Corrupted Nation

Chapter 156: Ice and Snow Seal the City

Lin Wu went to the sentry tower to observe the terrain for a while, then whispered to Shana and went out to set up firecrackers. After a while, firecrackers sounded, and the sound of the Big Mac chasing left the supermarket and arrived at the main entrance of the supermarket. Lin Wu ignited the fuse of the second firecracker, burned his stamina to sneak and walk quickly, and successfully attracted the Big Mac after the firecracker detonated.

Finally, the Big Mac was led to the right side of the main entrance of the supermarket base, and stayed at a distance of 150 meters from the supermarket base. This is the edge of Birch Park. There is an artificial small lake half a meter high for playing in the water, with an area of ​​more than 100 square meters. These are not reasons why Big Macs go to small lakes. The real reason for going to the small lake is that this location is an excellent shooting point for the sentry tower.

"Each person has a shot, and if they miss the head, they will eat a mouthful of snow."

"Childish." The two had already used the word badly for each other, and Shana said, "You are not allowed to use Silencer, use AR15."

It is still difficult to use an assault rifle to hit a watermelon 120 meters away in the game, because according to the game data, the assault rifle has a range of only 80 meters under the blessing of a quadruple lens. The target in the scope beyond 80 meters will appear blurred, and the farther the distance, the more blurred. This is why the Timberwolves can only reach a range of 500 meters.

According to Little White Rabbit, the reason for the range of virtual firearms is to avoid real battlefields. Real battlefield games are not a good game experience for players, and they usually die before seeing the enemy.

With the blessing of the sentry tower, the standard range of the assault rifle is 100 meters. In the scope, a mosaic appears on the small head of the Big Mac, which is mixed with the mosaic of the body, which needs to be carefully identified.

So the two started playing like this. After eating a dozen mouthfuls of snow each, they both felt that their behavior was too idiotic, and it was a zero-sum game. So I decided to pop my head. Eating snow will really make you cold, and you may even catch a cold. Flicking the forehead will not cause the opponent to be injured.

After the Big Mac was injured, its roar attracted many younger brothers, so the two started a competition to clear the younger brothers, and whoever killed more within one minute would win. After beating the little brother, the loser went down to the sentry tower to poke the scream. This was the first time Shanna played scream systematically. Having fun, he asked at the same time: "Is this the daily life of you and Maya?"

"One of the daily routines." Lin Wu said: "We also go to the cement factory and the bounty hunter hall in daily life. But now we can't go out at night, and we can only play during the day."

Shanna looked at the sun offset to the west: "Look."

The two watched the gray clouds engulf the sun, Shanna said: "The power of nature is stronger than zombies."

As if echoing Shanna's words, the system broadcast: A severe snowstorm is about to sweep through the homeland, and the homeland opens shelters in order to reflect the humanitarian spirit. Within three hours, players can teleport from their base to the shelter. You will not die in the Shelter, and you will not be awarded points.

Players who give up entering the shelter will face various survival challenges.

Challenge 1: The temperature in the home will drop sharply, the lowest will reach minus 50 degrees, and there is no doubt that there will be death without sufficient fuel.

Challenge #2: It's almost impossible to get outside during a snowstorm.

Challenge 3: The complete blood plague will continue to expand to the surrounding area.

Challenge 4: Keep the duration of the blizzard secret.

If the player chooses to stay in the game instead of going to the shelter, he will get extra points for every hour he survives, and the longer he survives, the more points he gets every hour.

System broadcast: The three-hour countdown begins. Players will not be frostbitten during these three hours, please cherish the last time or retreat into the shelter, or collect supplies as soon as possible to survive the long night.

Shana said, "There's not enough food."

"Go, hurry up."

"Where are you going?"

"I can only venture to the county seat." It is impossible for Lin Wu to go to the shelter.

While talking, Nightmare skied into Birch Tree Park, slid to the door, looked up and shouted to the two of them, "Follow me."

When Lin Wu and Shana came down, Nightmare put a food bag into the warehouse and said, "Follow me, I have hidden three food bags."

Lin Wu asked, "Where to hide?"


ah! In the future, if you see a suspected scrapped car on the road, you should search it. As soon as the nightmare was mentioned, Lin Wu understood that she hid food packages and other supplies in the trunk of the car, and drove the car to a remote place, possibly smashing the car into scrap, and using the trunk of the car as a field warehouse.

The food package was hidden not far from the base of Nightmare, and it took the three of them an hour to go back and forth. While there was still time, the three of them ventured to Zuo County, intending to raid a small supermarket, but the two groups of blood mist on Road 1 had already come into contact, and the zombies in the blood mist became more ferocious, so they finally gave up on this plan.

There was an hour left before returning to the base. As soon as he entered the base, he heard a half-dead voice from the radio station: "Answer the phone, answer the phone, answer the phone."

"Yes." Shana answered the call.

Shitou: "Where did you go? I called you for an hour."

Lin Wu: "Go and find food."

Mayan voice: "How much is the food reserve?"

Lin Wu replied: "27 units, enough for the three of us to consume for 9 days. What's the situation at the main base?"

Maya said: "It's not bad. The two farms can't be irrigated in winter, and the food production is halved. They can only provide 5 food per day. At present, there are 28 food reserves, and the daily consumption is 7." That's why the barracks were demolished and the farm was built. reason. However, the second farm lacks a composter and lacks chemical skills to make fertilizers. Therefore, the second farm produces 4 grains per day, and the first farm produces 6 grains per day.

After the winter, 5 food per day, 7 food per day, 2 less per day, the main base can last for 14 days.

Maya said: "After discussing with Shi Shi, I think we should go to the branch base and send you a food package." Of course, it is not that you will starve to death immediately without food. The first day is hungry, the second is very hungry, and the second It takes three days to die. I didn't eat food at 8 am on the 1st and entered a state of hunger. At 8 o'clock on the 2nd, I entered a very hungry state. Number 3 died at 8:00. Actually only 48 hours.

Lin Wu said: "Don't worry, if the blizzard hasn't stopped on the last day, Shana and I will venture into the sewer."

Maya: "Okay." Maya wants to go to the branch base, after all, there is a library there. But she can only carry one food pack, and the supermarket base can't afford four people.

Ending the call, Nightmare said: "Don't you think this is a gamble? Suguang seized the greedy mentality of human beings to gamble with the players. It said it was a gamble, but Suguang is the banker, and it wants the blizzard to last for a few days."

Lin Wu said: "Don't talk sarcasticly, we are now grasshoppers on a rope."

Nightmare disagreed, saying: "I am not afraid of death, you are afraid of death."

Lin Wu was startled, the nightmare was right, it was true.

Nightmare said: "I suggest you go to the shelter, there is no need to bet your attributes and skills for this point."

"We all go to the shelter, you survived alone for 27 days?" Lin Wu looked at Shana, Shana nodded firmly, Lin Wu said: "We are all brothers, we must die together."

Nightmare said: "Then wish us all good luck."

Lin Wu said: "Before I wish you good luck, let me ask, do you still have the tailoring skill book?"

Nightmare is Shana's nominal husband. Of course she knew of Shana's death, so she said, "Yes, yes, the deal is to help me with a mission for free in the future." She has already recognized Lin Wu's ability.

Lin Wu asked: "Did you bring it?"

Nightmare replied: "Of course not."

Lin Wu asked: "Where are your things?"

Nightmare said: "We have an exclusive fortress storage box, and with a little points, the fortress can airdrop the supplies we need."

Lin Wu nodded: "Then wait until the blizzard is over, maybe I'm dead, and I can't help you even if I want to."

Nightmare: "Okay."

Lin Wu secretly thought that there are nearly a hundred families near the church on the top of the mountain. If the main base works hard, maybe they can exchange enough materials to make a hacker computer, and then go directly to the safe house to get it. The nightmare said that her supplies were in the cloud warehouse, and she went to a cowshed to get supplies, so the supplies must not be from a nightmare.


At 8 o'clock in the evening, the system broadcast: "A total of more than 128,000 players participated in the blizzard challenge. First of all, Homeland pays tribute to the courage of these players. I believe everyone is concerned about the end of the blizzard. Next, we will conduct the first round of voting. The voting time starts from 3 days, and the number can be infinite. Assuming that more than 40% of the players vote for a certain number, then this number is the duration of the blizzard. Assuming that the first round of voting does not exceed 40% on any day, the second round will be held three days later Vote. Thank you all and wish you all the best in your journey.”

Lin Wu asked: "How many days to choose?"

"It doesn't make sense for us to choose a few days." Shanna analyzed: "The food of those who can stay should be more than 3 days, so not many people choose 3 days, but other than 3 days, other numbers have no direction. Big Most people will put in as long as they can afford on their own food. So there's no way any number will exceed 40% in the first round of voting."

Shana said again: "According to Suguang's gameplay, more than half of the 120,000 players will die. Players who are willing to stay and challenge should be regarded as relatively strong players. This snowstorm event will greatly weaken the overall strength of the players. I guess If you’re right, Shuguang is planning some tricks after the winter.”

Lin Wu asked: "What is the purpose?"

Shana shook her head, and the nightmare on one side said: "The purpose is to screen and eliminate. If all players are allowed to live for two years, how to distinguish and analyze each person's character and ability? Keep creating disasters, and find players with courage, will, wisdom, People who see the big picture. The reason for this is said to be due to the Blue Star disaster."

After immigrating to Blue Star, human beings have not united to achieve Datong. On the contrary, because of various differences in culture, religion, background, education, etc., gangs form gangs, and the parties fight against differences. Ten years before the immigration, although the number of people was small, two wars broke out among human beings. These two wars deepened the hatred among various groups, consciously began to unite through politics, and focused on the development of military power.

In the end, it was the threat of Fortress to cut off the energy, coupled with the intervention of the Dawn Guard, that made all groups sit down and establish the Blue Star Human Alliance.

"Then what?"

The nightmare said: "Then? There is no then. I am just a carbon-based creature, how could I know what the AI ​​that has evolved for thousands of years is thinking. Suppose I develop such a game that millions of people have to play, I will definitely not let everyone downwind Live peacefully along the water."

Shana said: "When I was working in the fortress company, I overheard some rumors. There are rumors that there are zombies on the earth, and even many animals have mutated into terrible species. Will the super city be just a shelter and quarantine area? Human beings live in addition to immigrants. In addition, we must find ways to improve the ecological environment of the earth?"

Lin Wu suddenly realized: "So this is a zombie game, at least we all learned to use guns and drive in it."

Shana and Nightmare didn't answer, neither of them knew the specific situation. Shana added some charcoal to the bonfire, opened the books borrowed from the library and quietly read through them. Lin Wu and Nightmare thought about it for a while, but they didn't have a clue, and they also started to read books.

I don’t know when Shana let out a cry, which startled the two of them. Shana put down the book and said: “Resources, a simple piece of clothing, requires weaving, garment making and other processes. It also designs related industries. If Suguang only For a super city, how to supplement the consumption of materials? There should be supporting farms, factories, etc. around the city.” Real life is not a game, and items cannot appear out of thin air. It takes 4 years for the transport ship to go back and forth between Earth and Blue Star, and it is not realistic for Blue Star to replenish supplies.

Lin Wu: "When we arrive on Earth, no matter how high our points are, we won't be rich?"

Shana: "Buy the industry with points and develop the industry on your own. In the early days, there may be only simple necessities for life. If you want to drive, you need to trade with Bluestar, but it takes several years to go back and forth. Either the earth's industrialization is mature and you start manufacturing Automobiles. Many raw materials for manufacturing need to be provided by nature. Human beings need to explore the world outside the city and find resources.”

The three interrupted their conversation again, thinking while reading.


On the second day of the snowstorm, Lin Wu was already feeling bored. Climbing from the straight ladder to the roof, the oncoming storm almost knocked him down, and it took a lot of time to climb to the edge of the sentry tower with difficulty. Because it is a system building, the storm stopped after entering the sentry tower, and there was no snow on the steps of the sentry tower. Climbing to the top of the sentry tower, the visibility is less than 10 meters. Just for a while, Lin Wu was frostbitten. In desperation, Lin Wu could only return to the base.

Zombies will still spawn in the supermarket, but the screaming and roaring in the supermarket did not attract the zombies outside the supermarket. Shanna speculates that there are no zombies outdoors, or they are lying in the snow and hibernating. Shana also went out to test the blizzard, and came back to tell Lin Wu that it was impossible to safely reach the entrance of the sewer at the county mark 700 meters away.

The zombies refreshed in the supermarket base have become the best toys for the three of them to pass the time. They are reluctant to kill every zombie, and use the slightest damage as possible to prolong the life of the zombies.

At the beginning, Lin Wu played, and Nightmare and Shana watched. After watching for a while, Shana asked to join. They shamelessly sealed the mouth of the zombie with tape, tied the hands of the zombie, and then played a boxing game with the zombie. In the end, the nightmare couldn't stand it anymore, and went to the stage to teach two people who only know how to punch straight and what is called uppercut.

Next, Nightmare caught zombies and practiced Brazilian jiu-jitsu chokehold. Lin Wu and Shanna hurt each other during the study. Although it was boring, the day finally passed. After nightfall, I cooked some broth and read a book while drinking. During the period, there were a lot more nightmares, and I started to actively participate in the chat.

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