Corrupted Nation

Chapter 332 Volcanic Area

To their surprise, the volcano did not cause them any trouble, but the problem was food. After entering the volcanic area, we set up camp at noon on the second day. Due to many obstacles on the road, we traveled a total of 120 kilometers, and the only food left was a kilogram of bacon and half a kilogram of rice.

After setting up a tent in a natural cave on the roadside, Lin Wu immediately went to a stream three hundred meters away. Just as he thought, it was a hot spring stream. The temperature of the bath is just right, but it doesn't solve the food problem. After filling up the hot spring water and returning to the camp, Maya took a sip. The smell of sulfur hit her nose, but she could only drink it.

"The speed is slow." Maya knew that the objective reason was that the road was seriously damaged and there were many obstacles. Due to food concerns, it is necessary to leave the volcanic area before the next break. In other words, they must complete 180 kilometers from tomorrow to 2 pm the day after tomorrow.

Maya proposed a solution: "You go first." The Phantom has all-terrain enhancements, so it is not a problem for it to run 180 kilometers within the specified time. Maya suggested that Lin Wu leave the volcanic area first and find a place to camp on the side of the road outside the volcanic area to wait for her.

This idea was also Lin Wu's, but he didn't bring it up immediately. After all, this was the first time the two of them acted separately. In addition, according to time calculation, Maya must reach the camping point before the second night of departure, otherwise Sandstorm will starve to death. Considering that Sandstorm only takes a day and a half to cover 120 kilometers, whether we can cover 180 kilometers in two days depends on God’s will.

Lin Wu replied: "Whether we can successfully go out does not depend on the upper limit of efficiency, but on the lower limit. As long as there is water, we will not die of hunger for several days. Sandstorms are the root of the problem."

To be honest, Sandstorm is already very good, but it is not good enough compared to Phantom. In addition to not having the advantage of all-terrain reinforcement, Sandstorm also has a slow-down mode, so Maya has not pushed it too much, trying to control its fatigue value within the safety line as much as possible.

Maya said: "One of the reasons why I let you go first is because you can't speed up the sandstorm by following me. The second reason is that I have made plans to abandon the sandstorm if necessary."

"Okay!" The worst case scenario is that Maya dies. You can just wait for her for 24 hours.

After discussing it, they both went to the creek to soak in the hot springs and drink two more sips of water. After the tent was set up, Lin Wu used the kitchen to cook all the ingredients into salty rice. He ate a little casually and left most of the food to Maya. Maya didn't refuse, she ate half of it and packed the other half in a paper bag.

"I go first!"


Without the sandstorm as a drag, the Phantom raced all the way on a road full of volcanic ash and volcanic rocks. Even though Lin Wu deliberately controlled its fatigue, it still maintained a speed of 25 kilometers per hour. Setting off at seven in the morning, Phantom left the volcanic area with Lin Wu and Xiaowai at four in the afternoon. After walking another three kilometers, Lin Wu arrived at a river valley grassland filled with fragrant flowers and chirping birds.

Lin Wu didn't know if there was anything to eat in Hanoi, but Lin Wu saw a lot of food by the river. Antelopes, rabbits, and prairie deer can be seen everywhere. After smashing the tent, Lin Wu and Xiao Wai rushed to the river like a hungry tiger. Ten minutes later, they returned home with 20 kilograms of meat.

What is the difference between all-terrain enhancement and no enhancement?

There was a road paved with black stone debris in front of him. The Phantom's choice is to speed up and step on the stone directly. The rolling stone will not cause it much trouble. The sandstorm must slow down, either go around it, or step firmly before moving forward. Of course, you can also force Sandstorm to run over, but if you dare to ask, Sandstorm will dare to throw it at you.

The more difficult the road is, the greater the gap between Phantom and Sandstorm. Now the phantom has eaten fresh tent grass, but he doesn't know where the sandstorm is now.

Under the bright moon, Lin Wu sat next to Phantom, eating barbecue and looking in the direction of the volcano area, feeling a little restless. I always feel that it is not appropriate to abandon my companions and eat barbecue alone. Is it inappropriate to abandon your companions, or is it inappropriate to eat barbecue alone? Lin Wu's little mind began to run wild.

The next morning, Lin Wu, who had had enough sleep and food, went out to work. This time he met a crocodile, which also allowed him to eat crocodile meat for the first time. This food tastes better than rabbit and venison. It tastes a bit like a mixture of chicken and fish. Lin Wu thinks it is closer to snake meat. Tired of eating lean meat, some crocodile meat is quite good. Not only is it rich in fat, but the meat is also elastic.

From ten o'clock in the morning to twelve o'clock at noon, there was still no news about Maya and Sandstorm. Lin Wu restrained the futile impulse of letting Xiao Da fly and continued to wait patiently. As Maya's nominal husband, Lin Wu knew that Maya was still alive, and if there were no problems, she could live for several days. The problem is Sandstorm, who was starved to death in less than 12 hours.

Originally, Lin Wu thought that Sandstorm was better than Phantom because Sandstorm was not picky about food and was easy to feed. Although it will slow down the work, as long as the fatigue value is controlled. After this comparison, I realized that there is a huge gap in strength between the five-star divine horse and the four-star divine horse.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Lin Wu began to feel restless. He was imagining the difficulties that Maya was encountering now, and the guilt of leaving behind his companions made him quite anxious.

It is true that as Maya said, Lin Wu walking first is the optimal solution, but humans are not rational animals. Secondly, Highway 77 has already hit Maya, and Lin Wu doesn't want Maya to suffer the blow of losing the sandstorm or even dying again. Of course, there is also a selfish reason. The pressure of walking more than a thousand kilometers with the resurrected Maya is very stressful. The pressure comes not only from the body, but also from the psychology.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, this was the fifth time Xiao Wai was sent out. Without temporary supervision, the distance it can leave Lin Wu is based on its nose, and the smell of Lin Wu is within the range. The first four times, Xiaowai came back in 10 minutes. This time, Xiaowai still came back in 10 minutes, which meant that he did not smell Maya's scent.

Lin Wu hugged Xiao Wai, stroked the dog's head, and led him into the tent. I planned to prepare dinner through the kitchen, but found that the command post at the tent base indicated that tonight was a low-light night.

Along the way, I didn’t meet a single zombie on Route 77. Will there be night monsters on Route 77? Lin Wu didn't know that he couldn't measure the height of Shuguang's cheap stuff.

At seven o'clock in the evening, it was already dark, and Xiao Wai was sent out for the seventh time. This time, Xiao Wai did not come back. Lin Wu looked at the time and was quite excited. He rode on horseback to meet Maya, but met Xiao Wai halfway with a mountain rat in his mouth. Xiao Wai showed off his trophies to his master. Lin Wu, who was extremely annoyed, restrained his recklessness, touched Xiao Wai's head as a reward, and took the mountain rat.

Lin Wu walked back to the camp with Phantom and Xiaowai. He is not afraid of the Night Demon now, but hopes that a few Night Demons will come out and have a fight. You can't vent your anger on your own people, and you can't look for outsiders to relieve stress.

Suddenly Xiao Wai stopped moving forward, turned around and let out a muffled groan towards the night, but it was not a warning move, but rather a bit excited. Lin Wu ordered: "Go."

Xiao Wai ran out like an arrow from the string, and Lin Wu got on his horse to follow. Although the sky was dark, the phantom was not affected at all. When arriving at the edge of the volcanic area, Lin Wu saw Maya. Maya held a homemade torch made from her sleeves and followed Xiao Wai on foot. Seeing Lin Wu dismounting and walking towards her, Maya rarely smiled again.

The smile was interrupted by the hug. Maya remained motionless for a few seconds, leaned back, ended the hug, and asked: "Is there anything to eat?"

"Yes, yes." Lin Wu touched his body and said apologetically: "In front. Who is that?"

Maya said: "I threw it away."

Because of the rush, Sandstorm's fatigue value remained at over 40. When there were still 20 kilometers left from the volcanic area, Sandstorm's fatigue value exceeded 50, and then he began to slow down and stopped following Maya's instructions. Maya wanted to let it rest, but when she saw Sandstorm's bright yellow hunger level, she couldn't help but start to worry. She hoped to leave the volcanic area before the fatigue level reached 80%.

Unexpectedly, in the last five kilometers of the road, the sandstorm stopped completely.

Once the sandstorm fatigue value exceeds 80, it must be reduced to 50 to return to the idle state, and then reduced to 30 to return to the normal state.

Maya blames herself for this. She thinks she should control her fatigue. But she can't control the fatigue value, because Sandstorm may starve to death. Horses can reduce fatigue when they are stationary, and walking or running at a slower speed than normal can slowly reduce fatigue. This is for smooth roads, speed is not the only criterion for fatigue.

After comprehensive calculation of various parameters, Maya faced a dead end. She calculated that in an hour, the sandstorm she abandoned would be completely starved to death.

Phantom, which had always been aloof, became very uneasy after seeing Maya. When Lin and Ma were walking, it kept turning its head and looking back. Lin Wu didn't know what it was thinking, so he said, "Go ahead." There is only one horse. It's not much with you, but it's not much without you. Just go and do whatever you want.

Go ahead was the master's order, so the phantom went. Maya looked in the direction of the horse's hooves and asked, "Does it want to bring the sandstorm back?"

Lin Wu: "Everything is possible."

Maya said: "Sandstorm needs to reduce the fatigue to below 50 before it can move at slow speed. This process takes at least an hour."

Lin Wu said: "It doesn't matter, I also support Phantom to die for his love. Just come back. Extraneous things like Phantom cannot be compared with companions."

"Thank you, it's a pleasure to be with you."

Lin Wu: "Me too, the tent is right in front. When I'm hungry, I'll run, 12, 12, 12."

The warmth of seeing each other again immediately turned into the urge to hack the person to death. Whether it was hacking to death or beating him to death, he had to catch up with the person first and eat first. The two of them returned to the tent camp accompanied by Xiao Wai. Even though she was hungry, Maya still ate normally. In fact, it means eating normally without covering up.

After dinner, Maya walked out of the tent and lit a bonfire with firewood outside the tent. As the fire rose, she heard the sound of hoofbeats, the sound of two horses' hooves. After waiting for a while, Phantom and Sandstorm appeared in the firelight and arrived at the tent together.

"Lin Wu." Maya shouted.

Lin Wu came out, saw this scene, and complained back: "You cheated, haha, you cheated." I finally caught you.

Maya once again felt the urge to chop him to death.

This time, the little white rabbit explained for a long time, and even explained some characteristics of the mount to Lin Wu. Only then did Lin Wu realize that a mount could still be used for romance. This is not the point. The first point is that there is interaction between animals of the same kind. The second point is that Phantom and Sandstorm are lovers. The third point is that Phantom will only eat low-quality grass due to the influence of sandstorms. Under the influence of the phantom, Sandstorm will change his habit of going on strike at 80 fatigue points.

"Couple?" Lin Wu ignored everything else and only focused on this point. He looked at Sandstorm and Phantom in disbelief: "How do they get together?"

Little White Rabbit: "Whenever you rest and fight zombies, that's the time they spend alone together. According to my understanding of relationships, they should become a couple."

"What kind of bastard logic is this?" Lin Wu was dissatisfied: "I admit that I didn't see any other horses along the way, but don't you think it's too casual to just get together like this? You see, my companion and I have experienced life and death together. , we have traveled thousands of kilometers and we are not together."

Little White Rabbit: "You are husband and wife."

I go!

The little white rabbit said: "I'm sorry, I can't simulate human emotions. According to my understanding of various materials, it is basically like this when horses are matched. They first put the two horses together to live together, and then everything will fall into place."

Lin Wu said: "That's just breeding, it has nothing to do with feelings."

Little White Rabbit: "Among animals, horses have very strong emotions."

Lin Wu understood: "Because you can't simulate feelings, so you use breeding to replace feelings?"

Little White Rabbit: "I admit I'm not perfect."

Lin Wu said: "I don't care whether they have feelings or not. Since you said so much, I want to ask a question: Where is the little phantom? How can you just cultivate feelings and not get pregnant?"

The little white rabbit replied: "I'm sorry, the game does have a breeding system, but it's only for wild animals."

The little white rabbit explained. It probably meant that for the sake of harmony, the two horses followed the Platonic route, not that route. Therefore, they had not actually been bred, so there would be no little phantom. The breeding of other wild animals has nothing to do with humans. Core: Humans have laws and regulations that require civilized play, but wild animals such as wild boars are not required to abide by the law.

Seeing Lin Wu's irrelevant inquiry, Maya reminded her. When Lin Wu asked, Little White Rabbit replied: "Whether Sandstorm still maintains the characteristics of 50 fatigue points and slow work, you need to find the corresponding NPC for re-identification, or explore on your own."

After Lin Wu asked Maya the question, he continued: "You talked about the relationship, but you didn't plan to give it to Little Phantom? Is that what you mean?"

Little White Rabbit: "I have already explained that, limited to laws and regulations, all aspects of harmony that are directly related to humans will be harmonized. Phantom and Sandstorm belong to your mounts, so breeding will not occur."

Lin Wu: "Then when will I see wild animals mating?"

The little white rabbit answered frankly: "It's usually impossible. Even if you see it, you can only see the mosaic."

Lin Wu said: "Did you know? Human beings also have another emotion, which is persistence. Our insistence on going home should be able to move countless human beings. Are you considering arranging some benefits for us?"

Little White Rabbit: "Sir, do you have any other questions?"



Lin Wu turned around and looked at Sandstorm, "Little brat, you can seduce the phantom right under my nose." Forget seduction, what is platonic love? Would you like to have some backbone?

Lin Wu turned around and asked, "Why is it so bruised and swollen?"

Maya came over to check: "It's injured. It's not serious. It will heal on its own."

"Oh." Lin Wu understood, and patted Shabao's neck: "The sea of ​​suffering has no end, but when you turn around, you will reach the shore." There are thousands of flowers blooming, but you have to choose the one with thorns... No, it has no choice. Okay, just be happy.

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