Corrupted Nation

Chapter 302 The Town of Exile

While Maya was still interrogating Aiwen, Lin Wu and Qinglang lifted a large wooden box from the ground and opened it to see that it was all filled with gold nuggets of different shapes. Everyone was slightly disappointed with this. This means that everyone needs to sell gold to the NPC. From the known information, the villains in the activity, and the forces of Black Wind Village are present in every place where the activity passes. Once the gold nugget is exposed, it is likely to lead to a pursuit.

Currently, Splash is the driver, Hongyi is the guide, and the identity of the negotiator is given to Qinglang. Qinglang was full of confidence: "Leave it to me." As a negotiator, the first task he received was to sell gold nuggets.

Everyone was in a good mood on the way back. As long as they could get rid of this box of gold nuggets, they wouldn't have to rely on looting in the future and could load the entire town's supplies onto the train.

Before driving, Maya went to stand outside the passenger car for a while, looking at a car full of zombies with heads as big as cows. Lin Wu stood beside her and said, "I have already complained, and Shuguang told me that the passenger in the carriage who was still a human at the time closed the door himself."

"Then what?"

"Nothing else." Lin Wu pointed his shotgun at the car door and shot it, causing the door to be damaged by 1%. Lin Wu said in surprise: "It's not impossible." He could break the door with a hundred shots.

"Don't waste bullets, get in the car!" Maya asked as she walked: "Open the connecting door between the cargo compartment and the passenger compartment. Can we block the impact of the zombies?"

Lin Wu asked: "Are you going to use cold weapons to kill more than a hundred zombies in a carriage?"

Maya didn't answer. She got on the car from the luggage compartment, took the intercom and asked, "Is everyone here?"

Qinglang: "Wait for me."

"Where have you been?"

"When we left, Alvin said he wanted to drink, so I gave him the wine bottle from the item warehouse." Qinglang said: "The wine bottle that Lin Wu stole from the small town police station."

"What does stealing mean?" Lin Wu retorted, "That means doing it for his own good." For the sake of your health, I will definitely help you whether you are willing or not. It is an excellent job that not only reaches a high moral level but also harvests flagons.

Maya asked: "How long? Can you come back in one minute?"

"Already back." Qinglang ran out of the waiting room, holding a bundle of pipe bombs in his hand: "The wine bottle was replaced by this thing." As a negotiator, he obtained more information from Aiwen, triggering Aiwen's Wen's task.

"Wow, you can blow up the car door." Lin Wu reached out and pulled Qinglang into the car.

Maya took the bomb, looked at it, picked up the intercom and said: "Let's go!" and stored the bomb in the item warehouse.

Lin Wu asked: "Is it going to explode?"

Maya said: "Find a suitable place and then explode."

Qinglang said: "Aiwen told me. The Line 3 station is in the center of the state capital. The plague has begun to spread in the state capital. He is not sure about the development of the plague and suggested that I not take Line 3."

If the plague in the state capital does not get out of control, the state capital is a very good place to sell gold and buy supplies. Lin Wu had previously received news that a group of residents had disappeared on the way to the state capital. Based on the above two pieces of information, it is natural to avoid the No. 3 State Capital Line.

Lin Wu said: "I guess the next stop is the night stop. Let's not choose mom this time."

The next two hours are everyone's private time. Shui Hua sat in the driver's seat, lying back and looking at the scenery. The door of the locomotive was opened. Qinglang was sitting on the covered bridge, holding his chin with his fingers and looking quietly into the distance, enjoying the comfort of the wind blowing by his face. The two of them spoke without a word.

Lin Wu and Xiao Wai were playing in the empty dormitory car. Red is preparing dinner. Maya took inventory of the goods, estimated the coal consumption of the armor, and ranked the importance of the materials.

As Hong Yi started eating, everyone helped carry the ingredients to the locomotive. Although it was a bit crowded, it was fun to eat together.

Today's dinner is meat buns, cream soup and vegetable salad. Maya and Qinglang like cream soup very much, while Lin Wu and Shuihua like meat buns, strictly speaking, the meat in the meat buns. In order to add some topic to the dinner, Dawn sent the night route: "Line 1: Continuous. Line 2: Intermittent. Line 3: Continuous."

Maya said: "We are not going to the state capital, Line 3 is afraid of death."

Lin Wu: "What is the difference between continuous and continuous?"

Maya answered: "For example, 1, 1, 1, this is continuous. 1...1...1, this is continuous." Continuous frequency is faster, and continuity means maintaining a frequency. Intermittent is easy to understand, irregular frequency.

Hongyi raised his spoon and expressed his opinion: "It's not a zombie, and it's not a cowboy robber." Otherwise, who can withstand an attack that lasts all night?

Shuihua said: "It's impossible to encounter obstacles continuously." Otherwise, there is no need to drive, everyone will get off the car and push the train away, and it will save burning coal.

Qinglang said: "Lin Wu, you guessed it right last time, what do you think this time?"

Lin Wudao: "My first thought was music. Only music has discontinuity, continuity and continuity."

Maya patted her thigh: "It's a sound, a continuous sound, an intermittent sound and a continuous sound."

"What is meant?"

"Intermittent should be thunder, irregular thunder. Continuous should be rain, with raindrops hitting the carriage intensively. Is it continuous? It is similar to raindrops, but the frequency will be lower, that is hail." Maya said: "It should be Choose continuous. But the continuous route is line 3, so you can only choose between continuous and intermittent."

Maya said: "If someone figures this out, they will most likely choose the continuous thunder on Line 1. Because the intermittent thunder on Line 2 is very unfriendly to sleeping people. But if my guess is correct, then the continuous thunder will Continuous hail will damage the carriages. Therefore, ordinary trains have no other choice, and the intermittent service of Line 2 is their best choice."

Hongyi nodded: "We are an armored train and are not afraid of hail, so we choose the continuation of Line 1."

Maya said: "Yes, if I am right, we can all have a good sleep tonight." What the train cannot lack is the driver. Both Maya and Splash can control the train, as long as they change shifts.

Shui Hua chose Line 1, and soon saw dark clouds, raindrops and hail falling. Everyone high-fived each other and congratulated each other for finally guessing correctly. The hail was pounding on the carriage, making the noise relatively loud, but it was bearable.

Everyone was in a very good mood for dinner tonight, especially Lin Wu and Shui Hua. This was the first time they had eaten meat in two days. Previously it was either cake, bread or fruit.

Along with the choice, the guide Hongyi got the information about Line 1: "Line 1, Town No. 9: Town of Exile."

"Why skip 7 and 8?" Lin Wu complained. The result of the complaint was that they had already given up on towns 7 and 8 in their previous choices.

Exile Town is a paradise for criminals. The cause is complex. In short, crime is rampant and the police are ineffective, causing prisons in various states to be overcrowded. So the state government put some prisoners to live in isolated places, built infrastructure for them, and left them to fend for themselves. A train will pass through here every month, dropping off new prisoners and some basic items before leaving.

After looking at the background of the town, everyone thinks that Town No. 9 is a lawless place with no laws and rules. They believe in the law of the jungle. Big fists are the last word, and the weak can only be bullied and slaughtered. Exile Town is located in an oasis in the desert. Since there is no transportation, almost no one can get out of here.

The good news is that there are no guns or bullets in the exile town, and to a certain extent, the Orient Express has overwhelming force.

The bad news is that the Orient Train is, in their opinion, the best way to escape from the desert prison and head for freedom.

Maya made a decision: "If they want to train, we will blow open the door of the passenger car. Before that, we have to collect as many resources as possible. I think gold is not valuable here. It's sunny. You don't need to carry gold." Blocks and any trading items, negotiate directly with the other party. If the other party's bid is high enough, we can consider selling a few guns. Lin Wu, you accompany Qinglang, be careful of others playing dirty tricks."

Lin Wu said: "Why don't we get off the train and just yell a few times at the train station and let them trade with us."

Maya nodded: "You can try."

Hongyi said: "I suggest we first consider how to sleep tonight?"

There were only three blankets and the floor was rigid.

Lin Wu raised his hand: "I can break my legs and get the qualification to stay in a hospital bed."

Hongyi laughed and took out the stick: "I'll do it!"

Lin Wu said hurriedly: "Just a joke, just a joke." In an era without painkillers, breaking a leg was no joke.

Maya ignored their quarrel and said: "Three blankets are spread flat, enough for four people to lie on. Everyone pay attention to your physical condition, and if you are sick, go to the hospital bed for treatment."

Qinglang said: "Maya, I find you are special."


"You can remain serious in a relaxed atmosphere and don't resent interruptions, teasing and joking."

Maya looked at Lin Wu: "Sometimes it's not that I don't feel disgusted, I just hold back and don't do anything!"

"Why are you looking at me?" Lin Wu said dissatisfied: "The one who spoke is Qinglang, you can't just bully singles."

Maya sighed and stood up: "I've eaten, thank you Hongyi, it tastes good."

Lin Wu was unhappy: "What does she mean when she sighs?"

Qinglang smiled and said: "A sigh is a sigh, and it is usually a sign of a person's helplessness. Logically speaking, everyone will restrain themselves from sighing to prevent their emotions from affecting others. Her sigh was for you, and she deliberately let you hear it. I I think the general meaning is: If you don’t shut up, the labor and management will beat you to death.”

"Ha, it's like I'm afraid of her."

Exile Town is a cross-shaped town, ranking first in area among the towns I have seen before. The train station is in the center of the cross, and the tracks run through the entire town.

The town is built by the state capital, which regularly sends clothes, seeds and tools to the people in the town. Due to the large area of ​​the oasis, various livestock cubs are also sent to encourage the townspeople to breed. The train station is also different. There is no waiting hall, only a big yellow circle.

The game introduction tells players that when the trains previously delivered prisoners and supplies, they were equipped with soldiers and weapons. When the train stops and people and supplies are unloaded, any townspeople who step into the yellow circle will be shot by soldiers.

The trains dispatched by the state government are armored trains. Once people or trains are attacked by townspeople, the state government will cancel the delivery of supplies for the next month.

It sounds like this is not only a lawless place, but also a very bad and disordered world, also known as chaos.

In fact, this is not the case. There are many people watching, but they are far away from the yellow circle. A man walked outside the circle and stood waiting. Although he was dressed in ordinary clothes, his waist was very straight. It seemed that he was not a prisoner who came to ask for something, but a landlord who came to collect rent.

Lin Wu stepped forward and said, "Hello." The train only opened one door for the cargo compartment. Behind the door, everyone had their guns ready and waited for the conflict to happen.

"Hello." The man said, "I am the mayor." The two green characters "mayor" appeared on his head.

Lin Wu rarely met someone who introduced himself so formally, so he replied: "I am a player...well, my name is a player."

"Aren't you from the state capital?"

"No, we are the Yeyue Steamship Private Railway Company. We got lost because we were not familiar with the nearby railways, so we entered this town by mistake."

The mayor nodded, took a few steps forward, and shook hands with Lin Wu: "This town only supports barter, and outsiders must also abide by the rules. No crime, no provocation. If you encounter unfair treatment, you can go to the town office to find out Me. We need more tools, pesticides, and fertilizers.”

Lin Wu regretted, "We don't have one."

"It's okay, you can take a stroll around." The mayor turned to the townspeople and said, "Passers-by, please stop watching."

Lin Wu followed and asked curiously: "Mayor, how do you manage them? It is said that they are all criminals?"

"There are many types of criminals. One type is what we often call criminals. They commit crimes for profit or even personal preference. One type is forced to make a living and commit crimes out of helplessness. There is also a type of people who have been wronged. All Anyone who comes here, no matter what type of criminal they are, has a chance at a new life.”

"If someone is stubborn, we will deal with them without mercy."

Lin Wu: "I'm just curious as to why they would listen to you? Because good people want to live a quiet and responsible life, and only bad guys want to be the boss."

The mayor replied: "Anyone who wants to be the boss will be killed by the townspeople. I am not the boss. I am the person they choose to handle and make decisions about the town's chores."

Lin Wu: "Don't you favor others when doing things?"

"Every Saturday night, we will hold a bonfire party and randomly select 5 townspeople to supervise me for a week. They have the right to remove me at the bonfire party. I see you are so curious, why don't you come with me? trip."


The mayor and Lin Wu entered the town office, and there were people waiting inside. It turned out that two peasant women collaborated to make a large piece of goat cheese, which they agreed would be divided into 55 cents. However, they tried many methods but could not divide the cheese evenly, so they asked the mayor to divide the cheese. Of course, this task belongs to Lin Wu. The mayor said: "Please cut the cheese for them."

Lin Wu picked up the knife and looked at it for a while, then handed it to Farmer Woman A: "You cut it, you divide the cheese into two parts, and she picks first."

mission completed.

Because of Lin Wu's closeness, Lin Wu unlocked the town office's unlimited tasks: processing official documents. Official documents include multiple-choice questions, subjective questions, and judgment questions.

For example: A and B are neighbors. When A built a stone wall, he occupied 0.1 meters more of B's ​​land. How should the ruling be made? This question is a 5-point question, and you will get $5 if you answer it correctly. Wrong answer will result in a deduction of $5.

Lin Wu's answer was: A apologizes to B, seeks forgiveness, and provides certain material compensation. If B disagrees, demolish the wall and build it again. Such a satisfactory answer only scored two points. Lin Wu asked through the intercom, and Maya gave a more reliable answer.

Maya believes that when building the wall, if B raises questions or prevents A, A should be held fully responsible and the wall must be completely demolished. If B does not express anything, it is judged that the fence is valid and there is no need to provide compensation to B. It is recommended that A give a small amount of symbolic compensation.

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