Count of Wizards

Chapter 994 Gift

"Mr. Kristant, what you said is a bit inaccurate. The plan of this guy Philo did tell me his plan, but he only told me part of it, a lot of content and some details He avoids talking about it, and the most important thing is that when Philo told me about his plan, he didn't mention the involvement of the Church of Storms!" Keeping a smile on his face, Connor spoke slowly road:

For Connor's remarks, Christian obviously didn't buy it. He took a deep look at Connor, and then said in a deep voice: "Since it was Philo who didn't explain it clearly to you, then I want to emphasize it to you again." , The Church of the Storm wants Reyes to die, and Connor Ferguson, all you have to do is do your best to help us find him!"

"This is also the reason why Connor Ferguson appeared here, not in the water prison of the Church of the Storm! My patience is limited, I hope you don't let it run out!"

After Kristante finished his threatening words, Connor shook his head and said without any influence, "Since you are so direct, Mr. Kristante, then I won't talk nonsense, you have to find According to my guess, it should be in the surrounding area of ​​Frosinone, as for the specific location, I still need a little time to find out."

"Of course, I know that Mr. Christante, your time is very precious. If you are in a hurry, you might as well start it. All the members of the Earth God Church and the Church of Storms in Frosinone are here in Frosinone Carrying out a carpet search of every inch of land in the inner periphery, it shouldn’t take long, Mr. Christante, you can get what you want, I know you have the ability!” After finishing speaking, Connor didn’t Knowing what he meant with a smile on his face, Christan nodded.

Although Connor's words were a bit vague, when he heard Connor's last sentence that was somewhat specious, knowing that he had been identified by Connor Ferguson, Christante's eyes instantly became sharp, and he looked at Connor with a cold voice. Asked, "Who told you?"

Seeing the change of Christante, Connor shook his head with a smile, and said slowly: "Mr. Director, don't forget that I am a member of the secret society, and my mentor is the number two person in the secret society." Professor, when they told me about your identity at first, I still didn't believe it, but now it seems that I am still blind after all, and I can't see that you are the biggest intelligence leader of the Church of Storms!"

Christante, who was exposed by Connor's words, was not affected by Connor's ridicule. He looked at Connor and said coldly: "Connor Ferguson, do you know, just what you are saying now Is it enough to make you and your Ferguson family regret it for the rest of your life?"

"My dear Director, stop bluffing. You already know everything you need to know about your identity. If you don't know it, you won't be able to get in touch with it!" Connor said with a smile. He took out a small wooden box, handed it to Christante, and then introduced: "This gadget is a small gift from me to Mr. Director, I believe you will like it!"

Hearing what Connor said, Christant's eyes changed slightly. He looked at Connor, then at the small wooden box that Connor handed over, and after a little hesitation, he opened it anyway. I saw a green stone the size of a finger cover lying impressively inside the wooden box.

Seeing the appearance of this green stone, Christian's eyes were a little puzzled, as if he didn't know what it was, before he could ask, Connor took the initiative to introduce: "Mr. Christian, you should know, My dear mentor is very good at disguising, so I prepared this thing for you, as long as my mentor appears within a radius of one kilometer from you, this thing will warn you!"

As soon as Connor's words fell, Christian, who had a premonition of the role of this small green stone, flashed a fleeting light in his eyes, and then under Connor's gaze, Christian put the small green stone The stone was taken out of the wooden box and looked at carefully.

On the surface, the small green stone that Connor gave him seems to be some kind of precious ore, but if you look closely, you will find that this small green stone is actually quite different from the ore. Compared with ore, this thing is more like some kind of crystal, and if your mental power is strong enough, you will find that the surface of this small green stone is covered with a layer of tiny runes that cannot be observed by the naked eye... ····

"Connor Ferguson, are you sure that this thing of yours can sense the existence of Reyes?"

After carefully inspecting the small green stone, Christant returned it to the wooden box, then stared at Connor, and asked in a deep voice:

"Theoretically speaking, it is indeed possible to have such an effect. Of course, this thing has never been tested, but I think it is not harmful for you to take it with you. After all, although you have a life-saving magic item, but Reye You know the strength and courage of Si, if he appears in Frosinone as you expected, then..." Connor said meaningfully road:

Hearing Connor's words, although Christante didn't speak, he looked at Connor with murderous intent in his eyes. Seeing this, Connor smiled slightly, then waved his hand and explained, "My Mr. Director, you Don't worry, my friend from the secret society just told me your identity, and he doesn't know anything else, and as for the magic items you have on you, I guessed it myself!"

"To be honest, it's not hard to guess. With your strength and your status in the Church of the Storm, it's only natural that the Church of the Storm will provide you with some protection when you come to Frosinone, such a high-risk place. !"

After Connor finished speaking, Christant's expression remained unchanged, and he didn't express anything, as if Connor's words just now had no effect, and he said slowly after a few seconds: "In the future Connor, your mental strength, I believe De Zelby outside your mansion, you should already know him, right?"

Seeing that Christant mentioned the "very cautious" old pastor who stopped watching him after he found out, Connor nodded and said, "Of course, I also said hello to him, to be honest. The funds that your Church of the Storm gave him are really low, so many of them are kept in such a hotel with limited conditions!"

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