Count of Wizards

Chapter 1019 Broken Arm

Connor has his own plan, and Philo naturally has his own plan in his heart. If he really kills Milik now, then the real winner is neither Philo nor the Church of the Storm, but Connor Ferguson!

At that time, Connor Ferguson, who knew the news, would definitely go crazy with joy, because Philo, who did so, would definitely bear the monstrous anger from the Church of the Storm, and the Church of the Storm, who was busy chasing and killing Philo, would naturally not be happy. He will invest too much energy on Connor Ferguson, so that Connor will be lessened from the pressure from the Church of the Storm.

So Philo would definitely not do something like sacrificing himself to fulfill Connor Ferguson, even though Connor has provided great help for him to escape safely now!

Feeling Philo's breath, he gradually moved away in the woods. Milik, who was lying on the devastated ground after the explosion, stopped the painful voice in his mouth, and there was a look of regret in his cold eyes, and then slowly Dragging a broken arm, he stood up from the ground.

It is obvious that Milik may have been injured by the shock wave after the explosion, but his injuries are not as tragic as the painful moans just now showed, and what is his purpose for doing this... ·····

Looking at the direction of Philo's departure, after watching for a full minute, Milik shifted his attention to his broken arm, which was his left arm in the ball at this time. Amongst the blood and blood, Senbai's broken bones were clearly exposed in the air.

A ruthless look appeared on Milik's scarred face, and then he took out an extremely sharp light blue dagger from the interspatial ring with a move of his divine sense, holding the dagger in his right hand, Milik Without the slightest hesitation, he just waved fiercely at his broken left arm.


With the crisp sound of a dagger cutting bones, Milik's broken left arm broke off shoulder-to-shoulder, and fell to the ground, and Milik's expression became extremely distorted because of the pain, but it was strange. Yes, not a single drop of blood flowed from the wound cut by the light blue dagger.

Ten seconds later, Milik, who was sweating profusely, took out a dark blue pill exuding a faint fragrance from the interspatial ring and swallowed it, and he survived the heart-wrenching pain by relying on the effect of the pill .

After resting for a few minutes, Milik, who had completely lost his left arm, sat cross-legged on the ground and began to meditate. He didn't know what kind of magic method he used during his practice. While he was practicing with his eyes closed, the pain on his left shoulder On the wound, there is a crystal light blue light spot

With the appearance of these light blue spots, Milik's originally normal complexion became a little pale. It seemed that the appearance of these light blue spots at the wound had consumed a lot of his mana.

The appearance of these light blue spots soon brought new changes to the wound on Milik's left arm. There were more and more of these light blue spots, and they became more and more solid. In order to support this process, his complexion changed. Milik, who was as pale as paper, took out several bottles of potions from the space ring immediately and took them.

With the help of these medicines, Milik's face recovered a little blood, and he was able to support the solidification of the light blue light spots on the wound on his left arm, and the process of solidification was also increasing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and in this way The increase also depleted Milik's mana again.

In this way, after taking the potion and supporting the progress of the solidification of the light blue spot for several cycles, the solidification of the light blue spot finally reached the shape of Milik's original left arm... ····

Seeing this scene, Milik, who was physically and mentally exhausted, also showed a little relief on his scarred face. Then he opened his eyes and uttered an ancient and obscure spell.

"Abu Dhabi.....Kamavinga.....Obranyak..."

And with the sound of Milik's incantation, the already solid blue light spots suddenly burst into light and became extremely dazzling. However, this situation did not last long. After only a few seconds, these blue light spots There was no light, and it dissipated into the air, and what was replaced was a brand new left arm!

Although this left arm looks a little pale and thin compared to Milik's right doesn't look so symmetrical, but there is no doubt that it really exists!

With his left hand clenched into a fist, Milik swung his brand new left arm twice vigorously. Although his movements looked a little mechanical, it still made Milik's pale scarred face show a touch of smile.

After finishing this, Milik turned his gaze to his severed arm on the ground that he had cut off with a dagger, his eyes flickered a few times, and then he made a big move, and the severed arm fell into his hand.

Feeling his own flesh and blood on the broken arm, Milik did not hesitate at all, just like a wild beast sent the broken arm, bones and flesh into his mouth and began to bite, and what was even more frightening was that in the process of biting his own flesh and blood In the middle, Milik let out wild beast-like roars from time to time, as if he was not a human being, but a ferocious beast in human skin...



In the private room on the first floor of a cafe named Flamenco in downtown Frosinone, two women are sitting opposite each other. Both women are wearing thick veils, but One is the purple veil of mystery, the other the green veil of nature.

However, despite the existence of veils, it is difficult to see their faces clearly, but judging from the vague faces, it is possible that these two women are rare talents, but in comparison , or the woman wearing the purple veil, is even more beautiful and breathtaking, making people involuntarily focus on her...

On the coffee table in front of these two women, there was a cup of fragrant Red Mountain coffee, but neither of these two beauties touched the coffee, and let the aroma of the coffee slowly cool down. Looking at each other through the veil.

Although before the meeting, Margaret had expected that the meeting with Varga, a jealous jar, would be very embarrassing, and she had prepared herself for it, but after encountering such a situation, she could still feel that the whole package There was an embarrassing smell in the air in the room.

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