Cosma Empire

Chapter 70 Art Museum!

Du Lin pinched Delier's neck with one hand, and clenched his other hand into a fist, slamming on Delier's delicately dressed face. This punch was full of strength. Although the strength and physical fitness of a sixteen or seventeen-year-old boy was far inferior to that of an adult, considering Delier's thinness, this punch had done enough damage to him. Blood immediately flowed out from Delier's sore and painful nose, and the fishy heat flowed away from his lips to both sides. He looked at Du Lin in horror and struggled desperately.

Du Lin gave him another punch without hesitation, another punch, another punch!

The only sound in the office is "poof", "poof", "poof".

After punching seven or eight times in a row, De Lier's eyes showed a look of pleading and fear, and he stopped struggling, as if he had compromised.

Du Lin let go of the hand that was pinching his neck, and shook his arm. After these few punches, his fist actually hurt. There was no flesh on Delier's face, and he could always touch his cheekbones when he hit him. While hitting him, his fist also hurt a little.

Having obtained "freedom", De Lier gasped heavily, his whole body curled up into the egg, and looked at this rude, unreasonable, barbarian-like young man in fear.

"You can't do this to me!", the slightly shrill voice and the distorted expression on his face made Delier's artistic atmosphere disappear without a trace in an instant.

Du Lin raised his eyebrows, and casually picked up a miniature totem pole carved with ivory on Delier's table, and slammed it on Delier's arm. The crisp sound made both of them realize that between the arm and the ivory, one must be broken. Of course, the broken one would definitely not be the ivory, then it would be De Lier's arm.

His scream didn't last for a second, and the ivory in Du Lin's hand was raised high again, and the high-pitched soprano-like scream came to an abrupt end.

"Mr. Delier, can we have a good talk now?" Du Lin looked at Delier, who was curled up in the egg, holding his arms and weeping bitterly as if he had been raped, with dangerous and fierce eyes.

De Lier pursed his lips and nodded, tears and nosebleeds mixed together, dripping on the collar of his favorite clothes, the red stains drop by drop were shocking.

"Very good, this is very good!" Du Lin casually put the ivory artwork in his hand back to its original position, and adjusted the position deliberately to keep it as it was before. He tidied up his clothes and appearance, and sat on the table, "Now, can you tell me what I should do to catch up with Mrs. Vivienne as soon as possible?" He took out the He lit a cigarette for himself, and after taking a puff, he flicked a small amount of the banquet on De Lier's body.

De Lier was afraid, and said in a trembling voice: "Mrs. Vivienne has a fanatical pursuit of all beautiful things..." When he said this, De Lier suddenly fell silent, he didn't know what he should do Shouldn't tell the truth, he secretly glanced at Du Lin whose eyes became fierce again, he shivered, and decided to speak out thoroughly. The only thing he can pray for now is that Du Lin has nothing to Mrs. Vivienne, otherwise he will definitely die ugly.

"Ms. Vivienne has a special hobby... She likes young, young boys, but not too young, handsome or beautiful boys around the age of thirteen or fourteen." When it came out, Delier didn't seem to plan to keep it anymore, so he just said it all. Anyway, if you say half a sentence, you are dead, and if you say a hundred sentences, you are dead. It is better to get past this level first, and then think about what will happen in the future.

"In fact, many wives like these tunes. Most of their husbands have taken care of their lovers outside, and they rarely do anything even if they go home for the night. I don't know if it's out of revenge, or some kind of belonging to the women. Hobbies, in short, several ladies like to do this. In addition to running this art gallery here,

They are also looking for their prey for these special guests. "

"I've said everything I need to say, can you let me go?"

Du Lin suddenly felt a little speechless. He looked around. It was obviously an art museum full of artistic atmosphere, but he didn't expect that such a dirty business was being done secretly. The curator of the art museum is actually a special pimp? !

But looking at it from another angle, it's actually quite normal. These wives who have a very high status lack the necessary care and nourishment for a long time, and they will definitely complain in their hearts. Some of them can bear it, but some can't bear it, especially women like Vivienne who have special power in themselves, who don't care what men think or do. The last time he heard from Kevin that the mayor or the congressman had taken care of the female owner of a restaurant, he didn't expect to find out about these activities here in a blink of an eye.

In fact, he didn't know that Delier didn't make everything clear. The so-called flower arrangement and tea party were simply a carnival party for these ladies, and they were full of hormones in this art gallery full of artistic atmosphere.

Those boys picked up by De Lier are not at a disadvantage. Apart from enjoying some special happiness, they can also earn a lot of money.

Take what you need.

However, this special hobby made Du Lin scratch his head. If Mrs. Vivian likes money, he can afford it. If she likes something, he can find ways to get it. But she likes little boys so much, does she want to do it by herself?

In an instant, Du Lin thought of a person—Dover.

That guy who is as handsome as a girl will definitely be liked by these wives, and it is not a disadvantage to him.

Thinking of this, Du Lin's butt moved off the table, and he walked to the egg chair. Delier thought that Du Lin would continue to beat him, so he immediately covered his head in fright, and his body trembled slightly. But after waiting for a long time, the expected storm did not come. He let go of his arms with a smirk and laughed twice.

Du Lin stretched out his hand slowly, stroked Delier's collar, and flicked the soot that fell on his body, "Look, I know some secrets that I shouldn't know, if you don't want to be found floating in the sky one day In the Onyx River, you'd better keep your mouth shut. Two days later, just find an excuse to invite Mrs. Vivienne over, and I want to give her a big gift, understand?", Durin patted Delier's cheek , Delier nodded blankly.

"I remember, two days later, Mrs. Vivienne, big gift!"

Du Lin nodded in satisfaction, took out a roll of ten-yuan bills from his pocket, randomly counted ten of them and stuffed them into his pocket, and threw the rest directly to Delier.

The unbound banknotes instantly turned into pieces of paper, spinning, rolling, and falling slowly.

Looking at Du Lin who turned away after the banknotes rained, De Lier felt like he was licked after being fucked by a dog.

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