Count of Wizards

Chapter 1011 De Zerby's real

Magic Spirit Grass is a kind of potion that is extremely precious. It is one of the important materials for resisting magic, healing damage caused by magic energy, cultivating magic energy, and many other medicines related to magic energy. Large-scale artificial cultivation, so at the highest point, the price of magic grass on the market was as high as three thousand magic stones, and there was no market for the price.

According to the records in the classics, the magic spirit grass mostly grows in places related to the magic energy, or appears near the underground monsters, and the group of evil spirit spiders that attacked Connor and the others just now are typical representatives of the underground monsters. In other words, this also means that the magic spirit grass has a certain chance to appear near here, which is why De Zelby's eyes were so annoyed just now.

Although Connor just took out a jade box and told De Zelby that all the magic spirit grass near here was in it, but in fact Connor was just deceiving De Zerby, making him believe that during the hour just now, he really The most important thing is to dig the magic spirit grass. In fact, there is nothing in the jade box. Of course, it is true. In the past hour, Connor has been in the ancient tomb deep underground. How can there be time? Looking for magic spirit grass around?

And because Varga is a pharmacist, although there are many kinds of potions in Connor's space ring, he rarely reserves any potions. The potions he captured in battle were all handed over to Varga. , so naturally Connor would not have any magic grass in his hands

After these days of searching together, Connor can be sure that with De Zelby's steady personality, as long as he says that, he will definitely not be very rude and ask to see if there is really a magic in the jade box he took out. The spirit grass, the final result was just as Connor expected, De Zelby did not ask to see the jade box, nor did he have any doubts about Connor.

So this operation, for Connor, can be said to be a complete victory. It not only deceived De Zelby who was in charge of monitoring his movements, but also harvested the red cross sword from the ancient tomb. Connor himself Of course, I am very satisfied with this result.

Two hours later in the evening, Connor, De Zerby and his party finally arrived at their second and last destination in the Campania Mountains, a swamp called Di Casa, because Di Casa The place of Sa is closer to the outskirts of the mountains than the previous one. Not only is it less dangerous, but it also produces some potions such as Cotro flowers and Tomich fruit.

So every September and October when the potion is ripe, wizards will come here to pick potions, so there are also some wooden houses left by wizards picking potions outside the swamp, which can be used for Connor, De Zelby and the others to live in. , so that their group will not live in tents or caves like before.

Because it was getting late, it was very risky to explore the swamp. In addition, Connor and his group fought fiercely with the evil spirit spiders during the day. Everyone suffered heavy losses and marched for two hours. Hurrying to the swamp in Di Casa, the group was already exhausted, so Connor and De Zelby reached a consensus in a very tacit agreement to rest in the wooden house for a day tonight. As for exploring the ruins in the swamp, we will talk about it tomorrow.

Because the number of cabins is not too many, only four, so it can only be said that the two official wizards, Connor and De Zelby, can live in one alone. As for the remaining church arbitrators, they can only be Temporarily wronged, crowded in the remaining two wooden houses.

Sitting in a cold, damp cabin, Connor held a rough iron jug, drinking the wine one after another. He didn't have the magic power to restrain the effect of the wine on his body, and let these pungent Liquid, burning in his body.

Although Connor didn't look at the cabin on his left, 20 meters away from him, Connor's current thoughts are all about where is the cabin. That cabin is De Zelby's. Guy, where to live.

Although no one made it clear whether it was Kristant or De Zerby, everyone knew that the Church of Storms represented by Kristant didn't trust Connor, who was a dark wizard from the Secret Society. Although De Zerby and his team of arbitrators were supposed to help Connor search for the ruins, in fact their greatest role was to monitor Connor Ferguson!

The main undertaker of the "real task" of monitoring Connor is undoubtedly De Zerby, who is an official wizard. When everyone gets together to work during the day, De Zerby is naturally very conscientious in carrying out his The mission made Connor feel that he was secretly staring at him from behind.

But at night, when everyone is alone after work, the old man De Zerby seems to have forgotten his mission and is not monitoring Connor. doubts arose,

Naturally, Connor didn't really think that De Zelby really forgot that his mission was not to monitor him at night. In his opinion, De Zerby was fishing by doing this, and he wasn't He didn't monitor himself anymore, he was just monitoring himself in another way, and tried to make himself mistakenly think that he didn't monitor himself at night, so he let down his vigilance and fell into his trap.

Connor thinks that if he wants to still monitor himself under the current situation, there are probably two ways. The first is to use mental power, but this guy De Zelby knows very well that he is a spiritual wizard, and his mental power is far away. He is stronger than him, so as long as this guy De Zelbi has no water in his head and his intelligence is still normal, he will definitely not play tricks and choose this way to humiliate himself in front of himself.

Therefore, the possibility of using mental power to monitor oneself can basically be ruled out, so the only possible way left is to use magic items!

As an alchemist, Connor had long heard that five years ago, the alchemists of the Church of the Storm and the alchemists of the God of the Earth each showed some housekeeping skills. The mysterious and magical items that the wizard was peeped at without realizing it. Many dark wizards planted on this mysterious and magical item unknowingly, until they died without knowing that they had fallen into the two churches. In the trap.

Because the value of this mysterious magical item is too great, and it is hard to guard against, so many black wizards are actively inquiring about it in order not to be plotted by this magical item. Various information about enchanted items.

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