Cosma Empire

Chapter 321 The ending [four] is

Illian's court trial has attracted the attention of many people. Some family members of the "deceived" and "victims" in this case also bought a boat ticket from the imperial capital and rushed to Illian early, making it a little unclear for the passenger ships running this route. The situation, could it be that the peak tourist season in Illian is coming again, maybe two more passenger ships to Illian should be opened.

In addition to those who were deceived and the families of the victims, the three major feature agencies in the Empire not only sent a luxurious reporter group, but also brought two cameras to film the entire trial process, intending to film the entire trial process .

The fraud of the century, the name alone will attract many people to buy it, they even have an idea to adapt this fraud into a movie, it is estimated that it will have a good box office. You must know that this is the financial case with the largest amount of money involved, the largest number of people deceived, and the largest number of victims in recent years... In short, the financial case that broke many records shocked the entire Western world.

Various speculations also cast a veil of mystery on this case. Some people think that the mastermind of this case is actually someone else, and Du Lin is just a scapegoat they put out. Others believe that there is no mastermind at all, that this is an official act of cutting wool by the empire, and that the money is in the treasury of the imperial central bank. More and more rumors have caused the news these days to be talking about this matter. The name Du Lin can be regarded as famous throughout the empire, and even the western world.

In the early morning of the next day, the temperature was only around zero degrees, and the outside of the courtroom was already crowded with deceived people and their families who wanted to go in and listen in. The trial that could have been attended by ordinary people had to be suspended because of the large number of people. open. Only the deceived and the families of the victims can enter, and only one can enter, which makes many people dissatisfied with this.

When the time pointed to 8:45 in the morning, three modified police trucks drove into the back door of the court. At the same time, Prosecutor An Pu, who represented the public prosecutor, also appeared in people's sight. A large flash of light instantly blinded the eyes of many onlookers who were not used to it. Anpu lowered his head and walked up the steps under the protection of the soldiers. When he stood on the top step, he stopped, and the reporters immediately realized what he was going to say, and immediately flocked to him.

An Pu had a confident smile on his face, as if he had already won the game. He had carefully dressed himself this morning, just like every time he appeared in court. Facing these reporters, he just pondered for a moment, and then he spoke with a smile. The late sunshine sprinkled on his face, and his whole body was bathed in golden sunlight. At this moment, people suddenly fell silent, looking at him, at the famous prosecutor, wanting to hear what he had to say.

"There is justice and fairness in this world. Maybe you can't see it, but it won't be forever. One day you will see it. When you see it, you will realize that evil cannot defeat justice after all. No matter how much we pay for it, it is worth it!", he waved his hand, said thank you, and squeezed into the courtroom.

The reporters recorded An Pu's words, and the photographers hated why the camera in their hands was black and white, and why they hadn't developed a color camera until now! Cheers erupted from the calm crowd,

People love the way AMP looks, love his confidence, love what he says. He seems to be the incarnation of justice, presiding over the power of seeking justice given to him by God!

Afterwards, three luxury cars parked outside the court one after another, and the reporters and onlookers once again found something to focus their attention on.

Dufer opened the car door, and a shiny leather shoe stepped out of the car door, stepping firmly on the ground, and then Du Lin got out of the car. He was wearing an off-white coat, dark suit, white shirt, and tie. He looked at the crowd and smiled slightly, and walked to the steps under the guard of Duffer and Ellis.

A reporter suddenly shouted, "Mr. Anpu said something to us just now, do you want to listen to it?" He didn't wait for Du Lin to give his opinion, and shouted what Anpu said. People It was quiet again, except for the occasional swearing, it was quiet.

After the reporter repeated An Pu's words, he asked, "Mr. Du Lin, do you have anything to say to everyone now?"

Du Lin looked at the reporter, and other reporters also looked at him. He was in his early thirties, with brown hair and a triangular badge on his chest. He was a member of the Special Articles Agency. No wonder he was much sharper than other reporters.

Du Lin pointed at him, "What's your name?"

The reporter grinned, "I'm an unknown person, Mr. Dulin, please don't avoid my question, do you have anything to say?"

Du Lin kept smiling, and the golden light also sprinkled on him. He pondered a little, "What is justice, what is fairness? When everyone thinks that something is right, it must be right." Is it right? And vice versa, when everyone thinks you are wrong, are you really wrong?"

"I don't object to what Prosecutor AMP said. What he said makes sense, but it doesn't apply to me. In this world, the greatest justice and fairness is the law. I firmly believe that the law will give everyone the justice they deserve. Peace and justice, long live the law, and justice shall prevail!"

After speaking, he entered the gate of the court without looking back. Those who came from the imperial capital outside the gate were stunned for a moment, and then cursed away. They don't care what is right or wrong, what is fair and fair, they just want to know who took their money and made their life savings go to waste.

This time the trial was held by three judges at the same time. Because of the particularity of the case, it was up to the jury to decide whether Du Lin was guilty or not.

After entering the court, Du Lin sat in the dock, but he was not nervous at all. Instead, he talked and laughed with Kevin. The auditorium seats were already full, and there were still some people standing by the walls on both sides. They would rather stand all morning, and also wanted to get close to the trial involving 70 million funds.

At exactly nine o'clock, the judge sitting in the middle knocked on the gavel, and the whole court fell silent immediately. After a series of procedures, the dry goods finally started.

Du Lin has been observing An Pu, and he is no longer as decadent as yesterday, and his confidence is about to shine. Du Lin understands Anpu's mentality a little bit. People like them are actually proud, so even in the face of failure, they must show their most perfect self and face the tragic ending with pride.

"Your Honor..., I will submit an evidence first..." An Pu took out the evidence bag containing the note, sent it to the judge's bench, and then showed it to the jury members one by one. The time and place were written on the note, and then Dooling summoned the newsboy and Bruni. During the whole process, An Pu maintained a certain degree of excitement and anticipation. He was very curious about what the trial would look like.

After the newsboy told what he should say honestly according to what he said, there was some commotion in the courtroom, and the next thing was to question Bruni, but at this time, the problem finally appeared.

Bruni retracted his confession in court, directly denied everything he had, and said that the newspaper boy had lied.

"Mr. Bruni, do you know the meaning of retracting a confession and perjury in court?" One of the judges squinted at Bruni, "This will increase your charges, and you may pay a higher price."

Bruni was silent for a moment, and then actually took off his clothes.

During this process, Amp didn't stop him, because he already knew what Bruni would do. When Bruni showed the scars all over his body, he faced the judge and said: "After they found me, they thought I killed Juan and asked me to admit it. I didn't agree, and then they tortured me. I'm afraid I Will be beaten to death by them, so I did as they said..."

There was a clamor in the courtroom again, and the judge had no choice but to wave the gavel in his hand vigorously, quieting the courtroom. The judge sitting in the middle looked at the expressionless Du Lin on the dock and asked, "Mr. Du Lin, what do you think about this?"

In fact, this in itself does not conform to the rules. No matter what opinion Du Lin has, Kevin should make a statement. conventional.

Du Lin stood up and bowed first to show his respect. He said softly, "I don't have any opinions, Mr. three judges. I believe that the law will give me a fair and just result!" After he sat down, the three judges discussed After a while, he decided to adjourn the court for ten minutes.

The second key witness withdrew his confession in court, which made it difficult for the trial to continue. There must be a pause process. If you miss this step, you can continue from the next step. Ten minutes later, the court reconvened. All the evidence and testimony given by Anpu were denied by Kevin, and all the subsequent witnesses also retracted their confessions in court, which interrupted the trial again.

In fact, at this point, the three experienced judges had already determined that there was indeed a problem with Du Lin, but without the support of evidence and witnesses, it was impossible to have any influence on him. They sympathized with An Pu a little. The reason why they were able to appear here was also the suggestion of the Supreme Court of the Empire and the Supreme Court of the Empire. Undoubtedly, Amp fell, but they were not particularly worried.

In addition to proving that evidence collection may not be so "standard", retracting the confession in court is not a big deal in the final analysis. It is nothing more than punishing the investigators. In addition, An Pu is a member of the judicial system, so he may not need to bear too serious consequences.

During the fourth court session, the result was basically confirmed, but at this moment, Kevin stood up.

At this time, the farce-like trial was meaningless, and the members of the jury were at a loss. Originally, they still had some tendentious positions, but after successive retractions and suspected torture, their positions became blurred. And what Kevin needs is this result, and then enough to make Amp "pay the price" for the change.

In fact, Dulin still has some dangers in this court trial. The danger comes from the jury. Anpu very cleverly mobilized some jury members from other places to form a new jury, which will give the jury every This member had a very special feeling——Duhring was very powerful, and the local jury was bribed by him, so he was not enough to take on such an important responsibility. So from the beginning, the jury was biased, and they were more inclined to AMP than to a neutral position.

At this time, he was holding a piece of paper sandwiched by a glass piece, which was only the size of a palm, and it was full of characters, "Your Honor, I would like to provide a piece of material, which comes from the stomach of the deceased during the autopsy." Take it out." As he spoke, his assistant began to send the rubbed documents to the judge and the jury members, and he continued: "You can clearly see the content on it, this is a suicide note, a Juan Mr.’s suicide note. He stated his thoughts at the last moment in his suicide note, which is enough to prove that Mr. Juan did not die of murder as Mr. Anpu said, but committed suicide.”

He took out another document, "This is the debt transfer document after the auction. Before Mr. Juan committed suicide, Mr. Du Lin had become Mr. Juan's creditor. Mr. Juan owed Mr. Du Lin two One million and three hundred thousand yuan!"

"I would like to ask the three judges, members of the jury, no matter whether the evidence and the testimony of the witnesses are questionable, does Mr. Du Lin have the motive to murder Mr. Juan?" He walked to the side of the jury seat and He held up the copy of the rubbings issued in his hand to ensure that everyone could see it, "This is a debt of 2.3 million yuan, not 230 yuan. If Mr. Du Lin wants to murder Juan, then the 200 yuan What about the 300,000 debt?"

"This is not a small amount of money. I am very humble to admit that I may not earn so much money in my whole life!"

"In addition, I also need to state the fact that Mr. Juan and Mr. Dühring have commercial conflicts. This is a well-known fact. But this is not enough to prove that Mr. Dühring will destroy the deal in order to vent his anger. Debt, my personal opinion is that this is Mr. Juan's revenge on Mr. Durin!"

"Yes, Mr. Juan retaliated against Mr. Dühring through death. He will never have to worry about the huge debt of 2.3 million, and Mr. Dühring also lost 230 yuan in debt. At the same time, Mr. Du Lin was burdened with suspicion and infamy!"

"At the same time..." Kevin walked up to the judge and bowed to show his respect to the judges, "Your Honor, on behalf of my client, Mr. Du Lin, I formally filed a countersuit against the prosecutor, Mr. For my personal benefit, I have framed and slandered my client by fabricating perjury, extorting a confession by torture, etc. I hope the three judges can accept this case!"

The whole court was instantly blasted to the sky by the noise!

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