Corridor Of Creatures

Chapter 6 Suspicion

As the girl fell to the ground from the steps, blood stained the statue's paws and face. Blood slowly dripped from the corners of her eyes, and the statue began to change like a ghost.

The hunched body began to relax, and the auxiliary claws behind him climbed along the wall behind him. The yellow bells on both sides began to ring, and the noisy sound entangled the hearts of every team member.

Only the divine sword stared at the wall, and with a bang, the statue shattered into dust, and a passage was blown out of the wall behind it.

"Come on, let's move on."

The girl's gaze rested on the ground, and two traces of blood flowed down quietly from the corners of her eyes. Starting from the soles of her feet, she began to gradually transform into a statue and fell into a peaceful sleep.

White mist enveloped the village again, and after a moment, everything disappeared.

Watching the other team members ruthlessly passing by the girl one after another, Wei Ying felt unbearable and touched his pockets, hoping to find something to commemorate the girl.

"Wei Ying, where are you? Hurry!"

The urging voice of his companion came from the dark cave, forcing him to make a choice. His complicated psychology made the young man hesitate again and again, and turned back at the last moment when he entered the cave.

"One cannot be without kindness, even in a desperate situation."

He walked to the girl's side in three or two steps, took the sword, selected it, split the stone, and carved it. The whole process was completed in one go, as if under divine help.

"Wei Ying! What are you doing?"

"Come here!"

Putting the center-shaped stone in the palm of the girl's hand, Wei Ying turned around and sped away. It was not until they entered the cave that the stone seemed to have come to life, with every vibration, the crusted stone and dust on the surface fell off.

"Don't blame us for being ruthless if you fall behind next time."


"Hanjun is joking, Weiying, please ignore him."


Shen Dao takes the lead and walks in front. In order to ensure that the final goal is achieved, he is always thinking about how to preserve the physical strength of the team members so as to gain an advantage in the next battle.

All the way from the entrance of the cave, it can be said that there is a special cave. Two giant statues of the angel girl and the spider girl stand between the sky and the earth. A hole in the ceiling shines with white light, which happens to be in the center of the two statues.

In the center of the two statues, illuminated by white light, there is a green moss stone door covered with spider webs. There is another door on the outside of each of the two statues, but both are surrounded by layers of purple thorns.

After walking around the statues, the door behind the two statues made people fall into silence again.

There are five doors in front of you, which makes people feel at a loss. Who knows if you will die if you go to the wrong one.

The real answer lies behind the door through the white light, which is also the necessary way from the first level to the second level.

"Which one to choose?"

Wei Ying deliberately touched Shen Dao's shoulder. As expected, he stretched out his hand and pointed at the green moss stone door sandwiched between the two statues, "This."

This affirmative tone inevitably arouses suspicion from other team members. After all, in their view, Shen Dao is here for the first time just like them. "Why are you so sure?"

Xing Hanjun was the first to ask the question. He always had an inexplicable sense of danger regarding the Divine Sword, which forced him to keep a distance from the Divine Sword. He was opposed from the bottom of his heart to the Divine Sword's insistent behavior without conducting any investigation.

Both of them glanced at each other, and Iletya stood between the two of them with a hideous smile, snuffing out the flames that were about to burn. "Discussions are discussions, don't hurt the harmony." Unexpectedly, there was a wicked smile on the corner of her mouth. Give everyone a chill.

"None of us have been here yet, have we, Mr. Knife?"

"Don't you think the door in front of you is the most special?"

"Choose it just because of a feeling without investigation? Divine Sword? If you must take this path, you have to give everyone an explanation, right?"

Facing everyone's gazes, Shen Dao frowned slightly, then smiled awkwardly, "I'm really sorry, I said my thoughts privately, I'm sorry."

"It doesn't matter, let's observe it first."

"Well, Wei Ying, come with me."

When Shen Dao turned around, there was a trace of anger and contempt in his eyes, as well as that kind of indifference to life.

The more closely related members of the team gathered together. Iletya followed Wei Ying here and smiled strangely, "Shall I go and guard the two of you?"

This girl with extremely weird behavior took the initiative to make the request. Wei Ying was still thinking, maybe the other party already knew their secret. Should he agree or deny it?

"Ah, thank you for your hard work." Shen Dao said calmly, then turned around and pulled Wei Ying away. Watching the two people fleeing in panic, the flowers on Teya's shoulders bloomed quietly.

Back to Xing Hanjun, the red-haired boy had a terrible headache. Half of the team members were gathered here. They all felt that something was wrong with this guy Shen Dao.

"Sister Teya, you are back. Is there any investigation?"

"No, they also refused my investigation."

"There is indeed something wrong with the magic sword!"

"Do you want to deal with him?" Qi Mengshang pulled out a pistol and replaced the magazine, and at the same time pulled out a black sword from his waist, "I can help."

"No, now is not the time. The Divine Sword knows more things than we do. We need to keep it if necessary. Moreover, the current lack of manpower is also a big problem."

"So how do we choose? Which door to take?"

Driven by reason, Xing Hanjun turned his head to the other side. What was hidden behind the five doors was probably only known to the Divine Sword. He sighed and could not show off his courage. "Let's wait and see what the Divine Sword says first." , listen to his thoughts.”

When they came to the corner of the cave, Shendao and Wei Ying sat down together. The deep marks on his arms deepened a little. He tiredly leaned against the wall and closed his eyes to rest.

"They are doubting me, Wei Ying."

"There's nothing we can do about it."

"I thought I would agree with them first and start exploring other caves."

"Is it going to be dangerous in there?"

"There's no danger, let's go."

As soon as the two of them stood up, Iletya came over from a distance, "Have you two finished talking?"

"We've negotiated. I was too reckless. Listen to Hanjun and start investigating from both sides."

Since the magic sword had answered like this, everyone was too embarrassed to say anything more. They walked to the cave to the left of the angel girl statue and walked in.

The light of the flashlight penetrated the darkness, and the group of people passed through in an orderly manner. Not too far away, the torches on the walls on both sides suddenly lit up, lit in rows, and the fire continued to the top of the stone steps in the distance.

Not daring to determine what was ahead, Shen Dao walked forward boldly and helplessly.

"Follow me."

Xing Hanjun gritted his teeth and followed. The others did not dare to relax their nerves and moved forward while being wary of their surroundings.

The dim yellow light gave off a hint of sadness. A blue bug was locked in a cage in front of the steps. Shen Dao walked to the cage and waved for everyone to follow.

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