Cosmic Professional Gladiator

Book Eight Chapter 43 Trial (Part 1)

The investigation materials are very detailed, recording the past enmity between Xu Jingming and Lu Naduo, as well as the detailed process of this public killing in Lu Liuxing. At the same time, it is equipped with a large amount of interrogation materials.

Everyone, like the royal woman Mo Yun, lost consciousness in front of the investigation team's interrogation, and obediently confessed everything like a machine.

"These data are fairly fair."

Vice President Chi Meng nodded, and immediately stretched out his hand, a pen appeared in his hand, and began to write his own punishment.

"Wu Ming synchronized Lu Naduo's criminal information to the Virtual World Network, sentenced Lu Naduo to death, and executed it publicly. First, this is an act of ultra vires. Second, the criminal information he provided is not sufficient. In view of this, Wu Ming should be punished !"

"Luna Duo is not the source of life. If he really died wrongfully, he can apply for resurrection. Just killing him is a lesser crime."

Chi Meng continued to write.

In the Universal Human Alliance, different people have different values. If the one who killed was a 'great scholar', the punishment would be much more severe. If it is the massacre of "hundreds of millions of people", the punishment will also be heavy.

"Wu Ming, who made outstanding contributions on the battlefields of the Prison Clan and the Void Protoss, was polluted by the high dimension of the Void Protoss. His spiritual consciousness was distorted, and slight mistakes are understandable."

It is very common for some powerful source beings, especially the evolvers of the "Abyss lineage" of the Eternal Learning Tower, to fall into the abyss and act extreme and distorted.

The cosmic human race is very tolerant towards them, and they don't care too much about some minor mistakes.

"Combining the three situations, the Yuanchu Research Institute judged: deduct one million credits from Wu Ming as a punishment."

After finishing writing, Vice President Chi Meng directly forwarded it to the Cosmic Human Alliance official.

The pen in Vice President Chi Meng's hand dissipated, and he shook his head slightly: "It's a small matter, just because you are a child of the royal family! The three major royal families have all jumped... The three supreme realms are indeed wise to restrain the influence of the three major royal families. Civilization is also limited to the three major cosmic domains and cannot be expanded."

"If no restrictions are imposed, the entire human race in the universe will be harmed by the three royal families." Vice President Chi Meng secretly said.

In the early days, the three highest realms all favored their own families.

But over time, they realize...

Allowing the expansion of the three royal families will eventually completely control the entire human race in the universe. At that time, the vitality of the entire ethnic group and the ability to cultivate geniuses will be greatly reduced in all aspects. This is what the three highest realms do not want to see.

In fact, after hundreds of millions of years, the three highest realms don't care about the individuals of the three royal families today. Because there are too many royal families.


"Ten days later, the third trial court of the Universal Human Alliance will conduct a trial?" Xu Jingming received this notice from the Virtual World Network.

Although he set a whitelist.

But this is an official notice and must be delivered.

"I have to attend at that time?" Xu Jingming shook his head slightly, "Killing a waste, the highest human alliance in the universe will waste energy trying to judge me. If I were in the three highest realms, I would have already started to eliminate the high level of the human alliance in the universe!"

"Unfortunately, I am weak now, so I can only let them judge." Xu Jingming's eyes were cold.

"This is also the rule in the universe, the rule in the high-dimensional space... the rule is determined by the strong."

Xu Jingming longed for his own strength even more.


Virtual World Network, Xuyuan Group World.

"Master." Wu Qi saluted slightly when he saw Xu Jingming appearing in the hall.

Xu Jingming sat directly on the throne in the hall and said, "Let the apprentices come to see me."

"Yes." Wu Qi nodded and sent the order immediately.

Soon, a total of 30 young people gathered outside the hall and walked into the hall together. They didn't look young. In fact... the youngest is only sixteen years old, and the oldest is only fifty-three years old.

In terms of the long lifespan of life in the starry sky, 16-53 years old is indeed very young.

"Meet Master."

All thirty young people knelt down respectfully, extremely respectful.

The dark robes of Xu Jingming on the throne made them involuntarily submit in awe and awe. Xu Jingming looked down.

"Disciples?" Xu Jingming was thinking, "For Master Xuyuan, even 30 disciples are just his pawns, his tools."

"Anyone who dares to disobey and disobedient. The Lord of the Void Abyss will issue terrifying punishments! They will be punished and die, and then resurrected to make them perform their crimes and meritorious deeds..." Xu Jingming felt the means of the Void Abyss Lord.

The dead are resurrected.

Weak high-dimensional life forms can be strengthened in a short period of time, and their strength can be increased tenfold, hundredfold, and thousandfold.

For the Lord of the Void Abyss, it is a breeze.

"Become my disciple." Xu Jingming looked down, "I will give you inheritance, evolution resources, money, power..."

These disciples were all fanatical in their hearts.

Xu Jingming looked at these disciples, his eyes became darker and darker: "I have only one rule - those who disobey me, die!"

"Yes, Master."

All the disciples bowed respectfully.

Lord Wu Ming, that is the top figure among the human race in the universe, who brought them everything, they are willing to follow loyally, naturally they never thought of disobedience.

"Let's go to the Hall of Inheritance." Xu Jingming ordered, "There are 72 copies of the upper part of the 'Cosmic Legendary Inheritance'. Based on this, it is enough to cultivate to the ninth level. These inheritances are different from the classics purchased from the outside world. They have detailed 'visualization' ' Inherited."

"Each of you can choose three kinds of inheritance. If you can become the original life... you can naturally enter the top power and learn the follow-up inheritance."

"Yes." The eyes of all the disciples were burning.

Cosmic legendary inheritance?

They all retreated respectfully and went to the inheritance hall.

"Young master, give them 72 copies of the legendary inheritance of the universe?" Wu Qi asked in surprise.

"It's just the upper part." Xu Jingming said, the top forces value the inheritance of the "source life stage" and "high-dimensional life stage". As for the basic part of the early stage, it can still be purchased.

Like Tiano back then, in the planetary life stage, all he learned was the inheritance of the highest realm.

The basic part is leaked, and it is not worth mentioning.

Among the ethnic groups in the vast universe, the origin life is the strong one, and the high-dimensional life is the backbone of the ethnic group!


Xu Jingming was cultivating his disciples, and it was already ten days later.

Virtual World Network, the third court of the Universal Human Alliance.

At this moment, densely packed figures were already seated, and there were already thousands of figures in the spectator seats. Those who could be in the spectator seats were either the tenth-order origin life, or the representatives of the three major royal families.

"Brother Wu Ming is at the limit of the tenth rank, and he is also the most dazzling genius of the contemporary era. If you kill a waste of the royal family, you will have to hold a court for it?"

"The three major royal families have hundreds of millions of people, and with such a large number, they shouldn't have so many privileges!"

"The birth of every original life is not easy, but what about the royal family? Born as a royal family! There are too many."

On the sidelines, the tenth-level source of life was chatting.

"Our royal family is also the survival of the fittest." The representative of the royal family not far away also scolded, "The mediocre branch will be deprived of the royal status. If Luna Duo hadn't been for his brother's outstanding talent, he would have been deprived of the name of 'Primary Star' long ago."

"If we don't eliminate some, the three royal families will not count hundreds of millions of years, but hundreds of millions of years." Active Life sneered.

"Kill Luna Duo a waste, and let the Universal Human Alliance Trial Court judge him?"

"It's your source of life that bullies people too much! Everyone relies on their individual strength to do whatever they want!" The representative of the royal family scolded angrily.

Amidst the uproar, more and more people participated in the trial court.


Suddenly the bell rang.

The entire trial court fell silent, and the presiding judge also appeared.


Lu Naxing, the emperor of Yuanxing Civilization, also appeared in the front row.


Xu Jingming also appeared in the front row on the other side!


Vice-principal Chimeng, Warden of Baiyu, and Deputy Island Master Fanxi, the representatives of the three most powerful forces also appeared.

"Welcome Vice President Chi Meng, Warden of Bai Prison, and Vice Island Master Fan Xi to attend." The presiding judge smiled and nodded to the three sitting there.

The Supreme Tribunal will not be held lightly, after all, every time it is held, many important figures are required to appear.

"Welcome the 7,922 members of the Cosmic Human Alliance Council to attend."

"1299 royal family representatives are welcome to attend."

"The 300 judges are welcome to attend."

The trial of the Supreme Tribunal cannot be decided by the chief judge alone. There are mainly 300 judges who have been strictly selected and come from different forces of the cosmic human race and Star Alliance.

The presiding judge looked down, "First of all, let's watch the whole case."

Xu Jingming, who was sitting in the front row, also watched, and there was an illusory scene in front of him - when Luna Duo arrived at Blue Star, he wanted to accept Xu Jingming as a lifelong guard servant, but Xu Jingming refused...

Tiano intervenes!

Lunato go away! After contacting the Black Moon Civilization 'Mo Lilun', the Black Moon Civilization finally decided to evacuate completely, the star robbers attacked, and the messenger in yellow appeared...

The scene after scene is almost completely reproduced.

"It turns out that brother Wu Ming and Lu Naduo still have such an old grievance." The tenth-order source beings watched clearly.

Since the Universal Human Alliance decided to investigate, it will naturally investigate the cause and effect of the matter, and everything will be investigated clearly.


The illusory scene has been evolving.

On Lu Liuxing, Xu Jingming appeared in a dark robe, domineering and powerful, and brazenly killed Lu Naduo after contacting the emperor Lu Naxing. And also threatened the emperor Lu Naxing.

After killing, Xu Jingming traveled through the void and left.

"This is a scene that goes back to the past and is confirmed. The authenticity is confirmed by the identification of the isolated island of time and space." The presiding judge said, "Next, the royal family of Yuanxing Civilization will make a statement."


The spokesperson representing the royal family of Yuanxing Civilization got up and looked around, "The whole case is very clear. Although Wu Ming has a noble status, there is no doubt that the Universal Human Alliance has not given him the right to enforce the law against the three royal families. Even Luna Duo Wu Ming has no power to enforce the law."

"He has no right, but forcibly kills people. Of course he is guilty!"

"He was still in contact with the Emperor of Yuanxing Civilization, and while in contact, he killed Luna Duo. This is a more serious provocation."

"He threatened His Majesty the Emperor at the same time. The emperor who threatens a higher civilization will be punished even more severely!"

"At the same time, I would like to ask everyone to pay attention to the fact that the evidence he provided to Virtual World Network is not enough to prove Luna Duo's crime."

"Combining these items, he ignored the royal family of high civilization, disregarded the law, and killed the children of the royal family of Yuanxing civilization at will. No royal family can bear this kind of insult!" The spokesperson said angrily, "It must be severely punished! Our royal family of Yuanxing civilization demands that, Wu Ming must be severely punished!"


Tomorrow, the 6th will stop updating.

There is also a second chapter update tonight.

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