Cosma Empire

Chapter 148 Results

"Can't you answer?" Mr. Three thousand yuan asked with a smile, "Shall I give you some hints?"

Mr. Tramp nodded immediately, and the prosecutor once again raised his hand to express his objection to Mr. Three Thousand Yuan’s inductive court hearing, but unfortunately, the judge also wanted to know what else happened, so he dismissed the prosecutor again. Officer's objection. So far, Mr. Three Thousand Yuan is basically sure to complete the trial according to the plan. He glanced back at Du Lin, smiled with his lips pursed, then faced the homeless man, and said, "My client, Dufo, gave You have a lot of money!"


The original boring "insufficient evidence" in the tense trial process has already made many people lose interest. I didn't expect the sudden addition of drama at the end to be so exciting. The fact that the witness who was regarded as a sharp weapon by the prosecution actually concealed such an important fact is very enjoyable! But after the excitement passed, people couldn't help but start to think deeply. One is the backbone of the "criminal group" and the other is a homeless man who wanders the streets and often cannot even get a meal. What kind of relationship and transaction exist between them? , need to get a backbone of a criminal group to give money to a homeless man?

Is there something else going on here? Or is there a problem with the homeless themselves? If he himself was involved in the charges against Dühring in this case, then according to imperial law, all his testimony would be nullified, and the new charges against Dühring would also be withdrawn. There are relevant provisions in the imperial law. If a person involved in a case is willing to become a tainted witness to accuse others of a crime, he must be honest to the police and the court without reservation, otherwise all the testimony will not be used as evidence in the trial.

But obviously, this Mr. Tramp has concealed the most crucial point, that he has money transactions with the currently accused criminal group headed by Du Lin!

The pen in the prosecutor's hand broke with his force. He was startled suddenly, and a trace of bright red blood had already overflowed from the gap between his fists. His assistant immediately took out a handkerchief and wrapped it around his hand. But he couldn't hold back his depressed heart.

In fact, this is just a small matter. As long as the homeless man mentioned this matter in his previous testimony, no matter what Mr. Three Thousand Dollars did, it would be difficult to shake this key witness and testimony. But the problem is, he didn't say it, so a crack appeared on the fortress of the iron wall.

"Do you remember now?" Mr. Three Thousand Dollars poked his finger on the desktop of the witness stand, "You accepted a sum of money from Mr. Dover, did you or didn't you?"

Sometimes I have forgotten something for a long time, and I can immediately recall all the things I have no memory of after being mentioned by others. Mr. Tramp immediately nodded and replied: "Yes, he gave me a sum of money, but only..."

Mr. Three Thousand Dollars didn't give the tramp a chance to finish his sentence. He slapped the table hard, and the panicked Mr. Tramp shut his mouth immediately, "You just need to answer yes or no."

Facing the gaze of hundreds of pairs of eyes,

Mr. Tramp's body trembled nervously. He blushed and lowered his head so that his fluffy hair blocked people's sight. From behind the pile of hair, a soft voice came out, "Yes!"

"Not loud enough, louder, let more people know!"


Mr. Three Thousand Yuan secretly breathed a sigh of relief, he turned to face the judge, "Your Honor, I have finished asking my questions."

The judge nodded in agreement. Mr. Three Thousand Yuan returned to the seat and shook his head. Obviously, these allegations should be fine, but Du Lin found a very powerful lawyer. There is only one charge that can be determined so far-the crime of intentional injury. Du Lin could not be sentenced for this crime for a long time. With his financial resources, he didn't have to wait long to get out of that place. Although the judge knows that he represents justice and understands the evil and darkness he faces, sometimes he must know how to close his eyes.

"Get ready, sue this homeless man for perjury and defamation immediately after today's trial, he will like that place where he can have enough food every day!" Mr. Three thousand yuan seemed to be saying to his assistant, but in fact his The purpose is to let Mr. Tramp hear, to increase the pressure on him.

Without waiting for ten seconds, the homeless man fled from the witness stand and rushed to the nearest exit.

He was unsuccessful, however, as the bailiffs stopped him.

The farce-like ending made the prosecutor sit weakly on the chair. He knew that his trump card was finished. He closed his eyes and had to endure another failure.

No, he should have won, because according to the current situation, Du Lin will definitely be convicted of intentional injury, and he may face three months to one year in prison...

I'm really not reconciled!

He glanced at Mr. Three Thousand Yuan, and Mr. Three Thousand Yuan gave him a friendly smile.

The bitch!

"Now the trial is temporarily adjourned for ten minutes. Please let the jury make the final decision!" The judge picked up the gavel and tapped it, and got up and left. He couldn't bear the disrespect of these bastards to the court.

The jury members entered a closed room in an orderly manner to start the final procedure. They will follow a form to decide whether the charges against Du Lin are established. The broken man, Mr. Tramp, was dragged by the bailiffs into another room, which was used most of the time to hold the accused.

"Mr. Du Lin, congratulations. If there is no accident, most of the prosecutor's charges against you will not be established." Mr. Three thousand yuan smiled happily, and once again there was a successful case for his self The value increase is of great help. In the past, his basic fee of 100 yuan an hour and 3,000 yuan for representing a case can be increased by 5% to 10%.

Du Lin was also very satisfied with the quick wit of Mr. Three Thousand Dollars, and he also joked, "Some people say that it may not be worth it for me to spend so much money on a smart and talkative guy. I will definitely tell him next time I see him, Look, this is the credit of lip service!"

Mr. Three Thousand Dollars doesn't care at all that he is called a lip service by Du Lin, as long as he can make money, as long as he can make fame, he is willing to call himself a shit. In the face of money and power, there is no such thing as dignity for lawyers.

As for justice?

what is that?

Ten minutes is not a long time, and soon the adjournment ended, the judge returned to the judge's seat, and the citizens who heard the trial began to wait for the final result, "Jury, what is the final result of your discussions?"

A representative of the jury handed over the final decision, just as Du Lin had hoped, the judge read the final result with some helplessness.

"The jury finally decided that all the charges against the criminal group headed by Dulin were not established except for the crime of 'intentional injury'!" After the judge read out, the citizens who heard the trial felt that this was the most appropriate ending, Inexplicably, they all sided with Du Lin. Then the judge put down the resolution and began the final sentencing.

According to the laws of the empire, all criminal cases are decided by the jury. In this case, the judge can only be responsible for sentencing. This is also to maintain the justice of the law to the greatest extent and avoid the occurrence of excessive power of the judge. Corruption and injustice. Sometimes it has to be said that this is a fucking restriction, but if you are the defendant, then this is a good clause.

"According to the testimony, physical evidence and defense provided by both parties, I declare..." Everyone stood up, including the judge, "Du Lin, Dufer and other fellow members who attended the court, were imprisoned for four moon!"

With the sound of a hammer, the trial that did not go according to plan finally ended as planned. Du Lin and Mr. Three Thousand Yuan shook hands vigorously, "Thank you for your help. If you can not charge me, I will Thank you even more...", both of them smiled, knowing that this was impossible, "If you need anything, you can contact me, of course, I also need to charge."

"Well, no kidding, you are a very good lawyer, if given the opportunity, I am sure we will work together again!"

Mr. Three thousand yuan's assistant gathered all the documents on the table, which will be kept as Mr. three thousand yuan's record. After the key name, time, place and specific allegations are concealed, it will become his representation in a certain case. It is a small prop to reassure the client.

"You are a very happy client, please contact me if you have any needs, and I will give you a preferential price next time!"

After a brief conversation, Dooling and his "criminal group" will board a police van outside the courthouse and be taken to the district jail. After boarding the car, the smile on Du Lin's face quickly disappeared. He secretly taught Duffer a gun, "Be careful, I think something is wrong."

Obviously, the tramp who suddenly appeared at the end and the new charges were aimed at him. Once he was convicted, no matter how powerful he was, he would definitely not be able to get away with a sentence of ten to twenty years in prison. He didn't know who found this homeless man, and he didn't know whether it was a temporary plan or a long-planned plan. In short, he felt that the road to prison this time would not be peaceful. Those people failed to embarrass him through business-like methods, so they will inevitably use some methods that cannot be put on the table.

Amidst the wobble, the police car slowly drove out of the courthouse and headed out of the city.

At the same time, on another parallel street, a car also began to drive slowly.

The road out of the city was not smooth, and people always felt an inexplicable sense of distress amid the shaking. Gradually, Du Lin closed his eyes and yawned. When he opened his eyes again, the car was already driving in the suburbs.

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