Cosma Empire

Chapter 730 The Role of Wealth

"Are you sure..." Julio threw two newspapers on the table, one was the Valier Daily and the other was the Western News. He turned sideways and looked at his secretary who had been with him for nine years. He asked once with an accentuated tone, "Are you sure we really spent money on these newspapers? Why didn't I see my photo appear on the front page, which is not good for our future work!"\u00261t ;/p\u003e

In fact, what he said at the symposium were not all jokes. When Julio was in the south, he had already discovered that the influence of public opinion is very huge. Many times, with the help of public opinion, what you want to do It is far more attractive to the public than what you have done, and it is easier to be recognized by others. As for whether it was achieved or not, that is another matter after a few years. There were journalists in yesterday's symposium. Julio, who is already very familiar with this set, did not avoid the reporters, and even actively invited some reporters to attend. \u00261t;/p\u003e

But take a look at the newspapers this morning. Two very important newspapers have a picture of Dühring on the headlines on their front pages. The sentence, it seems that Du Lin was the protagonist of yesterday's symposium, and the mayor himself is actually a supporting role. Julio didn't really care much about such a situation. What he cared about was that Du Lin's influence had overshadowed him, the new mayor, and that was what made people feel horrified. \u00261t;/p\u003e

In many cases, the influence of capitalists is actually higher than that of government officials. Julio is very clear about this, but these capitalists will make concessions in certain aspects. Tacit and silent cooperation is the most suitable way of survival for capital forces and official forces . But here, something seems to be different. \u00261t;/p\u003e

The newspaper office obviously made a surprising choice. They chose to print today's newspaper with Du Lin on the front page, which shows that in local newspapers and even people's hearts, Du Lin's influence and attitude far surpassed above City Hall. People recognized Du Lin's words more, and all aspects of society wanted to know what Du Lin did and said today, not what the mayor did and said. \u00261t;/p\u003e

This symposium was initiated by Julio, and the journalists were also invited by Julio, and he also provided the newspapers where these journalists worked for as a public relations fee of 100 yuan. Of course, this matter was done by his personal team. Many officials in the ruling party in the Nanda area have such a private team, and they all learned from those capitalists. This can save them a lot of time, and the team can help them find the best solution for many things. \u00261t;/p\u003e

So something went wrong,

First of all, it is necessary to figure out which link has gone wrong. \u00261t;/p\u003e

In fact, the real reason Julio said at the symposium yesterday was that he spent too little money. Compared with the public relations fee of one or two hundred yuan for a family, Du Lin's public relations fees have always been calculated in thousand yuan. He knows that there is no lower limit for these newspapers and reporters, especially after the downfall of the George family, the competition among newspapers has become increasingly fierce, and the way of competition has also undergone tremendous changes. In the past, the competition between newspapers was about sales volume and hot news, but now they are competing about how to survive. \u00261t;/p\u003e

Then paid news became the top priority. Compared with a generous partner like Du Lin, even the mayor had to stand aside. Of course, we can't offend too much. On the second page, there are photos of Julio and his wonderful speeches. \u00261t;/p\u003e

Although yesterday's symposium did not allow Du Lin to say what he wanted to say, there are still some gains, at least from a positive understanding of what is currently lacking in the west. The lack of educational resources and medical resources is a problem that needs to be solved at present, especially the former. In Julio’s view, a region without a comprehensive university is a failure. Every city in the south has at least one comprehensive university. A university is not only a place to cultivate talents, but also to train these talents to be familiar with the local environment and have a strong impact on the local environment. place of dependence. \u00261t;/p\u003e

Many talents from other places stayed in the local area during this learning process and became "children raised for other cities". \u00261t;/p\u003e

Of course, what needs to be solved most urgently at present is a series of problems left by Memnon, such as the three guarantees policy. \u00261t;/p\u003e

The Three Guarantees Policy, as a policy and regulation of the government, has promoted the audience and recognition of the Progressive Party in the west, but with the death of Memnon and the liquidation of the Progressive Party, some people have already smelled that something is not right. It's coming. Once these people make a fuss, Julio will become the first victim. It is impossible for him to continue to support such a stupid policy as the Three Guarantees Policy, but if he denies the Three Guarantees Policy, it means that he will become the enemy of many working classes. \u00261t;/p\u003e

This is no longer a matter of returning money to people to appease people's anger. Those who have paid a certain amount of insurance premiums in proportion and expect these insurance premiums to be effective will not care whether you refund the money or not. What is needed is the mayor himself to tell them that those insurances are still valid. Especially the two items of student insurance and medical insurance, because these two items are available to almost everyone. Once the child is admitted to a university, even if it is a community college, it is also a university. The family does not need to bear the heavy burden of tuition fees. They just paid tens of dollars for it. \u00261t;/p\u003e

Not to mention medical insurance, no matter whether it is a miner or a worker on an assembly line, they may be injured and need to be hospitalized. Those medical groups will not have the slightest mercy. Medical groups have always been A money-making enterprise, not a charitable company. \u00261t;/p\u003e

No money? \u00261t;/p\u003e

Get out! \u00261t;/p\u003e

The high medical burden has become the source of public panic. People are always going to get sick. A sickness may mean that a family's savings for one or two years will be wiped out, and even a few years or more of income has become a source of fuel for the medical sector. Stocks cornerstone of price. This is why many people in this backward place in the west believe that eating hot horse feces can cure diseases. It is not that they are unwilling to go to a modern hospital with scientific basis for medical treatment, but that they look down on doctors and can only pin their hopes on eating hot horse feces. Shit can really cure diseases. \u00261t;/p\u003e

However, this issue is one that cannot be compromised. Once Julio made a concession, he would encounter a lot of trouble immediately. The funds of the Progressive Party have been seized and frozen, and the Valier City Hall does not have much surplus. It can be said that there is no more money to support the possible million or even tens of millions of insurance avalanches other than the construction. \u00261t;/p\u003e

This has become a deadlock, a deadlock that cannot be untied. Everyone has the right to defend their own interests and defend to the end. There is no righteous side or evil side in this dispute. \u00261t;/p\u003e

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