Cosmic Professional Gladiator

Book Seven Chapter 19 Tomorrow's Brightness

Silkworm Planet, this is a very inconspicuous planet among the countless living planets of the human race in the universe, and there are more than one billion people living on this planet.


On the top of a mountain outside the city, a young man and woman came here.

"The meteor shower is coming soon, hurry up." The girl pulled the boy and ran to the top of the mountain.

"Don't worry, there is still a minute." The boy said.

"Don't believe those forecasts. Rain was forecast during the day, but it didn't rain all day." The girl said and looked up at the starry sky, and then her eyes lit up, "The meteor shower is here, here it is."

Both of them looked at the starry sky.

Bright meteors streak across the sky, eye-catching and gorgeous, and soon there will be a large number of meteors, the entire meteor shower streaks across the sky, beautiful and beautiful, at this moment, under the same starry sky, many people are obsessed with watching the meteor shower, girl I was also obsessed and amazed watching: "It's so beautiful, this is the first time I have seen a meteor shower since I was born."

"Me too." The boy said, turning his head to look at the girl's side face at the same time, then took out a pendant-shaped crystal lock from his arms, and handed it to the girl.

"Huh?" The girl was taken aback when she saw the pendant.

"Here you are," said the boy.

The girl blushed and said softly: "Do you know what it means to send it?

"Of course I know." The boy also looked at the girl squarely.

"Of course I know." The boy also looked at the girl squarely.

Under the meteor shower, both of them understood each other's feelings.



The two of them disintegrated without a sound, like a gust of wind, disappeared between heaven and earth.

Not only them, countless human beings in the whole world disintegrated and disappeared between heaven and earth.

And above the atmosphere of Canyou Planet.

The two prison-origin beings looked down at the entire planet, without any emotional fluctuations in their eyes. For them, the extermination of a planet's creatures was just a thought, causing the most basic structure of all human life to collapse.

"From Lord Feng, this is the 1000th planet of human life that I have destroyed." A tall prisoner clan source of life thought exchanged


"There are countless planets of human life, how many points do you destroy? Hurry up, within 30 seconds, we must withdraw." The black-armored prison clan's original life thought fluctuated in response, and then teleported and disappeared, and began to plunder quickly.

The life of the Gao Da Prison Clan also teleported and looted.

The high-value scientific and technological creations and precious materials on the entire living planet were quickly collected, and the prison race was too weak in production, so they generally focused on "looting". What is missing to loot what.

Several major ethnic groups adjacent to them were all plundered by them. The human race that is good at production and advanced technology is the most coveted of the prison race.

After only a few seconds.


Two prisoner origin beings at different positions on the surface of Canyou star raised their heads at the same time and looked at one place.

There, there appeared a

The man in black long clothes looked at Canyou Xing with a trace of sadness in his eyes.


The two Prison Clan's origins have merged and appeared around Xu Jingming.

"Prison Clan, damn it." A spear appeared in Xu Jingming's hand, and a dazzling light burst out from his body.

"Looking at the explosive breath, level nine?" The black-armored prison clan origin life gasped, "I killed two human origin life,

You are the third. "The voice was still reverberating, and the lives of the two Prisoners erupted in strange fluctuations.

The space where the two of them were located collapsed in an instant.

Xu Jingming felt that the surrounding world was folding, but he watched everything calmly.

"Pfft." "Pfft."

The two knives of the Heijia Prison Clan's Origin Life pierced through the folding space and pierced into Xu Jingming's body.

Another tall universe origin life also descended with the Hammer of Flame, hitting Xu Jingming's body, causing Xu Jingming's body to twist like a stream of water.

Xu Jingming stood there without moving.

When he was stabbed, he just stretched out his hand and grabbed the life of the Heijia Hell Clan who was close. After all, two knives stabbed himself

... The distance between the two sides is within reach. On the contrary, the other 'Great Prison Clan Origin Life' was a little farther away, and Xu Jingming dodged it with a shot.

"You?" The black-armored prison clan's double knives pierced Xu Jingming's body, and felt wrong, because it seemed to be piercing into an endless deep pool.

Xu Jingming grabbed him, and dozens of colored silk threads in the palm of his hand penetrated into the body of the black-armored prisoner in an instant, and the life of the black-armored prisoner disintegrated and dissipated without a sound.

Just die.


Another tall prisoner clan origin life was terrified, "Did you die as soon as your hand touched it?"

"My prison clan uses weapons to fight at close range, and body contact is normal. Why did Cong Feng die when his hand touched it?" Yuan Shengming, Gao Da Prison clan, felt cold in his heart.


Xu Jingming appeared near him.

Under the suppression of the light, it is very difficult for the life of the Gaoda Prison clan to teleport, so they can only dodge with all their strength.


With a shot that was as fast as lightning, Xu Jingming did not hide his strength at all, and the speed of the shot was his ultimate!

Domain suppression, a shot that was almost at the limit, the life of the tall prison clan was stabbed. When the stab was struck, dozens of colored silk threads naturally penetrated into the opponent's body instantly at the point where the spear tip touched.

The origin life of the tall prison clan also disintegrated and dissipated.

Just like that, killed two prisoner origin lives.

Xu Jingming didn't feel complacent, one-on-three, he still needs to use some tricks. A pair of two? Just kill one first, and then hunt down the last one. very simple!

Possessing a numbered Yuanchu battle suit, his life-saving ability is extremely strong, and opponents at the ninth level cannot hurt him at all. but he

If you touch the other party, the other party will die. Unless...the opponent has the means to resist the infiltration of the 'Number 9 Yuanchu Battlesuit'.

"Silkworm Star." Xu Jingming looked down, "The planet is still there, but the people are gone."

"Evolved into a stronger

Is the living body just for destruction?"

Xu Jingming's sigh echoed in the night sky, and he had already left the starry sky.

As soon as Xu Jingming returned to the star system where Ji Mercury was located, he received a message from the Yuanchu Research Institute.

"According to estimates, the Prison Squad that looted the Ansu Star Alliance this time was damaged by more than 30%, and the leader of the Prison Squad was killed. There is a high probability that this squad will choose to retreat. Dear guardians, you have worked hard. "

This piece of information made Xu Jingming feel relieved.

Withdrawal? The other living planets of the Ansu Star Alliance are temporarily safe, although for the countless planets of the entire Star Alliance.

The probability of being selected is very low, but once selected, it will be a catastrophe.

"If you kill them hard, they will be afraid!" Xu Jingming whispered.

"The captain died? The three of Cong Feng and the others died? Cong Feng and the other two died too?

"This is just the beginning of the looting, why are there so many dead?"

"The Ansu Star Alliance must have very powerful guardians."


Although the other name origin life cannot send a message, it can be judged that the companion is dead through the signal.

Normally, a looting operation would last for dozens of days, causing a bloodbath in a Star Alliance. With their talents in space and escape methods, the success of the human side in intercepting and killing them is not high.

Although there were occasional casualties, sometimes it was the prison race that died, and sometimes it was the human race that was lost.

At the beginning of this kind of looting, in just two waves of operations, seven Prison Clan origin lives were killed, including the captain of the first level. This is definitely a rare situation.


The remaining 12 prisoner origin beings in this team chose to retreat and escape by spaceship.

They lost a lot this time, but it's normal. A Star Alliance has 'Mr. Jane' and 'The Owner of the Primordial Armor of the Numbered Level' two terrifying guardians. Even in terms of interception efficiency, the No. 9 Yuanchu suit owner 'Xu Jingming', who is the strongest in evasion at the Yuanchu Research Institute, is much more efficient than Mr. Jian. *browser*search*search:

Just because I know his high efficiency!

So Xu Jingming was transferred here even if he was a newcomer to the ninth level source life.

If he is stronger and more experienced, he will probably be dispatched to the battlefield against the 'Void Protoss'.

The night passes and the sun rises.

The rays of the morning sun came in from the window. Xu Jingming sat in the room, looking at the densely packed formulas on the light curtain. After experiencing these, he focused more on learning knowledge.

The teenager 'Qiu Qingke' who got up in the morning came to the door of the room, but the door was not closed. He saw the scene of the uncle looking at the light curtain.

"Uncle, did he stay up all night?" Qiu Qingke thought, and he reached out and knocked gently on the open door.

Xu Jingming looked at him and smiled: "Are you awake?"

"Thank you uncle for saving me yesterday." Qiu Qingke bowed and said.

"Nothing." Xu Jingming said.


Yesterday's Dinosaur

Xing Xing, Canyou Xing, there are so many human beings, but I can't do anything about it.

Even the three supreme beings who are as strong as human beings have always struggled in the high-dimensional space. Only being strong can deter the enemy.

"By the way, you can go home." Xu Jingming said, "The Cha Luo Group should not be interested in dealing with you."

"Not in the mood to deal with me?" Qiu Qingke wondered.

"You'll find out later if you look it up online," Xu Jingming said.

Qiu Qingke nodded: "Then I will take my leave first."

Xu Jingming nodded and continued to look at the light curtain.

"Uncle." Qiu Qingke spoke again.

Xu Jingming looked at him.

Haven't left yet?

"I don't know yet, what's the uncle's name?" Qiu Qingke looked at Xu Jingming.

"Tomorrow." Xu Jingming said, "Tomorrow's tomorrow."

"Uncle Ming, thank you." Qiu Qingke bowed to thank again, and then left quickly.

When he went downstairs and left, Qiu Qingke was still murmuring secretly: "On Uncle Ming's light curtain, there are dense formulas without a single word. All of them are various formulas... It seems that Uncle Ming is a very powerful Scholars, anyway, I feel dizzy."

Qiu Qingke went out and turned on the light screen of the watch while walking, watching the news on it.


Qiu Qingke's mouth grew wide.

"I just fell asleep. So many big shots have been arrested? Are they going to be sentenced? The whole season has changed?" Qiuqing Kemeng became excited, "Whatever it is, the fights between big shots like this don't really matter. I don’t understand, but the whole Chaluo Group is over, haha, I’m free, free.”

Qiu Qingke laughed and showed his body skills, swishing, swishing, dodging several times, and quickly went away.

in the room.

Xu Jingming looked at the scene outside the window, and then continued to look at the light curtain to learn, he was still too weak.

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