Count of Wizards

Chapter 1024

"But you are just showing me some pictures, and they are still so blurry. I can find out that the compass was produced by Reyes' alchemy method. It is already very good. What else do you want me to discover?" Southgate said. Spreading his hands towards Bisping, he said angrily:

Although Southgate seems to have a weird personality and a bit of arrogance, he is not an idiot. He has just finished speaking like a cannonball, and he seems to have discovered something strange from Bisping's reaction. He looked at Bisping thoughtfully.

A few seconds later, Southgate took a deep look at Bisping in front of him, and then he didn't hide it, and asked Bisping directly: "Bisping! It's okay for you to follow Reyes. Short, did you find something?"

After speaking, Southgate's gaze under the black-framed glasses was immediately fixed on Bisping's body, without letting up for a second, as if he wanted to see something from Bisping's calm expression .

Under Southgate's gaze, Bisping fell into silence. Just when Southgate couldn't bear it and wanted to ask further questions, he slowly said: "I think this compass It wasn't made by the professor himself, but by Connor!"

"Connor? Connor Ferguson, Reyes' student? The hereditary earl of the Ferguson family?" Hearing Bisping's name, Southgate was taken aback for a moment, then quickly realized, and turned to Bisping Spin asked:

Regarding Southgate's rhetorical question, Bisping nodded slightly, indicating that Southgate was right.

"No way? Didn't this Connor Ferguson say that although Reyes' student is in name, isn't this guy actually a chess piece of Reyes? How could Reyes use the most important of his alchemy methods?" Hand over the core technology to him?" Despite getting Bisping's affirmation, Southgate still looked a little unbelievable.

As a great alchemist, Southgate is very clear that what is displayed on the compass has already involved the core technology of Reyes' alchemy method, and its value can be described as immeasurable, even if As a great alchemist, he was also quite tempted, so Southgate really couldn't believe how Reyes could rest assured that such an important thing was handed over to such a pawn as Connor Ferguson.

"Who did you listen to these words?" Hearing what Southgate said, Bisping couldn't help frowning and said in a deep voice:

Although Bisping's question was very serious, Southgate still seemed a little indifferent. He waved his hand and said, "Bisping, don't worry about who told me this, isn't it obvious? Ray Who is Jess, you don't know, or I don't know? Over the years, when did he accept students?

"That old man Victor has been with Reyes for so many years, but he was killed by this Connor Ferguson. Reyes can still tolerate Connor alive to this day. Obviously there is a problem, except for Reyes' treatment of Connor. I really can't think of the possibility of not having something else!" Southgate's tone at the end can be said to be very firm and resolute.

After Southgate finished speaking, Bisping shook his head slightly at him and said, "I don't know whether you thought of these words yourself or heard them from others, but I advise you that you should rot these words in your stomach." Here, don't let the professor hear it, otherwise you know the methods of the professor, Southgate!"

Seeing that Bisping had something in his words, Southgate's interest was immediately aroused. He hesitated for a moment, and then suddenly said for no reason: "If I remember correctly, you have Bisping Six Alans gems, I have been looking for someone to help you refine them into the magical item Eyes of Alans..."

Hearing what Southgate said, Bisping immediately understood what he meant, and couldn't help but feel a little moved, but after thinking about it, he shook his head at Southgate and said: "Southgate You don't have to do this, I don't know much!"

Although the meaning in Bisping's words seemed to be rejection, but Southgate could hear other meanings from this sentence, and couldn't help but let out a sneer in his heart.

I don’t know much about this kind of words, isn’t the subconscious meaning just to tell you that I know what you want to know, if you want to know from my mouth, you have to increase the price?

Southgate, who had the answer in his heart, stretched out a finger at Biss, and said lightly: "I promise to refine the stuff for you. As for the reward, I want at least one Alanshi gem!"

Although Southgate only asked for one less Arans gem, there was still a little excitement in Bisping's eyes.

According to the rules of the alchemy world, if you want to find an alchemist to refine enchanted items, you must prepare at least two materials, one for refining the enchanted items, and one for the alchemist's reward. Not only that, because refining The uncertainty of magical items, so if the refining fails, the alchemist will not compensate the materials.

Although this rule is harsh and domineering, there are many incidents of vendetta against alchemists who fail in refining every year, but because of the demand for magical items, most wizards can only hold their noses to recognize it, and still flock to find alchemists as a substitute. They refine enchanted items.

Although the Eye of Elanshi is only a second-level magical item, it is very suitable for Bisping's meditation method, so Bisping still needs it very much. Bisping thought of many ways to collect it all. The main refining material of the six Eyes of Alans - the Alans Gem.

However, because the enchanted item of Eye of Elanshi requires extremely high skills for alchemists, the risk of failure is quite high for ordinary alchemists to refine this enchanted item, even five times of refining may not be able to succeed once!

As for the magic item of the Eye of Alans, the other materials required are not very easy to find, but Bisping struggled to find six of the Alans gemstones as the main material, and six of them are worthy. It is enough to refine the Eye of Elanshi twice, refine it once, pay the alchemist once, and nothing else.

Therefore, if the alchemist did not succeed in refining once, Bisping could only cry without tears. Therefore, Bisping has never found a suitable refiner to help him refine the "Eye of Alanshi" for him. The long-awaited second-order magical item can only be hidden in the space ring with six Alanshi gemstones and some other accessories, waiting for the opportunity silently.

As for Southgate, although his personality is a bit weird, his ability as a great alchemist cannot be faked at all!

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