Corrupted Nation

Chapter 372 Bloody Heart

Early the next morning, Lin Meng woke up Lin Wu, who was pretending to be asleep, and the two of them left the dormitory quietly. The cold wind that came on them instantly woke them up. Of course this requires a complaint. The little white rabbit reluctantly replied to Lin Wu. The cold resistance value did not mean that he would not feel the cold at all. The exposed part of the body would still feel the touch. Similarly, no matter how high the cold resistance value is, your hands will feel cold when touching cold water. Unless the exposed parts such as the face and hands are wrapped, the cold will not be felt when the touch is lost.

When I walked to the small square, I found that it was not snowing, and the snow was not very thick. The sky was gray and it seemed like the frost could be seen with the naked eye. The command post showed that the current temperature was minus 25 degrees.

The two went to the kitchen to look at the ingredients, and Lin Wu made a decision: "Eat glutinous rice balls in the morning, dumplings at noon, and hot pot in the evening." After that, he went to walk the dog. Lin Meng started boiling water and prepared a food bowl, and then found that it was really convenient, all he had to do was wait.

Lin Wu wandered to the back door. The Lemmon River had frozen over and was covered with a light layer of snow. I turned around and visited Phantom and Sandstorm again. They were doing well. When I returned to Shadow Base, I saw an unmanned automatic snow plow passing the checkpoint.

Lin Wu released Xiaoda, and Xiaoda followed and discovered that the snow plow only cleared a main road and the road in the villa area. Lin Wu went to the rooftop to look at the airport. There were also snow plows at work there, but they were only cleaning up parts of the area. A runway and some areas for vehicles and aircraft were cleared.

The biggest discovery: The snow plow is large and slow, and it seems that it can be used to avoid the infrared scanning of the checkpoint, thereby achieving the goal of entering and exiting the airport.

Secondary discovery: No zombies were found on the road the snowplow traveled. It can also be understood that the snow plow swept away all the zombies. The snow plow swallows the snow on the road ahead, and sprays the swallowed snow out from the left and right sides of the vehicle body. Not sure how it works, but I'm sure the route is very safe. However, the most threatening thing is not zombies, but surveillance drones that can summon drones.

There is a meter width between the campfire and the bed, and this meter is the eating area and meeting area. Lin Meng placed the cauldron on the campfire stand with cooked glutinous rice balls inside. Then distribute food bowls and cutlery.

Everyone was sitting around the campfire chatting and eating glutinous rice balls. Lin Mengtian asked shamelessly: "How does it taste?"

This question stunned everyone present. What else could be done? It's all written on the packaging.

When Lin Wu came back, he saw the strange atmosphere and asked, "What? Is it so delicious that there is no sound?"

Su Shi said: "Is it delicious or not? You can tell the taste just by looking at the packaging. Can you cook it with other flavors?" What he said back to Lin Wu also answered Lin Meng's question.

"As long as it's edible." Lin Wu then said what he discovered.

Lin Meng asked in surprise: "So you're not lazy?"

Lin Wu glared angrily: "Do you think I'm being lazy?"

Lin Meng smiled sweetly: "No, no."

Shana asked Maya: "Do you have any plans today?"

Maya replied: "No urgent arrangements, free to move around. Judging from the current situation, the only needs we have this winter are food and fuel. According to last night's data calculation, 24 hours of non-stop burning, the fuel can last for at least two months. So Based on the current temperature. Shana, you have time today to take stock of the food situation."

Shana said: "Hydroponics can contribute an average of 5 kilograms of vegetables every day. Taking pumpkin as an example, the edible weight is about 4 kilograms. There are currently only four chickens in the pasture, and they steadily produce 3 eggs every day. All of them are hatched. The first one Moon Ranch can only contribute roosters. There is not much staple food reserves, and I expect the main food in winter will be canned food and pumpkins. The meat is expected to be consumed within a week."

Lin Wu said: "All the fresh meat in the supermarket has been eaten by zombies. The only place that has this kind of food is the refrigerator in the apartment building. Assume that the zombies can't open the refrigerator."

Lin Meng: "You can still hunt."

Lin Wuju glared at him, frightening Lin Meng's heart to tremble, and Xiao Dao and others immediately laughed from ear to ear. Yes, you can hunt in winter, and Lin Wu is the first choice for hunters. You can use the system vehicle to leave the town of Lemmon, but because the road is not cleared of snow, you can only walk or ski to the hunting location, and it is difficult to return on the same day.

Maya said: "The hunting conditions are too poor, travel is difficult, and prey is scarce. Can Su Shi make an ice drill and obtain meat through ice fishing?"

Su Shi replied: "It's not a big problem."

Shitou asked: "Can the auction system obtain food?"

"Yes, but the price is very high. The listed price of one kilogram of wild boar meat reaches 50 hand bombs. At present, most of the products in the auction are weapons and props." Maya said: "There are many people leaving messages in the auction area to buy sincerely. The cold resistance value exceeds 20 single piece of winter clothing." Cold-resistant clothing includes clothes and pants, or clothes and pants in one, and a hat. A small amount of shoes, some gloves, and a system scarf will also add a small amount of cold resistance. The numerical value added is not much, but it is better than nothing.

Shitou said: "In difficult times, the competition is about who can endure it better. If none of us can endure it, there will probably be very few people left alive in the hardcore mode. I hope that everyone can be of one heart and one mind and spend the last three quarters together."

Lin Wu: "Well said, applause."

Everyone put down their food bowls and took a few random shots.

Shitou is angry, I will talk to you about the base culture some other time, and I will trick you people to death.

Maya finished eating the glutinous rice balls and said, "Lin Wu, come out with me later."


Maya said: "Let's find a way to draw some blood from the blood center before the blood mist expands." Three months later, the original formula serum expired, and by then the blood mist area had fully expanded, and the risk factor had risen sharply. If you don't bully Xexin when it's still a baby, then when will you wait?

Lin Wu asked: "The road in front of our door has not been cleared of snow, so we cannot drive. There are cameras at the intersection that will attract drones."

Maya: "Then destroy the drone."

"Okay!" Lin Wu stood up and said to Lin Meng, "You take care of it."


Maya and Lin Wu prepared to set off. Maya said: "Lin Wu, you have basically been unable to go out for the past three months, and the activity area is limited to the base. The environment is not much better than the conditions in the prison."

Lin Wu said: "There is still entertainment. The important thing is whether everyone is interested in playing poker and mahjong. Only a fool like Xiaodao can play mahjong purely for the sake of playing mahjong. Whether you play mahjong or poker, you need a lottery ticket." You can also use the method of punishing the loser, but this method is only useful temporarily.

If you can use points to gamble, of course everyone will be interested, but it will also make losers unhappy and create instability.

Maya: "So let you think of a way."

Lin Wu asked back: "You said you lived in outer space for several months. How did you spend it?"

"Live strictly according to the schedule, exercise, eat and rest regularly every day. Physical training plus a three-hour break, shooting training plus a three-hour break, mental training plus a three-hour break, and one hour for washing, eating and convenience. Including eight hours of sleep, 18 hours have been spent. The remaining six hours are to check the equipment and complete the work process for the day. If there is still time, write letters and journals."

Lin Wu said: "Just find something to do for yourself."


Lin Wu: "Then let's find something for everyone to do."

Maya: "For example?"

Lin Wu: "For example, if you go out to kill zombies and continue to loot and demolish them, everyone will get their clothes dirty, and it will definitely be uncomfortable if they are stained with various liquids, so they will wash their winter clothes. During this period, we can only increase the fuel investment to ensure that they will not be frozen. If you die, you run out of fuel, you have to go out and cut firewood." Compared to the dungeon, the main game is still focused on melee combat, and no matter how careful you are, a battle will be stained somewhat. It's okay to have a change of clothes on weekdays, but only one set of winter clothes.

At present, there are not many foods that can be obtained by searching, and most of them are snacks. The main harvest is building materials and sundries, but just like the materials obtained from demolition, the base currently does not have much demand for these.

Maya thought and said, "Is there anything else?"

After passing the intersection, it was discovered by surveillance that a small blow destroyed the first drone. The two quickly passed by, leaving the drone search area, avoiding the zombies and continuing towards the direction of Blood Heart.

"Any other suggestions?" Maya asked again.

Lin Wu originally wanted to fool him, but when Maya asked her, he knew that she really had no good solution, so he asked himself.

Lin Wu asked: "Are you too worried?"

Maya said: "A group of people do nothing together for three months. They may fall in love, quarrel, lose their temper for no reason, be depressed, etc."

Lin Wu said: "The only thing I can think of is to help this silly girl Lin Meng do tasks. However, as her task level gradually increases, there may be attrition." After the update, the character's death will completely leave the hardcore mode.

Maya nodded: "It's a bit interesting, but Lin Meng's mission is not an exclusive dungeon mission, it may also be a scene mission."

Lin Wu said: "I don't think Shuguang will issue tasks that are impossible to complete."

"Okay!" Maya kept silent and looked inside. This is a fitness swimming pool. Half the space is a gym. The other half is the swimming pool, and outside the swimming pool are the entrances to the two locker rooms. Judging from the range of the blood mist, the blood heart should be in the swimming pool.

There were too many zombies in the gym. Maya waved and Lin Wu led the way, walking around the gym and carefully checking the situation inside through the windows.

Going around to the river, Lin Wu saw a standard swimming pool. More than a dozen zombies were standing staggeringly beside the swimming pool. There were also a dozen zombies floating in the swimming pool. Zombies are either dry and dehydrated, or obese and inflated. No matter which feature gives them the ability to backstroke.

The swimming pool is quite large, and compared to the number of thirty zombies, the density is relatively low. But there is a big problem, the blood heart is not on the shore, but in the water.

There is a 4-square-meter blood heart at the bottom of the swimming pool, which prints the entire swimming pool in red. As the blood heart beats, the water waves rise and fall.

Lin Wu opened the window without glass and turned sideways, motioning for Maya to come forward. Maya drew out her machete, leaned out and hacked to death the zombie more than one meter away from the window. After the zombie fell to the ground, four nearby zombies came over to check. Lin Wu used a mirror to see clearly. He took the opportunity to get out and stabbed one of the zombies with a dagger in the back, and then continued to stand against the wall.

Following the same pattern, after cleaning up these zombies, a small safe area was obtained. Lin Wu turned over and entered the room, crouched and sneaked, pulled out the Silencer, and shot the explosion on the other side of the swimming pool in the head. Pull the bolt and load the bullet, hit it three times in a row and take it down violently. Maya also took out a light crossbow and shot the zombies in the water.

The two of them were very good at sneaking into assassinations. They had been working together for a long time and knew exactly what to do with just one look. The zombies in the swimming pool were cleared smoothly and easily.

Lin Wu glanced at each of the men's and women's locker rooms, walked away and announced: "There are many zombies, don't make too much noise." There were more zombies in the two locker rooms than in the swimming pool. Lin Wu saw the full cabinets in the two rooms, and his hands felt itchy for no reason.

"The drain." Maya pointed to a square cover next to Blood Heart: "I don't know if there is a valve."

Lin Wu said: "Although I don't understand, if there is a valve, the person who turns the valve will be sucked in by the suction and freeze to death."

"Isn't it drowning?"

"Freeze to death before you drown."

"The water hasn't frozen, which means the water temperature won't be very low." After saying that, Maya squatted down and touched the water: "It's very cold, it should be recycled water." Her face hurt a little.

Many swimming pools are equipped with circulation systems that continuously discharge water. After simple purification and treatment, the water returns to the swimming pool through the water inlet. The reason is that the utilization rate of swimming pools is usually only two to three months, and the cost of changing the water once is too high, so this method is used, along with chemicals such as bleaching and sterilization, to maintain clean water quality.

Maya said: "There should be a special equipment room. If my guess is correct, you need to open the drain cover first, and then start the drainage equipment."

Xexin made the water in the swimming pool that should have been quiet become restless. Lin Wu looked at it for a while before he could see clearly: "It seems there are screws." If he just lifted the lid, he could still tolerate it. In fact, you need to unscrew four screws, open the lid, and unscrew the plug, which takes a minute or two anyway.

Starting a fire is a good idea, but with the light snow and being in a town, there isn't much to combust.

Maya looked at the crowbar on Lin Wu's backpack: "Use the crowbar and it can be done in 30 seconds."

Lin Wu looked through his backpack: "I also have a dry towel here."

Maya nodded: "That's enough, let's go find the equipment room."

The two left the same way, and after walking around in a small circle, they found the equipment room. Just as Maya said, they needed to open the plug of the drain pipe first. Of course, you can also turn it on first, but when the plug is opened, the person will be firmly sucked to the bottom of the water.

Back in the swimming pool, Maya started to take off her clothes, and Lin Wu said: "Hammer, paper, scissors."

Maya said: "I'll just go."

"Without this argument, any one of us can complete the mission. There is no choice between advantages and disadvantages. I'm afraid of the cold, aren't you afraid of the cold?" Lin Wu stretched out his hand: "Fair and just."

Maya thought for a while, nodded, and stretched out her hand: "Hammer and cut cloth!"

"We lost unexpectedly." Lin Wu squatted on the ground holding his head.

Just act.

Lin Wu stood up, moved his body, put down his backpack, and began to take off his clothes. It felt fine when I took off my hat, and it felt fine when I took off my shoes, but as soon as I took off my down jacket, I was instantly surrounded by a biting chill. With no time to hesitate, Lin Wu took the crowbar, gritted his teeth and jumped into the water.

After entering the water, he felt a bone-chilling sensation at first, but it soon eased. Lin Wu ignored his body's reaction and quickly sank to the bottom. He didn't care that Xue Xin was beside him and directly climbed on the crowbar. The crowbar was not very powerful in the water, so Lin Wu held the crowbar and jumped up and down. He quickly deformed the lid and pried up a corner. Lin Wu came out of the water to take a breath, and a gust of wind blew. Before he froze to death, he got into the water again, reached out to touch the disk, turned it, and soon took it off and swam quickly towards the shore.

Maya stretched out her hand to hold Lin Wu. Lin Wu climbed up. His body was trembling and he slipped. He knelt on his left knee and hit the edge of the swimming pool. He fell back into the swimming pool. Lin Wu had a clear mind and let go of Maya's hand to avoid dragging her into the water. Got out of the water again and returned to shore smoothly. Lin Wu felt huge pain after standing up. He grabbed Maya's little arm and knelt down on one knee. He opened his mouth wide and did not dare to make a sound.

Seeing this, Maya knew that Lin Wu had injured his knee, so she immediately asked Lin Wu to sit down and handed Lin Wu a towel. Lin Wu pointed at his backpack. The pain temporarily killed the coldness. After taking a piece of painkiller, the coldness came unexpectedly.

Since she couldn't help, Maya could only watch Lin Wu busy alone, handing him a hat after wiping his hair, and handing him a down jacket after wiping his upper body. Fortunately, the underwear is made of Anzi technology, so there is no need to change it, and it will not get dirty or wet.

After carefully drying his legs, Lin Wu lay on the ground and put on his pants by twisting his body.

After putting on the pants, the cold resistance value of the down jacket was immediately reflected. Lin Wu lay motionless on the ground, as if he had just passed the test of life and death. He felt the beauty of the world at this moment, and even the fluorescent lights on the ceiling were extremely cute.

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