at least our little fresh meat is to pay taxes to Xia Guo!"

"Moreover, our small fresh meat is subject to the jurisdiction of the country's laws, and can be adjusted at any time if something is wrong, are you right"

Having said that, Dong Botao suddenly said nothing.

What he meant was very clear: you have destroyed us now, what the teenagers should like and what they like, but changed from domestic to imported, then you will be a national sinner! When Dong Botao finished these words, every little fresh meat suddenly Become: get excited.

Yes! They are not to make money, but to resist cultural invasion.

Regardless of

Anything that has something to do with the righteousness of the nation will immediately become tall and inviolable.

At this moment!.

The little fresh meats are very at ease, knowing that Ye Feng has blocked them, it is impossible to think of this.

Xiao Xianrou went to the scene, the audience and the big screen of the live broadcast room looked at the scene, and the audience bowed their heads in thought, whispering in whispers, and the final answer was consistent with Dong Botao's answer. Teenagers like the beauty of motherhood. If there is no small fresh meat, this market will be seized by foreign countries.Since it is given to foreign countries, it is better to give it to China.

Compared with the education scene, the celebrity's subtlety makes the live broadcast room appear to be a lot more rude: "Fuck, how could this be?"

"Such a

It’s still true. I don’t understand why those girls like mother-in-law.”

"Hey, in the final analysis, it is still a problem with the aesthetics of some girls. Because they like mother-in-law, there is a market for small fresh meat."

"I'll go, what should I do now"

"Yes, banning domestic small fresh meat is equivalent to creating a market for foreign small fresh meat. It's really difficult to choose."

"Can there be a way to get the best of both worlds"

"Yes, you go to art class to those girls who like nymphs, and straighten their aesthetics!"

The live broadcast room was in chaos.

Dong Botao was very proud, and looked at Ye Feng provocatively: "Mr. Ye, do you want to continue to block Xiao Xianrou?"

Suddenly! Ye Feng laughed.

There was contempt in the smile.

Dong Botao's heart was disturbed by Ye Feng's sudden smile, and couldn't help asking: "Mr. Ye, what are you laughing at?"

Ye Feng pointed to Dong Botao, facing the camera and the scene, and the audience: "For example, Mr. Dong is a dog!"

"Dogs like to eat shit!"

"The smellier the shit, the more Mr. Dong likes this dog."

"Now there are two feces, one is especially smelly imported feces, and the other is general smelly domestic feces."

"According to normal people’s thinking, a dog who likes to eat shit will be beaten until the dog doesn’t eat shit."

"But Mr. Dong's idea is more unique!"

Speaking of which! Ye Feng suddenly paused, letting the audience and fans enter and understand the relationship.

After seeing the celebrities showing a dazed expression, Ye Feng continued: "Mr. Dong not only...does not stop dogs from eating shit, but also makes shit smellier than foreign countries."

Immediately! Ye Feng pointed at Xu Kunkun, Wu Fanfan, Angela and others, smiled and said: "Look, you guys!"

"These are ordinary stinky golden lambs. Mr. Dong Botao wants to transform them into more stinky golden lambs, and then feed them to our teenagers."

"I was wrong!"

"Mr. Dong was wrong"

"What we can be sure of now is: small fresh meat is just golden!"

"Some of our country's dogs with improper aesthetics like to eat small fresh meat brand Jinke La."

"My proposition is: Jin Ke La should be banned and change the dog's taste!"

"Mr. Dong's proposition is: we should make more smelly golden lamb so that dogs can eat more golden lamb!"

"You said, whose point of view is correct"

: Excuse me, the update is late, I hope you guys understand!

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