Cosmic Professional Gladiator

Book Eight Chapter 44 Judgment (Part 2)

The presiding judge nodded after listening, and looked at Xu Jingming's position: "Spokesperson for the defendant, please state."

Sitting beside Xu Jingming was a tall and thin woman, who was the spokesperson selected by the Yuanchu Research Institute for him.


The tall and thin woman got up and looked around, "Let's see what kind of person Luna Duo really is? The investigation materials of the joint investigation team have been sent to everyone, everyone can take a closer look."

"Luna Duo is very incompetent. After initially taking power, he traveled to many cosmic domains and bullied many weak civilizations in the name of visiting. He searched for benefits and forced the geniuses of weak civilizations to sign lifetime contracts. He wanted to make Wu Master Ming became his lifelong guard servant, and Master Wu Ming refused to agree, which led to conflicts." The tall and thin woman shook her head, "Master Wu Ming was recruited by the Yuanchu Research Institute, so he has the confidence to refuse. But what about the geniuses of other weak civilizations? All of them are controlled by him, and they are his slaves."

"If they are well cultivated, these people are fully expected to give birth to original life." The tall and thin woman said, "From the perspective of the human race, Luna Duo is a moth."

"After his elder brother Lu Naxing succeeded to the throne, he was in power, so he really showed his fangs. As the Minister of Finance of the Yuanxing civilization, and the emperor's younger brother, how many families were ruined because of him, and how many billions of lives on the indigenous planets were caused by him. he was extinct..."

"The investigation team, based on the visiting guests on Luliu star, interrogated the evidence, which is only the tip of the iceberg. It proves that Luna Duo has committed a heinous crime."

"compare to."

The tall and thin woman said, "Master Wu Ming was born in a weak and new civilization. He only came into contact with the evolution method at the age of 29. He was already a source life at the age of 60. He became the tenth-order source life at the age of 251... Ever since he became the source life, he has been with him. The Prison Clan and the Void God Clan are fighting. The Prison Clan's origin lives are countless."

"In these years, he gave up his private time, his evolution and practice time, just to intercept and kill the prison clan. With the power of one person, the situation on the battlefield of the prison clan has been completely changed." The tall and thin woman said, "He went to the battlefield of the void gods, Lien Chan Victory, none of the younger generation of the Void Protoss can threaten Lord Wu Ming. In the end, it was their cosmic legend sneak attack, which made Lord Wu Ming suffer from high-dimensional pollution."

"After the high-dimensional pollution, although Master Wu Ming has been tortured by the pollution force, he still went to the front line of the prison clan time and time again to intercept and kill the prison clan." The tall and thin woman said, "I was worried about losing control. After he was polluted, he even I never went back to my hometown, Blue Star Civilization, nor did I go to reunite with my family."

"Master Wu Ming is a man, everyone can see it. He is dedicated to the human race, even if he is polluted by high dimensions, he still does not stop!"

The tall and thin woman said, "And he discovered Lunador's sin. He was polluted by the high-dimensional, and he could no longer control himself. He wants to uphold the dignity of the law and kill Lunador, a moth!"

"Yes, he was polluted by high dimensions and couldn't fully control himself. But I still think he killed well! It's enough to deter more moths." The tall and thin woman said, "I'm done."

The presiding judge nodded.

"Maintain the dignity of the law? What a joke. He has no right to enforce the law against the royal family!" Yuan Xing Wenming royal family spokesman said, "He is undisputedly violating the law!"

"Master Wu Ming is polluted by high dimensions and cannot control himself perfectly. This is normal." The tall and thin woman said.

"If a lunatic goes crazy, he can't be punished?" the royal family spokesman shouted.

"Please pay attention to your words. Master Wu Ming has made great contributions to the entire human race in the universe. He lost control because he was attacked by a foreign race. In view of your disrespectful words, I ask the court to punish him." The tall and thin woman said angrily.

The royal spokesman retorted: "You said that Luna Duo is a scum and moth, why can't I say that Wu Ming is a lunatic?"


The presiding judge said, "Lord Wu Ming is indeed a great contributor to the human race in the universe, and his accumulated credit has exceeded 2 billion!"

Even selling the cosmic fruit is also a credit.

Chi Meng, because of the harvest of that special cosmic fruit, has further improved his strength, and has full confidence in becoming a high-dimensional life in a short time.

"More than 2 billion credits?" In the spectators, whether it was the tenth-level councilors or the representatives of the royal family, they were a little shocked.

2 billion contributions, on the one hand, represent outstanding meritorious deeds, and on the other hand, represent huge wealth.

Many people looked at Xu Jingming who was sitting in a different way, some were envious and jealous, and some had other ideas.

"Spokesman of Yuanxing Civilization Royal Family, you are disrespectful to those who have made great contributions. Since this is your first offense, you will be fined 100 million universe coins. If you commit another offense, you will be expelled from court," said the presiding judge.

The human race in the universe has various powers to protect those who have made great contributions.

They are the heroes of the entire clan.

"Yes." The spokesperson of the royal family was quite aggrieved, but he could only accept the punishment obediently. The 100 million universe coins is just a drizzle, but if he commits the crime again, he will be expelled from court... that would be troublesome. The royal family needs to arrange another spokesperson immediately.

"The other party thinks that Lu Naduo deserves to die, but the joint investigation team has found enough evidence." The royal spokesperson continued, "When Wu Ming did it, there was no evidence to prove that Lu Naduo deserved to die."


Spokespersons on both sides, you said what you said, and at the same time, some evidence was sent to the onlookers, representatives of the royal family, and judges.

"time up."

The presiding judge finally looked at Xu Jingming, "The defendant is seated."

Xu Jingming stood up, although the terrifying dark fluctuations naturally emanating from his mind and consciousness subsided, it still made the people around him feel pressured, Xu Jingming calmly took a few steps forward.

"Defendant," said the presiding judge, "please prosecute yourself."

Xu Jingming glanced at Lu Naxing and the others in the distance, and smiled slightly, but his smile made many people's hearts tremble.

With the deepening of the imitation method, the power of the inner world has gone further and further. Xu Jingming's eyes are terrifyingly aggressive, and his expressions have the ability to influence people's hearts. Seeing Xu Jingming was like seeing a terrifying existence in the dark.

"It's very simple." Xu Jingming said with a smile, "The cosmic legend of the Void Protoss 'Tutimu' sneaked up on me and caused me to be polluted by high dimensions."

"Being polluted, the only way is to comprehend the high-dimensional power of pollution." Xu Jingming said, "In order to comprehend better, I have to sort out my own cause and effect. Otherwise, cause and effect will be entangled, and the efficiency of comprehension will be very low."

Many bystanders were stunned.

Sort out cause and effect?

"The entanglement of cause and effect affects spiritual comprehension?"

"Sorting out the cause and effect should help the evolution path." Many onlookers listened carefully, absorbing the experience of evolution.

After all, the person standing there is the most dazzling peerless genius of our time, so what he said naturally has his reasons.

In fact, the vast majority of source beings are not aware of the importance of 'sorting out cause and effect'. Before Xu Jingming was polluted, he didn't think it was important to sort out cause and effect. Only those powerful high-dimensional beings will gradually pay attention to cause and effect.

"Sorting out cause and effect, repaying kindness with kindness, and revenge with revenge." Xu Jingming said, "I killed Luna Duo, on the one hand, to settle the cause and effect, so that my mind will not be disturbed by cause and effect, and the evolution path will be smoother. On the other hand, it is also because of him. The crime is serious and deserves to be killed!"

The presiding judge looked to the other side: "Representative of Yuanxing Civilization Royal Family, what do you want to say?"

Lu Naxing got up at this time.

"Your Majesty Lu Naxing." The presiding judge nodded slightly.

"Wu Ming killed a royal family purely out of personal grievances." Lu Naxing said, "In the future, he may kill anyone else out of personal grievances."

"If Luna Duo had no serious crimes, I would not kill him." Xu Jingming said with calm eyes, "Even if the entanglement of karma disturbs my practice, I would not bother to kill an innocent person."

He trains his mind with marksmanship, which is essentially mind training.

What he pursues is the path of "the power of the heart world", and what he does must conform to his heart. Of course, his current "heart" is polluted and distorted, and he is more inclined to the style of the Lord of the Void Abyss.

It should be killed.

Those who shouldn't be killed would rather be entangled in karma than kill.

"That sounds good." Lu Naxing's eyes were cold, "Kill my brother openly. He even threatened me. If I don't satisfy you, you will kill me."

"If you don't repent and continue to indulge your cronies to do evil, I will definitely kill you, and execute you publicly." Xu Jingming, who was standing in the trial court, looked at Lu Naxing and said.



The audience was in an uproar.

"Wu Ming!" Lu Naxing pointed at Xu Jingming angrily, "In the Supreme Tribunal of the Universal Human Alliance, you still threatened a high-level civilized emperor and said that you would execute me. You are provoking the dignity of the high-level civilized royal family, and you are also provoking The dignity of the head of the Yuanchu Research Institute!"

"Xu Jingming, you are presumptuous!"

"To publicly execute the emperor, who do you think you are?"

"This is provoking the dean!"

Many representatives of the royal family cursed angrily, and the three high-ranking officials were the rebels of the royal family. Anyone who dares to disrespect the Supreme Realm will be jointly targeted by the three royal families.


The presiding judge frowned and made the audience quiet. He looked at Xu Jingming, "Defendant, are you threatening a highly civilized emperor?"

"This is not a threat, this is advice." Xu Jingming said, "The dean, the master of the Eternal Learning Tower, and the island master of time and space, the three of them descended at the same time, just to save me. The three of them are against each other. I have great kindness, it is impossible for me to provoke them, and I only have respect and gratitude to the three of them."

Everyone present was listening, feeling very complicated.

The three supreme beings descended at the same time, just to save Wu Ming?

Many royal family members and source beings have never seen the highest level in their entire lives.

"I have great respect for the three supreme realms. They have devoted endless efforts to the human race." Xu Jingming looked at Lu Naxing indifferently, "but there are some moths who rely on their power to do evil recklessly. They are ruining the three supreme realms. Lu Naduo is like this, Lu Naxing pampers his cronies and allows his younger brother to do evil, which is also a waste of the hard work of the three supreme realms!"

Lu Naxing frowned, and argued: "I only knew what my brother did after seeing the investigation team's information. I really didn't know much about it before."

"Your brother is so unscrupulous, you don't even know? Then you are incompetent enough." Xu Jingming said, "The emperor of a high civilization has an honorable status, but he also shoulders endless responsibilities. If you are incompetent or deliberately conniving, you will bring trouble to countless people. If it is a disaster, then he is not worthy to be the emperor."

"This time is a warning, next time I will do it directly." Xu Jingming said calmly, "Of course, the so-called public execution is only a small punishment. Because even if you die, you will be resurrected."

Lu Naxing was taken aback.

"It's not easy to be an emperor of a high civilization. If you don't have the ability, don't be." Xu Jingming snorted, too lazy to say more.

Lu Naxing's face was calm, and he looked around: "Everyone, I am responsible for negligence in the matter of my brother Lu Naduo. But Wu Ming's arrogance, I believe you can also see it. He ignores the law, ignores the high civilized emperor Dignity. Shouting, beating and killing is still the same in the trial court... If you don't severely punish him, how can you maintain the dignity of the high-level civilized royal family, how can you maintain the dignity of the three Supreme Realms?"

"Killing a moth with a heinous crime, it's just a trivial matter, but I am already very puzzled that the Tribunal of the Universal Human Alliance will open a trial for this. If the punishment is too heavy, I will only doubt the fairness of the Universal Human Alliance." Xu Jingming looked at it. Looking at the presiding judge, he shouted, "I want to know whether the Universal Human Alliance is an alliance of humans, or an alliance of the three royal families!"

"If the punishment is unfair, I can only report to the three highest-level people. Please clean up the cancer in the universe and human alliance." Xu Jingming stood there and said.

"Please rest assured that the Universal Human Alliance has always been an alliance of the entire human race. Our fairness and justice are also supervised by the Virtual World Network." The presiding judge said, "There is no need to doubt this."

Lu Naxing watched this scene, his teeth itching with anger.

"This Xu Jingming, why is he so arrogant? In the trial court, all forces are present, and he is still so unscrupulous?" Lu Naxing even had to pay attention to his own identity, but Xu Jingming was extremely calm.

"Is there anything else the two sides want to say?" the presiding judge asked. The two below, one is the emperor of advanced civilization, and the other is the most dazzling evolutionary powerhouse in the contemporary era. He is quite polite.

"No." Xu Jingming shook his head.

"Everyone can see what he has done." Lu Naxing said, "I believe the judges will make a fair decision."

"Okay, you two can go back to your places."

The presiding judge nodded, "Now, invite 300 judges to deliberate."

The three hundred judges all began to issue their punishments on the light curtain in front of them.

The Supreme Tribunal cannot be decided by one person. 300 outstanding figures selected from different forces and industries acted as judges. According to the punishments of their 300 players, Virtual World Network will conduct a comprehensive analysis to obtain the final result.

Time passed by every minute and every second.

Xu Jingming was sitting in his seat, and Lu Naxing was also sitting in the distance waiting silently.

"With 300 judges collaborating, Wu Ming overstepped his authority to enforce the law. The consequences were serious, and he threatened Lu Naxing, the emperor of Yuanxing civilization. In view of Wu Ming's great contribution to the human race and being polluted by high-dimensionality, the comprehensive punishment will deduct Wu Ming's 50 million credits. "The presiding judge announced, "And I also read the judgment result of the Yuanchu Research Institute, and the penalty was to deduct 1 million credits from Wu Ming as a punishment."

"According to the judgment results of both the Trial Court of the Universal Human Alliance and the Yuanchu Research Institute, in the end, the comprehensive judgment will deduct 8 million credits from Wu Ming! This is the final judgment result!" said the presiding judge.

Lu Naxing's expression turned ugly.

Xu Jingming nodded slightly, and thought to himself: "The high-level executives of the Universal Human Alliance are quite sensible, and they were not completely kidnapped by the three royal families. If you are tossing about a moth and me, it means that the management really needs to be cleared."

The trial ended, and the participants began to leave one by one.

"Only 8 million credits? He has more than 2 billion credits! What is it to him?"

"It's too much, the Yuanchu Academy's penalty is too light."

"This is the face of the three royal families."

Many representatives of the royal family discussed and were very angry.

However, it is useless to be angry again. The high-level people who are really in power of the Universal Human Alliance have already made a decision.

"After all, the three supreme realms descended for him at the same time, and there is a high probability that Vice President Chi Meng is also the supreme realm. He also prefers Wu Ming."

"Wu Ming is extremely talented. Even if he is polluted, it is still very easy to become a legend in the universe."

"The cosmic legend of the high-dimensional power of the third realm will be the strongest cosmic legend. There is no need to provoke it." In the spectators, several real powerful figures got up and left one by one.

Before the trial, they set the outcome.

On the side of the Universal Human Alliance, it is impossible to offend Xu Jingming for a trash Luna Duo.


Thanks to the newly added allies.

The list of newly added leaders: Tomato's new book is finally opened, Lianhua Qianyu, Daniel Lou, Dragon Walks My Heart, surnamed Yin, be an ordinary person~

Newly added reward from the Silver League: House Cuisine

thanks for your support!

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