Corrupted Nation

Chapter 348 Defense Mission

Stone's voice came from the headset: "Lin Meng is back." There was a bit of surprise in his tone. He didn't expect the little girl to be so courageous.

Lin Meng shouted in the channel: "I'm back."

Lin Wu said: "Lin Meng, you and Shana will go to the building materials store to move bricks later."

"Okay. Shanna, I bought you a set of 5-meter by 5-meter fences that can be used to raise chickens." Lin Meng said with a bit of excitement: "You can also keep refreshing bugs in the fence. "

Shana said in surprise: "Thank you Lin Meng."

Maya asked, "How many points did it cost to buy the fence?"

"three hundred."

Maya asked: "How many points do you have left now?"

Lin Meng: "No more."

Maya felt like fainting, but she couldn't say anything because the points belonged to Lin Meng and did not belong to the base.

Lin Mengdao: "I also bought a leather jacket for my uncle."

Su Shi immediately said: "I must admit today that I am forty years old and am the real uncle of the base."

"Just die." Shitou said, "Lin Meng, thank you."

Lin Meng: "You're welcome, Uncle Su Shi also has a gift, a pair of beauty glasses. If you accidentally see zombies in the future, you will think they are quite cute."

Su Shi: "Really?" expressed doubt.

Lin Wu: "Cough, cough!"

Maya: "Why did you buy these things?"

Lin Meng explained: "Either spend 1,000 points to move, or the points will be cleared after moving. By the way, I also bought 15 classics needed to build a library."

Maya: "Thank you Lin Meng."

Lin Wu: "Ahem!"

Shitou said impatiently: "It is basic morality to turn off the wheat when you cough."

Old thing, I will come back to settle the score with you. Lin Wu asked: "Lin Meng, didn't you find something missing?"

Lin Meng: "Your gift?"

Lin Wu: "Yeah."

Lin Meng: "I bought myself a beautiful sweatshirt."


Lin Meng whispered: "The old one is for you."

"Go to hell, go to hell, go to hell." Lin Wu was furious: "I explained to you why I want your clothes, please don't mention it again, okay?"

“Old sweatshirts are men’s clothing, and they’re very expensive.”

"It's expensive and not worth it."

"I only wore it once."

"shut up."

"Oh." Lin Meng asked: "Then who wants it? The clothes are also bulletproof and cold-resistant. I bought them with the points I saved when I did the mission." When I was young, I didn't know that points were good, but later I discovered that the missions were getting more and more difficult. Points are getting harder and harder to earn.

Except for Lin Wu, everyone else said in unison: "Me."

Lin Wu: "Who dares to grab clothes from a pervert like me? I reluctantly asked for it, so I can't bear the stigma in vain, right?" Damn the fortress, if you sell sweatshirts, you should sell them well, no matter what kind of sweatshirts you sell that are bulletproof and cold-resistant.

In fact, all the clothes sold in the fortress have additional bonus effects. For example, farmer Shitou's leather clothes can increase the harvest by 5%. Because of this, Lin Meng gave the leather clothes to Shitou as a gift.

Unlike items such as firearms, clothing cannot be returned. Lin Meng, like many girls, liked the sweatshirt when she first saw it. After buying it and wearing it for comparison, she found that it didn't look as good as ordinary clothes, the color didn't match, and she looked a little fat, so she kept throwing it in the warehouse to gather dust.

Then why not buy a new one for Lin Wu? She originally planned to do this, but when browsing the Fortress Mall, she was tempted by a light green sweatshirt. The light green sweatshirt is a women's style. In view of the principle of not wasting, Xiao Lin dreamed up a way to give away used clothes. As for whether there is any intention to please, I don't know. Anyway, in the end, Lin Wu shamelessly asked for it.

Lin Meng came back to hand out gifts. Amidst the shouts of thanks, Lin Wu's career of moving bricks was temporarily over, and he came back for a meeting to discuss how to increase his points.

As mentioned before, Lin Meng's tasks are mainly divided into two categories: offense and defense. Each offensive or defensive mission is bound to be more difficult than the last completed offensive and defensive mission, and the rewards are more generous. In addition, there are unexpected tasks, such as expelling the shadows.

The most interesting thing about the fortress mission is that it is not restricted by area. The mission you receive in the safe house of Science and Technology City is near Science and Technology City. If you accept a task and fail to complete it within the stipulated time, one penalty is to deduct a certain amount of points, and the other penalty is to complete a new tedious and simple task.

Punishment tasks are extremely disgusting. One of Lin Meng's previous punishment tasks was to find a Rubik's Cube in a safe house and restore it within ten minutes without anyone's help. This is not a problem for professional experts, but it is a nightmare for those who are not familiar with the Rubik's Cube. The strong Lin Meng challenged 10 times and finally obediently paid the points fine.

Offensive mission tip: A ferocious lair appears nearby.

Maya objected: "There will be no wild nests in the town. It is not convenient for us to leave the town now."

Defense mission tips: A three-person dungeon can form a team to deal with a small zombie tide.

While in Fantasy City, Lin Mengkan's defense mission was to guard injured agents. It is speculated that perhaps due to the special geographical location of Lemon Town, it was changed to a defense copy.

Comparing the two missions of offense and defense, I will definitely take the defense mission.

Defense Mission: The human sanctuary is under attack and your emergency assistance is needed. Three-person team, empty package copy, ordinary copy. Lin Meng explained: "The empty bag dungeon means that you cannot bring mission items other than backpacks into the dungeon. We can go in directly, but the items will be temporarily kept. Ordinary dungeons refer to exiting the dungeon after death, without any penalty. "

Lin Wu handed Xiaowai to Maya, and entered the defense copy with Shana and Lin Meng. As for Maya, she was still hospitalized and considering that there was no loss in death, she suggested giving it a try first. Even if you fail, there is still a chance to challenge.

The dungeon consists of two cliffs, a clearing and a dense forest. A dozen tents were set up along the edge of the cliff. This was the shelter. There is an open space outside the shelter, which is in the shape of a fan. The shelter is about fifty meters away from the woods, and zombies will appear in the woods.

Mission details 1: There are 20 NPCs in the shelter, and each NPC is worth 100 points. If an NPC dies, 100 points will be deducted instead of 100 points will be deducted. The total points are 2,000. After one NPC dies, 1,800 points are left. If all NPCs die, Lin Meng owes 2,000 points.

Mission details 2: There are various guns, weapons and ammunition scattered in the shelter. Before the dungeon officially starts, players have 3 minutes to search for these weapons. If there are players who purchased duplicate weapon cards, they can use the safe house weapons and ammunition during this period, but the weapons and ammunition are not allowed to be taken out of the duplicate.

Krypton gold player: Any weapon can be used.

Non-Krypton gold players: Find your own weapons.

The price of a duplicate weapon card is 1,000 points, which is obviously not something Qimeng can afford. It can be seen from her attitude of giving gifts to everyone: She is not poor, and God cannot tolerate it.

Mission details 3: After killing the zombies, a treasure box will drop. You need to touch it to get it. It may contain points, various props, or nothing at all.

This detail is disgusting. A treasure chest fell 20 meters away. Do you want to take it? What if it falls at the edge of the woods? As soon as you pass by, a bunch of zombies rush out.

What's even more disgusting is that the shelter has no defense facilities.

Lin Meng looked at the other two people, they nodded, and Lin Meng started the task. After the 3-second countdown ends, the mission begins, and a 3-minute search countdown appears.

Lin Wu ran away with a whoosh and rushed into a tent. A couple were sitting on chairs chatting. Lin Wu passed between them and opened the cabinet they were blocking. Inside was a seven-shot shotgun and 20 rounds. bullet. Lin Wu knew very well that his opponent was not a zombie, but Shuguang. He knew Shuguang's urine very well and gained the upper hand immediately.

Looking back, the hostess was standing, very rigidly, while the male host continued to sit on the chair. Lin Wu pushed the male host down, and a pistol and two magazines were tied with tape on the back of the chair. After collecting it, a magazine of bullets entered the backpack, and a magazine appeared in Lin Wu's hand. Together with the magazine of the pistol, the two magazines allowed the player to switch.

Lin Wu lay down, got under the bed, and got out from the other side of the bed. He didn't see any weapons and followed the way out of the tent. The entire process adds up to less than 20 seconds. When Lin Wu came out, Lin Meng was looking into a tent: "Sorry to bother you." Lin Wu kicked her in and flew into the third tent. When he came out again, He had an assault rifle strapped to his back.

Arriving at the fourth tent, Lin Wu's first impression was that the carpet was abrupt. You live in a tent and the floor is made of dirt. Why is there a carpet? After knocking away the host and hostess, Lin Wu lifted up the carpet and found a wooden board. When he opened the wooden board, he saw a massive amount of bullets.

Lin Wu called: "A large number of bullets were found in Tent No. 4. If you need them, come and get them." Damn Shuguang, all the bullets are loose. Not to mention taking them one by one, it will waste a lot of time to take them by the handful. Lin Wu put the backpack into the pit and pulled it in with his hands like splashing water. He didn't care about the bullet type and let the backpack automatically classify.

In the last 30 seconds, Lin Wu's weapon rack was filled with weapons, and his backpack was filled with bullets of various types. At this moment, he found a Gatling gun, a Gatling gun specially designed for .50 bullets. There is no need to change ammunition, as long as there are .50 bullets in the backpack, you can fire continuously.

Lin Wu glanced at the backpack and saw that there were only 30 .50 bullets in it. So he immediately returned to Tent No. 4, and sure enough, Shana and Lin Meng selected the bullets, and most of the bullets left in the pit were .50 bullets.

The preparation time counted down, and the three warriors stood in front of the shelter. For a moment, both Shana and Lin Meng were shocked by Lin Wu's appearance. Not to mention the weapon racks on both sides, the appearance of him carrying Gatling on his back made people feel extremely ferocious at first sight.

Defense time is 3 minutes. The first wave came out, and more than fifty zombies rushed out of the woods together, swarming towards the shelter fifty meters away. As soon as Lin Wu pulled the trigger, the barrel of the Gatling gun began to rotate, and then sprayed out tongues of flame. The zombie wave was torn apart instantly like paper figures. After one round of strikes, all the zombies were killed, leaving only three treasure chests. Looking at the zombie corpses again, no corpse is relatively complete.

Lin Wu was also surprised by this. He shot down 200 rounds of .50 bullets in just 5 seconds. This was the result of adjusting to the low rate of fire mode. If you change it to a high rate of fire, and you don't have hundreds of mines at home, you can't afford it.

At this time, the most disgusting thing happened. The three-minute defense countdown suddenly ended, and the words "Mission Success" appeared. Not only were the subsequent treasure chests gone, but I didn’t even get the three treasure chests.

Lin Wu was furious and complained as soon as he got out of the dungeon.

Little White Rabbit answered innocently: "It was the captain, Miss Lin Meng, who agreed to end the mission."

Lin Wu asked: "You took the initiative to end the copy?"

Lin Meng nodded very happily: "Well, the system is really a good person."

Lin Wu was so angry that he gave Lin Meng a slap on the head: "I carried more than a thousand bullets, just to fight for 5 seconds? Do you know how many treasure boxes you have lost? Even if you agree, should you pick up the dropped treasure boxes first? ?”

Lin Meng touched his head and asked timidly: "More than a thousand? Why do I only have 60 bullets?"

Shana said: "I have more than 200 rounds of rifle bullets and 100 rounds of pistol bullets."

Seeing Lin Meng's innocent eyes, Lin Wu stomped away and found a place to sulk.

Although the geographical location is unfavorable, our side has an overwhelming firepower advantage. Not to mention Gatling's abnormality, even if the assault rifle has unlimited firepower mode, the number of bullets is enough to last until the end of the defensive battle.

Lin Meng carefully opened the curtain, only to see Lin Wu holding Xiao Wai leaning against the bonfire, looking at him coldly. Lin Meng forced a smile and walked over, knelt down and touched Xiao Wai: "Xiao Wai is so cute."

"Ha!" Lin Wu responded.

Lin Meng took out his left hand from behind: "Shrimp crackers." There was a flattering smile on his face. Seeing Lin Wu not picking up the biscuits, her smile dimmed.

Putting the cookies on the carpet, Lin Meng stood up and lowered his head and whispered: "I'm sorry, I was wrong. I should ask for your opinion."

Seeing that Lin Wu didn't respond, Lin Meng nodded to Lin Wu and turned to leave.

Lin Wu said, "Hey, I'm fine." What else could he do if he didn't forgive? Looking back, I still have to be criticized and educated by some people.

Lin Meng turned around quickly, smiled brightly, and asked, "Does that mean you're not angry anymore?"

"not angry."



Lin Meng smiled again, this time not to please, but a happy smile. She turned around, put her hands behind her back, and walked away.

childish! As the only mature person in Shadow, I felt a lot of pressure in an instant.

The second copy of the defense mission, this time there were 5 people in the mission, and it was at night. After Maya recovered, she immediately shouldered the gun. It was really difficult to get together 5 people, so in the end I had no choice but to rope Shitou into the group. Shitou puffed up his beard and glared at being looked down upon, but was defeated by Lin Meng's words, "Uncle, he's not handsome anymore."

This time Lin Meng learned his lesson. Less than 20 seconds into the four-minute defense mission, the system requested surrender. Lin Meng chose to refuse to accept surrender. After the whole battle, she was responsible for picking up the treasure box, while Lin Wu, Maya and Shana were responsible for the firepower output. The stone is responsible for protecting NPCs. Because Stone's marksmanship was poor and he was worried that he would accidentally injure his teammates, Maya confiscated his weapon and gave him a machete.

In this round, Lin Meng got 31 treasure boxes, opened skill books, crafting maps, and score cards. With the first copy of the defense mission, Lin Meng already had 5,500 points.

At this time, Lin Meng and everyone understood why the fortress agents were rich. The reason was that the initial tasks of the agents were very difficult. So why was the first non-dungeon defense mission that Lin Ma participated in so difficult? In fact, it is not high, because non-dungeon tasks are open tasks and anyone can participate in the tasks.

In short, non-dungeon missions can be completed by relying on human sea tactics, while dungeon missions are more difficult due to limited weapons and number of people. Of course, it will be harder in the future, not now.

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