Count of Wizards

Chapter 1032 1029th Absurd (2)

Although Connor couldn't think of any treasures or potions that could help Milik complete the rebirth of a severed limb within three days, there are still some magical treasures in this world, which may have the ability to help users quickly To achieve the effect of rebirth of severed limbs...

If this is really the case for Milik, it is possible to use some treasure or potion that is extremely precious that Connor does not know, and it is possible to regenerate his limbs within three days, although Connor thinks this possibility is very low. .

However, the guess given by Philo can be said to be completely rejected. The biggest possibility that Connor thought of, Philo believes that the reason why Milik was able to complete the rebirth of a severed limb within three days was not because of the use of any treasures. , or took some potions!

What Philo wanted to express, although he didn't say it directly, was actually the same as saying it straight, that is, Philo believed that the reason why Milik was able to complete the rebirth of a severed limb within three days was not because of External cause, but because of the changes in Milik himself, so Milik doesn't have the special energy fluctuations caused by taking the precious treasures.

Although Connor subconsciously believes that Philo's guess is extremely absurd based on his experience. According to Philo's guess, this situation may appear in a third-level wizard with unpredictable abilities, but You must know that Milik is a first-level wizard, and he is far away from the realm of a third-level wizard!

According to normal thinking, if Philo wants to seek Connor's help to deal with the threat brought by Milik, then what he should do is to choose a convincing reason and tell Connor, Trying to convince Connor so as to get Connor's help, instead of telling Connor this kind of thing that sounds extremely absurd like telling a story like now

But now that Philo is able to openly tell Connor such absurd remarks in a serious manner, it can be seen that Philo may not be deceiving Connor, Milik really completed the amputation within three days by himself Rebirth, the arm that was blown off by the alchemy bomb will grow back...

Just as Connor was contemplating and hesitating under Philo's gaze, the gray fog that was released by Connor and permeated the surroundings began to gradually thin out due to time, but in the next second, not far away From the woods there was a low, powerful bear cry.

"Roar... Roar..."

The next second after the bear's cry, an extremely shrill human scream resounded through the entire forest. Halfway through the scream, it stopped abruptly. There is no doubt that another member of the Church of Storms The arbitrator died under the bloody maw of the black blood fox and bear.

Connor and Filo, who were in a stalemate, changed their expressions when they heard the news. Filo immediately wanted to say something to Connor, but Connor rushed ahead of him and took the initiative He said to Fei Luo: "I already know all about your purpose, Fei Luo, but I can't give you an accurate answer for a moment when the matter is so important, so you need to give me time to think about it!"

"You take this thing first, and I will contact you through this. No matter what, I will give you an affirmative answer in a day. As for the black blood fox and bear is behind, you and I should run for our lives separately. Others Put aside the matter for now, and wait until it is safe to talk about it!" As soon as the voice fell, Connor took out a metal token from the space ring, and threw it to Fei Luo who was standing opposite.

After finishing this step, Connor ignored Filo, and with a flash of the black magic robe on his body, he fled towards the southeast at the fastest speed.

Seeing that Connor was about to run, Philo, who had not yet received a positive answer from Connor, subconsciously wanted to stop Connor from running after receiving the metal token thrown by Connor, but at this time, he hadn’t yet Dazed and irrational, when he thought of a family of black-blooded fox bears not far behind, who wanted to stop Connor, Fei Luo couldn't help hesitating, and taking advantage of Fei Luo's hesitation, Connor, who was blessed by the black magic robe, fled quickly and turned into a small black spot, disappearing in the southeast direction.

At this time, Philo was about to make a move to stop him, but he had already missed the best opportunity, and there was nothing he could do to stop Connor from running.

Seeing that Philo didn't do any useless work, he glanced at Connor's disappearing back with hatred, and then shifted his gaze to the metal token that Connor just threw in his hand, and said in a low voice to comfort himself: " Forgive me, you can't get rid of me!" Then, too, he glanced at the direction behind him, where the roar of the bear appeared, and then quickly cast the spell, turning into a crimson bloody light, and fled towards the south.



Although some precious time was wasted in negotiating with Philo because of meeting Philo, but as a first-level wizard, Connor was much faster than the group of Storm Church arbitrators who only had a wizard apprenticeship. The speed, as well as the blessing of the black magic robe, left those arbitrators far behind, allowing them to turn into "meat shields" to prevent themselves from being chased and killed by black blood fox bears

Under such circumstances, Connor arrived soon. When they ran away, they agreed that the small waterfall in the southeast direction of the meeting point was the small waterfall, but at this time, there was no one beside the waterfall. Connor was really surprised. He originally thought that under his proposal to disperse and break through, De Zelby's team, besides him, was another official wizard, without any worries and without any arbitrator as a drag. Down, would run to the small waterfall before Philo had wasted some time.

But judging from the fact that De Zelby hasn't arrived here yet, maybe he still has a sense of responsibility and knows how to give his subordinates a hand!

Connor didn't let Connor stay alone at the small waterfall for too long, and soon Connor's keen mental power sensed that a group of people were approaching him, and the aura of the leader was clearly Connor Fairly familiar De Zerby.

At this time, De Zelby and the people around him were all in a panic, not at all the high spirits they had when they were searching in the Navas Forest a few hours ago, but although they were a little embarrassed, these people were still there. It is considered sound, and soon Connor's mental power noticed the person walking at the end of the group...

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