Corridor Of Creatures

Chapter 89 Let’S Go East

Go to the east

The red nebula surrounding the sky dispersed as the red-haired girl disappeared.

Although everything fell into silence, he still had lingering fears after the experience. Wei Ying touched his heartbeat that kept rising and falling on his chest, raised his head and looked at the already clear sky, scratching his head in disbelief.

"This tower is getting weirder and weirder, Xinglian, do we want to continue going up?"

Wei Ying turned to look at the petite girl and raised his inner doubts. After all, they had found some supply resources in the tower, and the situation outside was not optimistic.

"I don't think it's necessary. This tower is too mysterious. If we go up further, we might be the first ones whose lives are in danger."

Wei Ying nodded. In order to prevent other monsters on the ceiling from attacking again, he moved some old furniture and moved these debris to the corner of the stairs, blocking the only way up and down.

The two of them opened some military food, threw it into their mouths, mixed it with some water and swallowed it. They shook off the soil on the bed and lay down like this.

"Where do you think we should go next?"

"Shen Dao said that he would come here to meet us, but now I have no way to contact him."

"No signal?"

"Well, the signal from the communicator has been interrupted since we entered this sunken area."

"Maybe this is why this place is absolutely safe - except for the two living people on the third floor, other creatures that threaten us cannot get close to here at all."

"That's the only way to explain it."

"It's a pity that our equipment can't be used anymore."

"Huh? Wait?"

While communicating with Xinglian, Wei Ying boredly took out his communicator and prepared to confirm again. However, after the young man glanced at it inadvertently, the nerves in his whole body suddenly became tense.

"wait wait wait?

"What's wrong?"

"There is... a picture from Yi Xun on my communicator?"

"Yixun? Are you serious? Do you have information?"

"I don't know, my communicator has no signal, and I don't even understand why I can receive the message."

"Do you think it could be a scam?"

"It's unlikely. I'll go take a look. After all, she seems to be around here."

Wei Ying held the mobile phone in his right hand and showed the picture on the communicator to Xinglian. It was a panoramic image of a high tower. The angle of view of the picture seemed like they could see it when they walked to the window.

With the attitude of giving it a try, Wei Ying drew his weapon while analyzing Yi Xun's specific location. If the information was wrong and someone else wanted to use this as an opportunity to harm him, he should be prepared to fight.

"Looking at the location, it should be in this direction."

Wei Ying swallowed a breath of cold air and raised his head to see a helicopter. Standing at the hatch was holding an iron bar with one hand. His long, silky blue hair was fluttering with the airflow.

There was a knowing smile on his face, but before he could say hello, a red alarm sounded from the top of the plane.

"Xiaoyun, what's going on!?"

"Reporting to Master Yixun, there are abnormal fluctuations in this area, the plane is out of control, and we are about to crash."

"Is there any way you can escape?"

"Xiaoyun will definitely not suffer any casualties. Please protect yourself."

Yi Xun put the parachuting belt next to his seat on his back, nodded towards Wei Ying at the tower window, turned around and shouted:

"Xiaoyun, follow me!"

"Yes! Master Yi Xun!"

Just as Yi Xun jumped off the plane, a violent explosion came from the sky behind him. Xiaoyun flew out of the black clouds. Not to mention the inner part, the outer shell was unscathed.

Xinglian walked to Wei Ying worriedly. The explosion just now shocked her.

"What's wrong? Is Yi Xun okay?"

"Well, we avoided the explosion. Let's go down below to pick her up."


The two walked out of the tower, a little cautiously at first, until Yi Xun landed and waved to them, and then the two ran over to check Yi Xun's physical condition.

"You're not hurt, are you?"

"Well, no, it's not safe in the black market. I'm here to find you."

"What's this little ball next to you?"

"Come on, let's go up and talk."

The three people returned to the room with the window sill and sat down around the coffee table in the center of the sofa. The ball was rolling around on the coffee table.

"What the hell is this?"

"It has something to do with my ability. Although I don't know the source, I will obey my orders."

"That's fine - Yi Xun, did you see anyone else when you left?"

"No, I hid in the black market in advance and came to meet you as soon as I realized it was safe."

"How did you know I would be here?"

"Xiaoyun can locate other people's positions. Although this area seems a bit strange and some of Xiaoyun's functions are restricted, I relied on him to locate you."

"This Xiaoyun is really high-tech..."

Weiying placed the communicator on the table and sat face to face with Xiaoyun in a daze.

Xinglian on the side looked at the communicator on the table that returned the information page. The last remaining message from Iletya on it attracted her attention.

"Wei Ying, what is that information?"

"City of the East?"

Yi Xun read the message silently, then looked at Wei Ying's slightly nervous expression, curiously stepped forward, patted Xiao Yun's body, and awakened another of its functions.

Now that they were in this situation, it was time for the three of them to hug together for warmth. Wei Ying really didn't want to cause any trouble at this time, so he told everything that Iletya had seen.

"So, Iletya is currently in the Eastern City. She is under mental control and cannot be contacted for the time being."

"...Xiaoyun, do you know where this is?"

"Xiaoyun, we are trying to conduct information analysis on the content in the picture."

Several people focused their attention on Xiaoyun. As bursts of blue light slowly emerged, it circled and flew up. Finally, it buzzed a few times and came up with the answer.

"The magnetic needle in the picture is a device that emits brain waves. It benefits from the influence of amplifiers located in four directions, strengthening its spiritual implications and achieving the purpose of controlling people."

Yi Xun looked at the expressions of the other two people with some doubts, blinked his eyes and made an analysis:

"The human brain is like a device that receives and processes information. The brains of a small number of people may also have the ability to send out information, including existential events such as the connection of two people's consciousness, which are all related to brain waves."

"When the information received is too strong, it will cause damage to the brain system, severing the control between the body and the brain, and thus protecting oneself from harm."

"During the period of losing consciousness, it will take corresponding actions according to the instructions of strong magnetic waves."

Wei Ying paused for two seconds, feeling depressed. His eyes when looking at the picture were full of pity and unwillingness. Slowly, he put the sword into its sheath and raised his question:

"Is there a way to resist the erosion of this consciousness? Xiaoyun?"

Xiaoyun turned back and looked at Yi Xun, hoping to get instructions from Yi Xun. After seeing Yi Xun nod, it also answered:

"Yes, you can resist this erosion after a certain amount of awareness training, but it is still difficult to resist for a long time."

"If you fully accept the resistance to erosion, how long will it last?"

"At most... one day."

"Then, I have one last question, Xiaoyun."

Wei Ying took a deep breath and his eyes gradually became firm.

"If this magnetic needle is destroyed, what will be the result for these people?"

“Get out of control and return to yourself.”


The two people around him cast shocked looks at him, but then calmed down. Now there was almost no better choice except following Wei Ying, and it was even more unrealistic to fight alone.

"You two, what do you think?"

"I'll listen to you."

"Follow me to the death."

"Okay, then let's..."

"Go to the east!"

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