Corridor Of Creatures

Chapter 98 Raising The Flag Of Resistance Again

Going to the top of the Butterfly Magnetic Tower, Shen Dao also saw the huge changes on the third floor when he looked down at all living beings in the world.

"I remember, there was a time when there was no city like this in the north here."

"Has the world of third-level virtue changed so much?"

At this moment, he was standing at the top of the Butterfly Magnetic Tower, looking at the three paralyzed war machines behind him and shaking his head, he came here again.

Counting the machine he saw on the way to the top, Xueyi created a total of four war machines. Without the help of other team members, even the magic sword would have been unable to do anything.

"So everything you guarded eventually disappeared without a trace."

"You are the only one left among the original aborigines."

"Yao Xueyi."

The magic sword looked at the red-haired girl who was frozen by the ice, smiled bitterly and bowed deeply, then straightened up and turned around.

"I have something to pursue, my friend. Although you and I are enemies, I still admire you."

"As a lord, you are the first person to let me see your will."

Regarding how to lift Xueyi's blockade, the magic sword needs to truly face the huge operating system in front of him.

The blue screen retains part of the information from the time when the Butterfly Magnetic Tower was created. It is not difficult to decipher it, but it will take time.

Especially during the critical period when Shen Dao and other personnel in the organization are separated, stealing information is extremely difficult.

"I don't know how well I can decipher it, but I have to try."

"I have experienced failure countless times, but this one more time seems insignificant."

"But if I can do it now, all the haze and difficulties of the black market and the boss will disappear."

When the magic sword was really started to be manipulated, for some reason, all the systems became simpler, and the deciphering project was carried out like a duck in water.

Until he finally pressed the confirmation button to modify the command, Shen Dao was still confused. He never thought that he would be unstoppable at this level.

"Is this it?"

The progress bar kept refreshing the progress of the modification, and Xue Yi in the ice gradually gained a new consciousness, including the color of his hair changing from red to black, and he slowly opened his eyes.


"Yao Xueyi, you are still alive!"

However, the blue wave progress bar stagnated in the last few seconds. Everything was as Xueyi expected, and the magic sword returned here again.

Just when the magic sword retreated backwards and wanted to leave this "cage", the frozen snow clothes circulated a strong golden wind field, wrapping the Butterfly Magnetic Tower from the outside.

"This is a calculation, the magic sword..."

"The war in the past has continued to this day, do you know?"

"I knew you wouldn't give up."

"But you would never have thought that this butterfly magnetic tower built to fight you would once again bring us hope. You will never be able to defeat our unyielding will!"

"Now, let the battle begin between us..."

In the chaotic wind field, Xueyi stood on the zenith of the Butterfly Magnetic Tower, activated the three war machines beside him, took off the bow and arrow behind him with a smile, and pointed the arrow at the heart of the magic sword.

"Did you expect this?!"

"Magic Sword, you brought disaster and despair to my people. Now, of course, I have to give you a gift in return!"

Golden light bloomed from the corners of his eyes, and the war machine behind him accepted the leader's order. Regardless of the damaged condition of the butterfly magnetic tower, he began to try to transform the butterfly magnetic tower into a giant bomb.

"You don't have to be sad because there is no grave. I will die with you."

"Both of us are sinners beyond forgiveness."

"I'm fair, you know?"

"I want to defeat you openly, and this gift is just a backup method."

Five golden rays of light flowed out from Xue Yi's red fingers and wrapped around the divine sword to heal him. In just a short moment, Xue Yi rushed in front of the divine sword, holding a bright red sword in his right hand.

"Now, duel with me!"

Raising the sword in a panic, Xue Yi used the force to jump behind the magic sword, and slashed his neck with the sword. After being blocked, he took a step back, drew his bow and charged up and fired a golden thunderbolt.

With the momentum of a dragon, the thunder struck at the sword of the divine sword and pushed him against the wall, followed by three explosive arrows.

The red figure passed through the smoke and dust. Xue Yi raised his arm and punched it. The dust nearby was shaken with a roar. When the magic sword that had been dodged long ago looked over, Xue Yi's arm actually punched through the thick wall, and the side of his face was covered with blood. Murderous intent and arrogance.

"Have you become stronger?"

"I have been waiting for this moment for a long time, Divine Sword."

"It's terrifying."

"You won't understand, Shen Dao, the hope of seeing the dawn after experiencing thousands of dark nights."

Pulling the bow and raising the arrow, the strong wind attached to the arrow swept away the broken remains of the Butterfly Magnetic Tower. Countless fragments followed the arrow towards the magic sword, driving the surrounding airflow with it.

Just as the magic sword was about to dodge this attack, he suddenly found that his feet were already restrained by golden iron ropes. This was probably secretly arranged by Xue Yi while the two were talking.

"It's not good to be distracted."

The red long sword approached his right arm from behind, hitting those deep purple marks with a bang. The severe pain made the magic sword unable to look directly at the strong wind in front of him. The powerful impact caused by the combined attack of the two parties ejected him to the Butterfly Magnetic Tower. of wrapped wind fields.

Before the man landed, Xue Yi was already in mid-air to intercept the magic sword, and stabbed him in the heart with the sword.

However, a beam of purple light came from the side, and Xueyi was thrown away. She landed on the ground and rolled around. She stood firmly and looked at the magical sword with a purple soul floating around her, her eyes gradually becoming sharper.

"So, this is your ability, right?"

"That's right. This is what counts as fighting. What's that attitude called just now?"

"bring it on!"

Purple thunder and lightning ran on the arm of the divine sword, and a branch grew out of the hand holding the rift sword, tightly binding the blade and the arm.

Shen Dao wiped the blood from his face with his left hand, raised his left hand slightly, and snapped his fingers.

An explosion sounded at Xue Yi's feet, and several illusory sword-wielding ghosts flew out of the blue smoke. They identified Xue Yi's position in the smoke, followed the orders of the magic sword, and acted according to his wishes.

The dazzling beam of light pierced the smoke, and the fiery energy wiped out all the nearby ghosts. Xue Yi elegantly moved her hair, inserted the long sword into the tower, and stamped her right foot to set up a magic circle.

"By the way, it's not just you, Shen Dao, but also your companion, Song Sheng. I also prepared a gift for him."

"If he doesn't accept it, then you have to accept this gift."

As soon as he finished speaking, both the Butterfly Magnetic Tower and Varadonko's Misty Winter mental device erupted with a golden light wave, awakening some of the sleeping memories in the brains of mechanical humans.

"Hope you like it."

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