Count of Wizards

Chapter 1015 Hands-on (1)

If the events unfolded according to Connor's judgment, this would also explain why the details of the chambers outside the ancient tomb were so rough that the magic circle outside the tomb lost its function. Therefore, after building the central tomb with all his heart, in order to complete the entire ancient tomb as soon as possible before his death, he naturally relaxed the quality requirements of other tombs.

Of course, regardless of the reason for this cross sword, the damage to the internal rune structure is so serious to Connor, it is not important to Connor. The benefits of the fire attribute energy cross sword brought out from the ancient tomb are maximized!

This cross sword is a fire attribute magic item, and Connor is a wizard who cultivates dark attribute energy and spiritual attribute energy. Although the energy attributes do not match, it does not mean that Connor cannot use this cross sword, but it also means that As a result, Connor was unable to exert the maximum power of this third-level magical item.

Even as an alchemist, Connor tried his best to repair the internal rune structure of 30% of the damaged cross sword. This fire attribute cross sword can play a role in his hands The power produced is only higher than that of the second-tier top-level magical items, and it is impossible to exert the power that the third-tier magical items should have. Regarding this point, Connor is very clear in his heart. He can't accept it!

Every wizard, no matter what his cultivation level is, whether he is a formal wizard or a wizard apprentice, his mana and spiritual power are limited, not unlimited, so he can control at the same time, and use magic items. There are restrictions. According to Connor's current strength, it is impossible for him to control a third-level magical item and use the Castilla staff at the same time.

So when the scarlet cross sword, this third-level demonized item with fire-attributed energy, can only be used in Connor's hands, its slightly higher power than the second-tier top-tier demonized item means that although the scarlet cross sword is The third-level magical item, but it can be said that the improvement of Connor's strength is negligible, because using it means that Connor has to give up using the Castilla staff that he has refined by himself and is very easy to use.

And at the same time, he has to bear other troubles caused by the incompatibility of energy attributes. If things really develop like this, Connor may not be as good as continuing to use the Castilla staff...

It took a lot of time, energy, and materials to repair the scarlet cross sword, but the increase in his own strength was very limited. This kind of thing that is not directly proportional to the contribution and reward, let alone Connor, is to change it to something else. People, it must be unacceptable!

When the account was settled, Connor's excitement about obtaining the scarlet cross sword, a third-tier demonized item, undoubtedly turned cold again. But the situation is such a situation, but Connor is not completely desperate, because for an alchemist like him, although the current situation is very troublesome, it is not the worst, and the scarlet cross sword is still there. The possibility of change exists, which is why Connor must now conduct a second, more detailed inspection of the cross sword after the first inspection!

While Connor was immersed in the inspection of the Scarlet Cross Sword, De Zelby in the cabin next to Connor seemed to have remembered his duty to monitor Connor, and immediately woke up from the healing process, slowly Slowly opened his eyes, and focused his gaze on the picture presented by the magical crystal book beside him.

De Zelby, who didn't know what happened during his healing period, looked at the picture presented by the crystal book, Connor who was still refining the first-level magic item, and he nodded slightly without noticing it. Nodding, then closed his eyes and meditated to heal himself.

And here, although Connor focused most of his attention on the inspection of the Scarlet Cross Sword, it did not mean that Connor had relaxed his surveillance on De Zelby, seeing that De Zelby had nothing It was discovered that Connor was relieved of the last doubt in his heart, and devoted himself wholeheartedly to the exploration of the opponent's third-level magical item. As for how to deal with this somewhat "tasteless" scarlet cross sword, Connor now has no idea. There was an idea faintly.



When Connor was researching the enchanted items in the small cabin on the outskirts of the swamp in Di Casa, he definitely didn't arrive first. At this time, another group of people who searched for the ruins sent by the Church of the Storm had already searched. The Navas Forest hides the Anduin Genoese ruins.

The Navas forest in the middle of the night is not quiet, there are often wild beasts or magical beasts roaring, and the shouts emerge. At this time, under a three-meter-thick and ten-meter-high olive tree, Mr. K in a gray cloak is Fei Luo was sitting opposite Priest Milik, who was wearing a light blue robe of the Church of the Storm with a scarred face.

Milik and Philo are only the two of them in this group, unlike Connor, Dezelby and the others, who also brought a team of arbitrators from the Church of the Storm, and they are in harmony with Connor and Dezelby on the surface Different, Philo and Milik are obviously very wary of each other. Although the two seem to be resting, both of them have movements in their hands, and they seem to be wary of each other. s attack·······

In such a tense atmosphere, the young and vigorous Milik, who is obviously inexperienced and experienced, was more able to hold his breath. He opened his eyes and stared straight at the not-too-distant Philo, Feeling his gaze, Philo also woke up from his doze and looked at him.

The two looked at each other for a while, and Milik spoke first, and asked Philo coldly, "How long are we going to look here?"

Facing Milik's inquiry, Philo said calmly: "Maybe I will find it tomorrow, or I may not be able to find it for several days. This requires the blessing of the Goddess of Storms!"

Milik was obviously dissatisfied with the answer given by Filo. He snorted heavily, then looked at Filo and said, "The church's patience is limited. You'd better prove your plan, Filo. It is feasible and valuable! Otherwise, you should know better than me what the result will be!"

Listening to Milik's naked and undisguised threats to him, although Philo's face covered by the gray cloak remained unchanged, there was still a fleeting flash of sharp light in his eyes.

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