Count of Wizards

Chapter 1000 Meeting in the bookstore (2)

Regarding Connor's question, Philo, who was under Connor's gaze, fell silent again. Seeing his silence, Connor suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart. He knew that since Philo chose not to speak, he would never There is no doubt that he is acquiescing, he has really been tricked by the Storm Church...

Ten seconds later, when Connor's patience was about to run out, Filo spoke again and said, "Connor, do you still remember the last time I was in Ipurua City, I showed you the The rune token issued to me by the Church of Storms to prove my identity?"

"Although Christante didn't say it, I could sense that they used that rune token to tamper with me. Although I was aware of it, I was seriously injured in the small town of Spal at that time, and I was killed by a knife. I am a fish, and my life is at the mercy of a human being, so I can only swallow my breath!" At the end, although Philo tried his best to hide it, Connor could still hear the aggrieved and helpless in his tone.

Although Fei Luo was also a victim, Connor was still filled with anger by his words, and he said to Fei Luo bitterly: "Philo, you damn bastard, such important news, Why didn't you tell me the last time we met?"

Facing Connor's angry questioning, Philo seemed to have expected it, and he said to Connor through voice transmission full of apology: "Connor, I understand your feelings very well, but I wanted to tell you this last time, you They will never cooperate with me, so I am very sorry... But Connor, don't worry, since I know they have tampered with me, I am naturally prepared, I don't know Connor Have you ever heard of the devil blood puppet?"

Hearing the name "Magic Blood Puppet" from Fei Luo's mouth, Connor, who was full of anger, suddenly felt a move in his heart. A look of surprise appeared in his eyes when he realized what happened, and he asked Fei Luo with some doubts: "You have successfully cultivated?" gone?"


Regarding Connor's question, Philo sighed helplessly at first, and then explained to Connor: "The magic blood puppet is naturally a little short of my current skill distance, but my father Before going to the ruins with your mentor Reyes, he left me a prototype of a devil blood puppet, after years of uninterrupted sacrifices, I can barely use it."

"Because the magic blood puppet's move consumes too much with my current mana, and my mana will be exhausted after using this move, so I have never used this move on people, so the Church of the Storm I didn't take any precautions against this, so no matter what the Church of the Storm did to me, I could pass it on to the blood puppet. Hands and feet, the reason why I can continue to endure."

Hearing Philo's explanation, and thinking of the description of the power of the blood puppet in the classics, Connor's anger at Philo's deceiving himself gradually calmed down, and his mind also regained his composure. After contemplating for a while, , He said in a deep voice to Fei Luo: "This is why you want me to help you prepare potions for quick recovery of mana, alchemy bombs, and communication magic items?"

"That's right, if the Church of the Storm really wants to kill me, then I definitely can't let them kill me, but after I use the magic blood puppet, I will enter a period of weakness due to the exhaustion of mana, so during this period, I need Quickly restore mana, and use alchemy bombs to delay time for me, as for communication magic items, Connor, you know, we must cooperate!" Philo said honestly:

In the end, Philo, in order to get Connor to give him something, added very sincerely: "Connor believes in me, we are in the same situation, and we both have the same purpose. If you help me now, you are helping yourself , there are only advantages and no disadvantages for you!"

"If I'm cold, Connor Ferguson, you will not only have one less person to help you deal with Reyes, but the Church of the Storm's attention will also be focused on you. At that time, no matter what you do, you will be tied up. With me on you, the pressure will be much less!"

Although Connor was a little angry about Fei Luo's deception, but after calming down, Connor must admit that Fei Luo's words are still very reasonable. As far as the current situation is concerned, the existence of Fei Luo is very important For him, there are still many benefits, at least it can ensure that the group of people in the Church of Storms will not all stare at him.

"Philo, apart from this situation, there's nothing else about your damn plan that you're hiding from me, right?" Connor asked with cold eyes, through voice transmission:

"That's the only problem! I guarantee that there will be no other problems!" Seeing that Connor chose to tolerate for the sake of the overall situation, Philo said with certainty:

"Hmph! Philo, I warn you, if you dare to trick me again and plot against me behind my back, I will be the first to kill you without using the Church of Storms!" Although forced by the situation, Connor chose to tolerate it, but in his heart Still unable to bear the breath, he issued a warning to Filo with a gloomy voice.

Facing Connor's warning, Philo, who knew he was wrong, had no face to say anything, and could only bear it very aggrieved.

Taking out his pocket watch and looking at the time, Connor frowned slightly, because of the incident with Philo, which caused his meeting with Philo to take longer than expected, and he had to be there, De Zelby Before returning to the hotel in front of the Ferguson mansion, return to the Ferguson mansion, which means that he has no time to follow now, Philo is exhausted here!

Taking a deep breath, Connor stopped talking nonsense to Philo, stood up directly, returned the book in his hand to its original position, took out a black package from the space ring, and put it in a secluded corner of the bookstore After finishing these tasks, Connor randomly selected a few books from the bookshelf, paid the bill, and walked out of the bookstore.

Although Connor's series of actions were fairly concealed, they naturally did not escape the sight of Filo, who was disguised as a white-haired old man, but Filo did not act immediately to get the black package that Connor put down.

Instead, after Connor left, Philo waited for a few more minutes before closing the academic material in his hand titled "On the Function and Practice of Roberto Soriano's Law in Chemistry". Then he walked to the black package, quietly put the package into his space ring, and then he paid for the academic materials in his hand and walked out of the bookstore.


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