Cosmic Professional Gladiator

Book Seven Chapter 52 Ma Xun and Xu Jingming

Black Iron Star.

"Although I guessed that Lu Naxing would succeed to the throne, I didn't expect it to be so soon." Yi Jiu sighed, "After becoming the emperor, Lu Naxing's growth speed must be greatly improved. Even the legend of the universe is not impossible."

Holding the wine glass, Xu Jingming listened to Brother Yijiu's words while looking at the snake ring model on the light curtain.

"You don't seem to care?" Yijiu looked at Xu Jingming and smiled, "I know that brother Lu Naxing had conflicts with you."

"Emperor Yuanxing Civilization can't control me, Luna Duo dare to trouble me?" Xu Jingming laughed softly, he didn't care.

Luna Star can't control him, let alone a Luna Duo.

"Actually, I still care about it." Xu Jingming looked up at Yijiu, "I gave you a generous gift."

"How thick?" Yijiu asked.

"1 trillion universe coins." Xu Jingming said.

"The price of a well-built living planet is more than this." Yijiu shook his head, equipped with a virtual host, equipped with a top-notch planetary defense system, and invested in all aspects, it is indeed not enough for one trillion.

"It's already quite a lot. The congratulatory gifts that the tenth-level source beings usually give are all this amount." Xu Jingming said.

Yijiu smiled.

He could feel the arrogance in his junior brother's bones.

"That's right, you're almost reaching the tenth level, right?" Yijiu sighed, "With the speed at which you have reached the tenth level, it can be said without a doubt... that you are the most talented contemporary of the universe human race."

Xu Jingming smiled: "It's nothing to be tenth rank, it's worth bragging about becoming a cosmic legend."

"Then how many people in the entire cosmic human race are qualified to brag about?" Yijiu shook his head.

A room for two people to talk.

"Huh?" Xu Jingming suddenly received a transfer order from the Yuanchu Research Institute.

"Senior Brother Yijiu, I have received a transfer order." Xu Jingming looked up at Senior Brother Yijiu, "Let me be stationed in another part of the Tianmang Cosmic Domain within three days."

"Are you leaving Black Iron Star?" Yi Jiu was taken aback.

"En." Xu Jingming nodded.

Yi Jiu sighed: "I still remember that the three of us have often got together these years, and in a blink of an eye, I will be the only one left."

"After Senior Brother Jian is resurrected, we will have a lot of opportunities to get together," Xu Jingming said.

"Come on, let's have a drink today." Brother Yijiu took out a fire red wine jug, which contained an attached space to store the liquor.

"Have you taken out all your precious wine pots?" Xu Jingming was surprised, "Before, there was a limit of three glasses of Chihuo wine every time."

"You can drink as much as you want today!" Brother Yijiu was extremely bold.

Xu Jingming's eyes lit up: "You said it, don't regret it!"


As the source of life, Xu Jingming drank until he was a little tipsy before stopping. The wine in the fiery red flagon had already been reduced by half, which made Senior Brother Yijiu very distressed.

The next day, Xu Jingming bid farewell to Senior Brother Yijiu.


Looking at Senior Brother Yijiu with a big head, Xu Jingming said with a smile, since they have been together for nearly a hundred years, they naturally have friendship.

"Become tenth rank as soon as possible! This era belongs to you!" Brother Yijiu said with a smile.

"I'll work hard." Xu Jingming said, and left through time and space.


Fang Shengxing, in a secluded manor, an old man in white robes sat on a chair and leisurely looked at the knowledge on the light curtain, but Xu Jingming suddenly appeared above the planet, and within a few steps he arrived at the manor.

"Senior Brother Sang." Xu Jingming smiled.

The white-robed old man got up and looked at Xu Jingming with a smile: "After receiving the task of the research institute, I realized that the mysterious guardian who caused headaches for the prison clan turned out to be Junior Brother Wu Ming. Junior Brother Wu Ming mastered the high-dimensional power nearly a hundred years ago. ,I admire you."

"It's just Gaowei walking." Xu Jingming said, "Senior Brother Sang is in the Yuanchu Research Institute, but he is the first person in the life of Shijieyuan."

Senior Brother Sang, real name: Ma Xun * Yuan Xing * Chu, is the Emperor of Yuan Xing Civilization who has just abdicated.

When he abdicated and was free, the Yuanchu Research Institute arranged for him to solve the troubles of the last right monarch.

Many people think that he is the number one source life of the tenth order of Yuanchu Research Institute. On the one hand, his status was high enough before. After all, he was the emperor of Yuanxing civilization. On the other hand, it does possess extremely terrifying strength.

"Junior brother, sit down." Ma Xun said.

Xu Jingming sat down beside him.

Ma Xun helped pour the tea: "This is the tea made from the roots of Chiba grass. I have always liked it very much. You can try it."

"Thank you, brother." Xu Jingming took a sip from the teacup. The tea entered his mouth and naturally permeated his whole body. The whole body's perception was much sharper, and his perception of time and space, material energy, and energy all improved significantly.

"This tea?" Xu Jingming exclaimed.

"It's helpful for body perception. I'll give you some Chiba grass roots later." Ma Xun smiled and said, "By the way, this time I came to Tianmang Universe Domain to deal with Mo You. When Mo You is resolved, I will We are about to fight against the Void God Clan. About should be very familiar with the younger brother."

Xu Jingming nodded: "The monarch of the last right must have lost control. He was gradually assimilated by those eyes, but his strength is also getting stronger."

"According to the information I received, it is said that the world of his eyes hides an abyss?" Ma Xun asked.

"I don't quite understand either. Senior Brother Jian was suppressed by one eye and eventually died, and Senior Brother Yijiu was swallowed by the other eye, which blocked it." Xu Jingming said, "Senior Brother Yijiu said that the Moyou Monarch may have The strength of the top five among the tenth-order source lives of the Yuanchu Research Institute."

Ma Xun nodded, thinking.

"Brother, are you sure?" Xu Jingming asked.

Brother Ma Xun, his strength is unquestionable.

"We'll only know when we fight." Ma Xun said, "Just send me to his dream world."

"Okay." Xu Jingming nodded.


More than a month later, in the territory of the Tianmang Universe, the Mo Youjun led a team to carry out small-scale looting. After all, there were relatively few medium and large-scale looting operations, and the Mo Youjun couldn't bear it.

Xu Jingming and Ma Xun got the mission and went immediately.

The first interception killed a ninth-rank lord of the Prison Clan.

The second interception, only to meet the last right monarch.


Xu Jingming was very cautious. Now that he was still a ninth-level source of life, even with the protection of the Yuanchu battle suit, he would not dare to appear in front of the last right monarch. As always, carry out high-dimensional walking and observe from high-dimensional.

"I see." From Gaowei, Xu Jingming clearly saw the huge succubus world merge into the real universe.

"Leave it to me." Ma Xun still spoke in the high-dimensional space.

Xu Jingming threw it away.

Ma Xun fell from the high dimension and appeared directly in the vast dream world.


In the huge nightmare world with a diameter of about two trillion kilometers, two huge eyes opened and looked at the white-robed old man 'Ma Xun'.

"Time and space are like a cage, you and I are both in it." Ma Xun stepped towards the two huge eyes, and with his voice, a bigger cage appeared, completely covering the entire succubus world.

"Maxun, the emperor of the primordial star civilization of mankind?" Two huge eyes were full of excitement, "You are the most delicious prey I have ever met."

One of the huge eyes took the initiative to cover it, and Ma Xun did not resist, but walked in on his own initiative.

In just over ten seconds——


! "

The shrill screams echoed throughout the succulent world, and a terrifying flame rose from the huge eye that trapped Ma Xun. The flames burned, causing the eyes to crack and break.

"You have mastered the Star Flame at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty?" The Monarch Mo You was so frightened and furious that the abyss in his eyes burned and collapsed. After all, this is just an illusory abyss.

"If I had mastered the real flame of Yuanchu Star, you would have died long ago." Ma Xun, who was bathed in the flame all over his body, was like a flame god, with terrifying flames rising and burning, and new cracks appeared constantly in the pupils of his eyes.

"The cage of time and space, burning nothingness."

Ma Xun's eyes were indifferent, and the flames that erupted spread rapidly, and the spread became wider and wider. Wherever it passed, the power of the succubus was burned into nothingness.

"Ah, it really hurts."

Accompanied by roaring filial piety.

I saw two huge eyes slamming into the cage of time and space, causing the cage of time and space to collapse, and the power of the succubus penetrated into the outside world, and whew, the entire succubus world disappeared.

"The dream demon world merges into the real universe, and the universe escapes?" Ma Xun stood where he was, frowning slightly.

Soon, Xu Jingming who got the news came.

"Brother." Xu Jingming came closer, "How is it?"

"Those two eyes are the core of the succubus world." Ma Xun shook his head, "With the degree of control over these two eyes by the monarch of Mo You, these two eyes must be destroyed in order to kill Mo You."

"Can it be destroyed?" Xu Jingming asked.

"After all, they are two dead objects." Ma Xun said, "Give me more time, and I will be sure to destroy them. But the Dream Demon World has a diameter of two trillion kilometers, and it is very difficult to completely trap it. Even if it can be trapped ...Because the range is too large, the binding force becomes weaker, and it cannot stop the last blow of the right monarch."

It is inconceivable that Ma Xun can use the time-space cage to trap the entire succubus world. After all, the scope is too wide, and the binding force is naturally weaker. When Mo fled to the right, he could send his strength to one place.

Xu Jingming nodded.

"Junior Brother, you can walk in a high dimension, can you observe where his succubi world has escaped to? As long as you can catch up and take a few shots in a row, you are expected to kill him." Ma Xun said.

"I can't observe it." Xu Jingming shook his head, "I'll try again after I reach the tenth level."

Ma Xun nodded: "This last right monarch has been crazy for at most a hundred years."

Xu Jingming nodded slightly.


The last monarch returned to his residence, the lonely planet.


The last right monarch covered his right eye with some pain, but the crack could still be seen in the green right eye.

"What a Ma Xun, according to the legend of the universe, he should be considered the strongest. But he still can't do anything to me." The Monarch Mo You sneered in a low voice, and then he endured the pain and endured it.

At the same time, as the assimilation deepened, more memories in these eyes were being integrated into his consciousness.


under the night sky.

Xu Jingming was sitting on the balcony of the study, but there was an extremely tiny thing condensing in front of him. The combination of hundreds of billions of layers formed the most basic "snake ring source force structure model", which is also the tenth-order source life of the celestial python evolution method. The most difficult of the six evolutionary models required.

Xu Jingming looked at it, it was so small that even life in the starry sky could hardly peek at it, but Xu Jingming could clearly see its beauty.

"Successful." Xu Jingming whispered softly, "The next step is to reach the tenth level."

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