Count of Wizards

Chapter 1013 Crystal Book

So Connor, who realized this at the time, was undoubtedly very excited. He, who has always been super strong in execution, did not look forward and backward, hesitated, and was afraid that De Zelby would find out if he did so, so he started to act directly. , he used the energy fluctuations emerging from the alchemy furnace to refine the demonized items as a cover, and quietly spread his mental power to the left 20 meters away, the wooden house where De Zeerbi was located, so as to monitor De Zeer Compare.

Just as Connor guessed, this crystal book, which is extremely powerful in spying on other people's movements, has not sensed that its user, Dezelby, is under Connor's surveillance, so naturally he cannot tell Dezelby De Zelby, who is far less mental than Connor, a spiritual wizard, is more concerned about the crystal book, and he never thought that Connor, the "prey", would take the initiative to Attack and use mental power to monitor him, the "hunter".

So when De Zelby didn't take any precautions, Connor spent almost no effort, just quietly enveloped his mental power over De Zerby, forming a situation where he and De Zerby monitored each other This weird situation with each other...

In such a situation, the crystal book in De Zelby's hand was naturally exposed under Connor's mental power, and Connor was the first to notice the one in De Zelby's hand. It looks like a work of art, but it transmits its every move in the wooden house to De Zelby's crystal book in real time.

A few seconds after discovering the crystal book, Connor, who is an alchemist, confirmed that the crystal book was jointly developed by the rumored alchemists of the Church of Storms and the Alchemists of the Earth God Cult. It was used to spy on wizards. Trending magical enchanted items.

After confirming this, an idea immediately appeared in Connor's head at that time, that is to kill De Zelby and snatch the crystal book, and study how it managed to be unnoticed by it.

It took Connor a lot of determination to overcome the greed in his heart, give up this bold idea, and calm himself down again. Although the value of the crystal book is very exciting, killing De Zelby is equivalent to Turning heads with the Church of the Storm is something Connor can't do right now, not to mention the team of Church of the Storm arbitrators around De Zelby. Connor can't do it anyway, and kill them all.

Just when Connor was thinking about what to do next, Lady Luck seemed to turn over Connor's sign this time, and gave Connor a big gift, so that De Zelby, who was in charge of monitoring Connor, could go to recuperate. This gave Connor, who is an alchemist, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to discover the secrets of this crystal book with a high degree of secrecy in the two churches!

Even though he was at odds with the Church of Storms, as an alchemist, Connor must admit, in all fairness, that this crystal book is indeed very powerful. , which is monitored by it.

However, Connor believes that compared to the dark wizard who was monitored by the Crystal Book and fell on it before, he now has two major advantages that allow him to figure out the secrets of the Crystal Book.

The biggest advantage is that Connor has confirmed that he is being watched! Under normal circumstances, when you know that you are being watched, you will definitely increase your vigilance, and when you don't know this, even if you have so-called precautions, your vigilance may not be so high

The reason why the experienced black wizard fell into the trap carefully arranged by the Church of the Storm and the Earth God is because he did not realize that he was taught by this crystal book, so after decades of penance It vanished into nothingness, and now that Connor knew that he was being watched, he would naturally raise his vigilance to the highest level.

The second advantage is that Connor discovered that this crystal book is himself, the culprit of being monitored, and his mental power can quietly observe this crystal book, and get some clues from the crystal book itself.

The current situation, to Connor, is like an arithmetic problem. Connor knows the result—he is being watched, and he also knows the tool to watch himself—the crystal book. Connor, who knows these two things, now asks for The answer is how he was monitored!

As for Connor's way of solving this "arithmetic problem", it is the knowledge of alchemy he has learned all his life!

The mental power carefully looked at this crystal book that still showed the animation of his every move. Connor fell into deep thought. A minute later, Connor seemed to have some kind of idea, and began to carry out the actual experiment in the wooden house. Na flicked his finger lightly towards the surroundings, and suddenly some black light spots were floating in the air.

Looking at these black spots of light floating in the air, Connor's expression did not change much. In order not to disturb De Zelby, who was recuperating in the wooden house next door, Connor silently chanted a spell in his heart, but regrettably Yes, with the appearance of the spell, these black spots of light that were originally floating in the air disappeared one after another. There is no doubt that this situation means that Connor's first experiment has completely failed!

Although the result was not very satisfying, Connor was not too disappointed. As an alchemist, Connor has experienced tens of thousands of experimental failures, and the experience he summed up after each failure is very important. It is a cornerstone of his success, and like the Church of the Storm and the Church of the Earth, the alchemists of the two churches jointly developed the magic item. If he tried it for the first time, he would have worked out the principle , that would be too exaggerated, too unreal...

After contemplating for a while, Connor was about to start a new experiment. An hour later, after seven failed experiments, Connor finally made a breakthrough with the help of an auxiliary chip. Under the spell, these black spots of light gradually concentrated on the top of his head, and Connor's mental power gradually began to perceive that there was a cloud that looked like water vapor at a position one meter above his head. things, quietly suspended there

This discovery made Connor both surprised and happy. He was happy that he finally found the principle of the crystal book monitoring him. What surprised him was that this cloud of water vapor was so close to him, and he had never noticed it before. Well, if the crystal book was not just for monitoring like now, but had other uses, wouldn't he have suffered a long time ago?

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