Cosmic Professional Gladiator

Book Four, Chapter 40

A few days later, night.

The huge city of the imperial capital was shrouded in darkness, and nine figures in black came quietly outside Xu Jingming's rented house.

"The target is a first-class master, so be careful."

The gray-haired old man in the lead whispered, and the others nodded slightly.

Their team is also very elite, an assassination team composed of three first-rate masters and six second-rate masters! It is indeed more than enough to deal with a Blood Rain Guard Captain.

"Action." The old man ordered softly.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh! ! ! ! ! !

One after another the figures spread out, quietly crossed the courtyard wall, and approached the room with the closed door.

Xu Jingming's rented place is not big. After all, in the imperial capital, even a yearly rent of 50 taels is not a luxurious mansion.

"Stop!" The old man yelled slightly, he calmly sensed the four directions with the vibration of his mind, and also sensed the rooms in front of him.

"There is no sound of breathing, and I can't sense any breath." The old man frowned, "It's late at night, he should be sleeping soundly. Fang Cheng, go in and have a look."


A figure quietly came to the door, gently opened the wooden window, and slipped in quietly. After only a few breaths, he came out again, and went to the side room to check again.

"My lord, I've searched several rooms inside and out, and there's no one there." The figure came over to report.

The other eight were a little surprised.

"It shouldn't be. It is recorded in the information that this Jingming spends most of his time at his residence except for visiting the jurisdiction and eating and drinking tea in surrounding restaurants and teahouses. He usually doesn't go out at night. Now he is gone? Where did he go?" A companion said, "Brother Wen, what should we do now?"

"Attack Jingming and Luo Baichuan at the same time tonight, we can't postpone it." The old man shook his head, "Once postponed, Jingming may be alerted when he learns about Luo Baichuan tomorrow morning. So... we must do it tonight."

"But people are not here." The companion was worried.

"He should have gone out for something, so we will ambush him in the house! Once he comes back, we will surround and kill him. If he doesn't come back overnight, he will be considered lucky." Soon the nine people quietly lay in ambush, waiting patiently for Xu Jingming's return.


At this moment, Xu Jingming is in a branch of Qishalou in the imperial capital.

He was wearing black clothes, a bamboo hat and a mask. This branch of the Seven Killing Building looked like an ordinary inn, but the secret hall of this inn had a large space, and Xu Jingming was also handing in tasks.

"Master Three Killers, this is your bounty." A gray-robed man weighed back half of the gold bar, "Fifty gold, a bit less." Then he handed half of the gold bar to Xu Jingming.


Xu Jingming took the gold bars.

"After completing this task, my lord, you will also be promoted to the quadruple killing level. This is your new token." The gray-robed man also handed the new token to Xu Jingming, and asked with a smile, "Master quadruple killing, do you want to use it?" Choose a new mission?"

The killer in front of him, registered for less than a month, but has already completed five rather difficult tasks, and has been promoted to the quadruple kill level.

"Take some rest first." Xu Jingming turned his head and left with the token.

He is now quite powerful even among first-class experts, even if he fights against a "super-first-class expert", he may be able to fight dozens of moves.

After all, compared with the actual combat bonus of 20 times and the actual combat bonus of 10 times, the advantage is very large, and it can be killed with one or two moves.

But compared with 20 times the actual combat bonus and 15 times the actual combat bonus, the advantage is not so outrageous! According to various factors such as the environment, you can still fight with some tricks. If you have a partner to cooperate, you can completely match.

It is precisely because of his strength that he can become a quadruple killer in a short time.


In the dark night, dressed in black and wearing a bamboo hat and mask, Xu Jingming walked silently with his gun pouch on his back.

"Being an assassin in the Qisha Building is also a way to save money." Xu Jingming thought to himself.

As a player, there are naturally several ways to forge ahead at the same time! Work hard to save money.

Being the captain of the Blood Rain Guard is to save money.

Being a killer in Qishalou is also to save money.

As for becoming a killer in the Seven Shall Building? As a player, it is very easy to collect information on the many branches of Qisha Building on the virtual world network, and it is easy to join in.

"The detailed information of Blood Rain Guard also makes it much easier for me to assassinate." Xu Jingming felt that the two paths complement each other.

During tea time, Xu Jingming quietly went back to the gate of his residence, glanced at the lock of the gate, and then quietly jumped, jumped over the courtyard wall, and happened to land on an inconspicuous corner of the front yard.

Xu Jingming glanced at the ground of the yard, and couldn't help but shrink his pupils.

Although there is no moon tonight, there are only stars, but with the help of the faint starlight... Xu Jingming, a master of cell control level, can still clearly see the detailed appearance of the ground in the front yard.

As a player, he is afraid of being targeted by the blood rain world.

He is even more cautious when he is the killer of Qishalou!

So his front and back yards were covered with dust all the time, as if he hadn't swept the floor for a long time. Anyone who just steps into the yard... leaves footprints that give them away.

Xu Jingming doesn't have any maids and servants in this house, he is the only one living in it!

"There are a lot of new footprints." Xu Jingming tried to use the mind-training method to sense, and the fluctuations in the mind's consciousness spread and spread to those rooms, sensing the breath of life one by one.

Xu Jingming suddenly opened his eyes, jumped quietly, jumped out of the courtyard wall, and went outside the house.

"He went out!"

The old man hiding in the house sensed a faint breath just entered the yard, then left quietly.


An extremely ear-piercing scream sounded, and a number of arrows shot up into the sky, and a pattern of blood rain exploded in the air.

"The Arrow of the Blood Rain Guard!"

As soon as the arrow sounded, many people were immediately alarmed.

"It's the Trumpet Arrow."

"It's the captain's house."

This arrow can be seen for more than ten miles around! And that piercing sound is enough to travel far.

On the street where Xu Jingming lives, there are five Blood Rain Guards for a long time. Some of these five Blood Rain Guards are drinking, some are asleep, but at least two of them are guaranteed to be awake. Hearing the ear-piercing sound of the arrow at this moment, the five of them woke up instantly.

"It's the captain's house, hurry up." The five blood rain guards rushed over first.

"Captain Jing's family is asking for help." A team of auxiliary guards who were watching the night rushed there with all their strength, and the residence directly under the superior sent out arrows, so naturally they had to rush there with all their might.

"What?" Zhang Ke heard the ear-piercing sound of arrows, opened the window and saw the blood rain pattern in the sky, and immediately jumped out of the brothel, and at the same time ordered, "Follow me." With five blood rain guards, All of them turned into blurred afterimages and went straight to the captain's house.

Some Blood Rain Guards who were sleeping soundly at home were awakened by the auxiliary guards who were watching the night.

The trumpet arrow is issued in the area where the captain's home is located! The Blood Rain Guards and Auxiliary Guards in the entire jurisdiction were alarmed, and they all swarmed over.


"It's the arrow of the Blood Rain Guard, we've been discovered." Seeing the rising arrow, the old man's expression changed, "Action! Kill that Jing Ming before the large group of Blood Rain Guards arrives."

"When they arrived, Jing Ming was already dead."

Whoosh whoosh! ! !

In an instant, nine figures rushed out of the room, each of them turned into blurred figures, and rushed towards the street outside.

"There are nine people." Xu Jingming stood on the street, holding a spear, sensing the nine auras rushing towards him.

too fast!

My house is too small, less than 30 meters from the house to the street, these masters don't need a second to rush over.

Xu Jingming was as calm as still water, waiting silently. Coming to the world of blood rain, accumulating 10,000 gold to get the opportunity to sacrifice is the goal, but the most fundamental... is to sharpen yourself! Facing the attack and killing of nine people at this moment, Xu Jingming's fighting spirit is rising instead!

bring it on!

No matter how strong the enemy is! Kill them all the same!

"At this moment!" Xu Jingming's eyes flashed like a cold light, and the five blood rain guards from the distance of the street were rushing over, and Xu Jingming had already moved.

The moment the nine figures rushed out of the courtyard wall, what greeted them was a terrifying gun shadow!


The unlucky killer selected by Xu Jingming was not good at sensing breath, so he was caught off guard and blocked with both knives at the same time.


That long spear was as swift and violent as a black dragon.

When touched, the strength of the spear's rotation was like a black dragon swimming away, extremely slippery, parrying the blocking double knives, the spear head directly penetrated the killer's throat! After that, it was pulled out in an instant, and Xu Jingming had already retreated.

A killer fell from the air to the ground without a sound.

In the nine-member team, one person died as soon as they rushed out of the yard.

"What a guts." Seeing this, the old man was not surprised but delighted, "He didn't escape and killed him."

If Xu Jingming fled immediately after sending out the arrow, as long as there was a delay, the Blood Rain Guards would arrive, and their assassination mission would most likely fail.

I didn't expect this person to be so crazy, he didn't spare his life, and took the initiative to fight!


Three first-rate masters and five second-rate masters quickly besieged them, each with awe-inspiring killing intent.

When Xu Jingming killed a person, he knew in his heart: "He is a second-rate expert." After realizing the four types of spear skills, the five volumes of spear skills in the first chapter of "Hua Guang" already had four volumes of spear skills. According to Xuan's records, the five volumes of spear skills After getting started, the power of combining with each other is naturally great.

But the combination of the four volumes of marksmanship is already very good, and against ordinary second-rate masters, it can completely kill with one move.

"Clang clang clang!!!"

A long spear in Xu Jingming's hand flipped over, like a giant dragon rolling, the head of the spear flickered again and again, making it even more ghostly and ghostly.

Three first-class masters are in charge of the main attack! Everyone felt the huge threat posed by the gun shadow.


"Why is he so strong?"

The three first-class masters all felt the ferocity of this spear! Xu Jingming is again with long weapons against the three of them with short weapons... If they were one on one, none of them would be opponents.

Xu Jingming's marksmanship is also good at changing according to the situation, always controlling the situation on the field, only to see that Xu Jingming's body skills are changing, taking advantage of the situation to change, so that at most three or five people besiege him at the same time at any moment.

"Captain." The five Blood Rain Guards came to kill each other, and they had already released hidden weapons with a distance of more than ten feet.

The surprise attack with hidden weapons caused confusion among the eight killers who were besieged.


Xu Jingming seized the chaotic opportunity and pierced another killer's chest with a single shot.

"Retreat!" Seeing this, the old man at the head gave the order unwillingly, and the seven began to disperse and run away!

It must be admitted that the mission failed!

The goal this time was stronger than expected, and the Blood Rain Guards rushed over one after another. The longer the delay, the worse it would be for them.

"Want to go?" Xu Jingming took the initiative to rush forward. He is a major in Huahong Spear, and he is quite good at speed. At least most of the killers in front of him are not as fast as him.


A second-rate expert closest to Xu Jingming was shot to death! Xu Jingming immediately pursued one of the top swordsmen.

"Brother Wen, save me." The first-class swordsman shouted eagerly. At this moment, they scattered and fled, one-on-one. He didn't have the confidence to deal with Xu Jingming at all.

"Withdraw!" The old man ordered sternly without looking back.

He knew very well that ordinary Blood Rain Guards were also second-rate masters, and they traveled extremely fast! If I don't leave now, if I waste a little more time, I'm afraid it will be intercepted by a group of Blood Rain Guards and a group of auxiliary guards.

The auxiliary guards are also top-notch masters, and a large number of them came to besiege, and Xu Jingming and Zhang Ke are two first-class masters, I am afraid they will not be able to leave.

"Damn it."

This top-notch master swordsman was angry and unwilling, and turned around to fight for his life. The sword light was like a peacock spreading its tail, extremely gorgeous, but also dangerous.

Xu Jingming was not in a hurry at this time, relying on the 'length advantage' of the spear against the sword, he crushed head-on! Don't be aggressive! As the blood rain guards surrounded him, the more anxious first-class master swordsman also showed his flaws.

"Pfft." Xu Jingming sent his spear along the way, and pierced the swordsman's abdomen, leaving a bloody hole.

"In a normal one-on-one fight, it would take twenty moves to kill him. But when he was anxious, I severely injured him in just a few moves." With a flick of Xu Jingming's spear, the sword in the swordsman's hand collapsed.

"Take him down." Xu Jingming ordered the five Blood Rain Guards who rushed over, and looked into the distance. Because of the several moves, the other killers scattered and fled into the darkness.

"A young man from a remote town is so powerful." The swordsman stared at Xu Jingming, "I'm afraid that in the future, you will be able to reach the super-first-class level. If you fall into your hands, I have nothing to say."

"Who sent you here?" Xu Jingming looked at him.

"Hmph, you offended someone you can't afford." The swordsman sneered, "You survived this time, but next time, you won't be so lucky."

As soon as he finished speaking, blood flowed from the corner of the swordsman's mouth, and his eyes were gloomy.

The blood rain guards who were binding him with chains were slightly taken aback.

"Captain, he committed suicide." The Blood Rain Guards panicked when they saw this.

A dignified top-notch expert, just being captured alive, chooses to commit suicide?

This is a dead man!

What kind of terrifying power must be in order to train first-class masters?

"Dead man?"

Xu Jingming was also surprised.

Even though Fei Qing has a high position and authority, the masters under his command are all officials, and I am afraid that there are not many "first-rate masters". Those who can cultivate "first-class expert dead fighters" are terrifying powers in the blood rain world.

Whoosh whoosh! ! !

Zhang Ke also arrived with five Blood Rain Guards.

"Captain." Zhang Ke came over, "What happened?"

Xu Jingming was examining the corpse: "It's a group of killers."

Zhang Ke, the vice-captain of the 32 Blood Rain Guards under his command, is also a top-notch expert. In the imperial capital, the captains of the Blood Rain Guard are almost all first-rate masters. As for the vice captains, a small number of them are also first-rate masters.

"They're all a bunch of paupers." After examining the four corpses, the gold leaves and pieces of silver that Xu Jingming found were less than one hundred taels of silver.

"Who sent the killer?" Xu Jingming was also a little confused. Is it Shen Gong's family? Was it the forces behind the few people he assassinated? It shouldn't be, I did it very cleanly.

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