Cosma Empire

Chapter 565 Going to the West

There are not many tourists in Odis City in winter, and the whole city looks a bit deserted, which is also the off-season that tourist cities need to endure. But there is one exception. The surrounding business district centered on the seven major casinos is still very lively. Gamblers from the empire and even the federation regard this place as a holy place. Every day they can witness the birth of the miracle of wealth and go crazy with jealousy. It will also ignore the presence of more wealth black holes.

Everyone firmly believes that they were kissed by God on the forehead when they were born, but sometimes God does not kiss with their mouths.

In a slightly remote place, a bar that was full two months ago was now empty, with only five or six people sitting lazily at the edge of the bar, listening to relaxing music and drinking, enjoying the leisure time. The women from primitive tribes who couldn't even afford to wear clothes on the stage were gone, and the men who seemed to be offspring of orangutans with muscle bumps all over their bodies disappeared. They all went to the casino to seek wealth, no one I would choose to stay here in the face of a dozen or so guests trying to show their poverty that they can't even afford clothes.

The door of the bar was suddenly pushed open, and the cold wind blew in from outside the door. The city of Otis itself is located in the Gobi Desert, and the wind is so strong in winter that people feel daunted.

The guests at the bar all wrapped up their clothes and turned to look behind them. There was a guy in a windbreaker and hat shaking his body by the door, and the snowflakes on his body fell to the ground with the violent shaking of his body.

He took off his clothes and hat and handed them to the girl by the door who was in charge of storing things for the guests, and walked over with a vaguely excited expression.

The bartender at the bar glanced at him. While mixing a cocktail for him, he also hinted at the doorman to close the door. The wind outside was too cold!

"You're late!" Sitting in the middle of the bar, the guy in a white suit smiled and patted the high stool next to him, "Is it because we talked too late last night that you couldn't even get out of bed? ", several other guests laughed.

Last night, this late guest called two primitive tribe girls aged seventeen, eighteen or nineteen to his home to discuss financial assistance. This is a very sacred thing, considering the backward social environment of primitive tribes and their Faced with natural disasters and natural harm, he not only donated a precious sum of money, but also tried to increase the population of primitive tribes.

He shrugged his shoulders, sat on the high stool and took a sip from his wine glass. The wine in his mouth was sweet and slightly sour. After a variety of complex flavors, it was the strongest wine flavor.

He put down his cup and raised his eyebrows, "Did you know? Du Lin is leaving Odis City!"

The moment he finished speaking, the joking smiles on the faces of the people around him suddenly froze, and time seemed to be paused by some naughty God at this moment, and even the bartender stopped wiping the wine glasses Work, looking at him without blinking.

After about twenty or thirty seconds, these people came back to their senses, and there was an indescribable luster in their eyes.

"You...are you telling the truth? Dulin is leaving Odis? Where is he going? Or go to the state government in other cities?" The guest sitting on the side hurriedly walked over, and even his own The wine glasses were forgotten.

The latecomer showed a very smug expression, "You know? I paid 3,000 yuan to buy this news, you... don't you need to express something?"

This news is very important, and 3,000 yuan is not a lot of money for the people here. The customer sitting in the middle of the bar next to him is also the owner of this bar, and immediately asked the bar to withdraw money from the cash drawer at the counter. He took out five hundred yuan and put it on the table.

Others also took out money ranging from two hundred, three hundred to five hundred, and piled it together. The late guy put the money away very satisfied and put it in his pocket. He looked at the friends who had gathered around and said in a low voice: "He was dismissed,

It is said that he will be appointed again, but you know, sometimes some words can only be heard, you can't believe it! "

This news excited everyone around them. They can be said to be the beneficiaries of Odis City, but they can also be said to be the losers, because they are all members of the Imperial Chamber of Commerce, not the members of the Odis City Chamber of Commerce. They were not included in Durin's plan to market the city of Odis this time. They also tried to fight with Du Lin, but they all ended in failure. They knew Du Lin's character well, so they could only regretfully watch the opportunity to make money slip away from their hands.

But now, that guy Du Lin is leaving, will the dark clouds covering the city of Odis finally clear up?

Dooling did turn the city into a gold den, allowing the money of tourists and gamblers to flow into everyone's pockets, but he also restricted the city's more "free" development. For some people who were excluded from Durin's plan, they would feel that Durin was not a qualified mayor because he discriminated against some people and restricted the scale and operation of these people in Otis.

Now, there is no need to worry about these things anymore, because Du Lin is about to leave. As long as he leaves, the city will be truly relieved and truly free, which is what the merchants most want to see.

"This news is good, this cup belongs to me!", the bar owner slapped his hands after hearing this. He originally ran a bar in Nami Lindes, and also managed some economic emergency services full of love and humanistic care. . Bars don't make much money, but they can borrow money, and they make a lot of money. He originally thought that with so many casinos in Odis City, it would be full of gamblers who desperately needed money to regain the dignity they lost at the gaming table.

However, the reality hit him head-on. These big casinos not only have special loan counters, but the interest rates are so low that people outside have nothing to eat. He can only focus all his attention on running the bar. . He believed that the interest on loans in the casino was definitely not the request of the businessmen themselves, and it must be Du Lin who forced them to lower the interest. Once Du Lin leaves, the interest on casino loans will increase, and his humanitarian care and rescue work will be able to continue.

More importantly, since Du Lin left, they will join in the listing plan of Odis City, and this is the most important thing.

In many corners of the whole city, there will always be two or three people or three or five people discussing things about Du Lin. It seems that the political arena of the entire imperial capital is a sieve with big holes and small eyes, and no secrets can be hidden at all. However, it is also possible that this news was intentionally disclosed, with the purpose of forcing Du Lin to leave as a loser as soon as possible, so as to remove the brand of Du Lin's invincibility in this city.

At this time, standing by the window on the second floor and looking at the flashing neon lights around, Du Lin held a tray in his hand and squeezed the ear of a coffee cup in the other hand. He watched the heavy snow outside through the glass window and stopped. It took a long time to turn around, "Let everyone refrain from calling the police for a few days, and give them a good rest. Before I leave, these people will definitely wait honestly for the moment when they think the sun will come out."

Haitt nodded, indicating that he knew. Dufo on the side was trimming his nails with a sharp knife, and couldn't help laughing and said, "Before I met you, the farthest place I've only been to is the region. Prison, but I have been to too many places since I met you, where are we going this time? South, North, or to the Federation?"

Du Lin also laughed. When he thought about it carefully, it was true. These people fought with him everywhere, especially in the past three years, they hardly stayed in one place for more than two years. Most of the time, they did something. Then just change places. He put down the tray and cup casually, sat across from them, and crossed his legs. He took out a pack of cigarettes from the gray waistcoat that was particularly docile, took out one, and someone lit the cigarette for him.

He took a deep breath and slowly exhaled, "This time we're going to the west!"

He won't go to the south, because it's useless to go there. As the region with the strongest capital and the most open-minded people, the south is consistently occupied by some big conglomerates and capitalists. Over the past ten years or so, they have accumulated enough deep foundations, and they will never tolerate a new player appearing in their sphere of influence that might shake them. Dooling was sure to receive the best reception when he went to the South, and then sent him back.

It is also impossible for him to go to the north. The old and new enmities between the Capet family and him have not yet been settled. Now everyone is busy with their own affairs and cannot control each other. I will take this as a provocation, and there will only be wars in the days to come.

Time is very precious. What Du Lin needs is to develop and grow, not to fight around, so after making a round of choices, he finally puts his foothold this time in the west.

First of all, the west is relatively backward, and there is nothing that capitalists pay attention to except the wilderness, desert, and mountains. The social structure there is relatively simple, but it also has sufficient development potential.

A large number of gold diggers, miners, ethnic minorities, and barbarians in the mountains are all targets for development. More importantly, the tens of millions of funds in Du Lin's hand need to be moved.

By the way, you can also find trouble with Memnon and say those embarrassing dialogues in front of him wearing a mask.

Of course, Du Lin would never admit that he did this to please Mr. Kesma, he was just passing by, nothing more.

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