Count of Wizards

Chapter 1034 Milik's Warning

Hearing De Zerby's words, Connor sneered in his heart, continued to pretend that he didn't know anything, spread his hands at De Zerby and asked, "Mr. I'm confused, what am I plotting against you? Although I proposed the plan of dispersing and fleeing, you agreed to it!"


Sensing Connor's attitude, De Zelby snorted immediately, glanced at Connor coldly, and then said in a deep voice: "Connor, you and I know what you did, you don't have to You are innocent here, and when I return to Frosinone, I will definitely report all your actions!"

After speaking, De Zerby turned around and walked to the side of the waterfall, and began to take out the potion, recovering his self-cultivation. The few arbitrators of the Church of Storms who followed him followed suit.

De Zelby is not a willful person. If Milik did not show up at this time and he came out to deal with Connor alone, then no matter how resentful he was for Connor's putting him together, he would never fight with Connor in public. Connor turned his face, he will bear all this, and wait until he returns to Frosinone before attacking. After all, Connor is stronger than him, and he will not have any good fruit to face Connor alone !

But it's different now. Although he is dozens of years older than Milik, the appearance of Milik will make De Zelby feel dependent. He knows how powerful Milik is. With Milik's help, coupled with the arbitrators of the Church of Storms around him, immediately gave De Zelby the courage to turn against Connor, and he even faintly considered uniting with Milik to execute Christante together. The secret task that was given to him to kill Connor...

Seeing De Zelby's attitude towards him, Connor was not dissatisfied at all, he just shook his head, looking very helpless, seeing Connor's expression in his eyes, the one who didn't sit with De Zerby The scar-faced wizard in white robe looked at Connor up and down, and asked him, "Are you Connor Ferguson?"

"If there is no second Connor Ferguson here, the person you are talking about is me!" Connor joked to this person:

Ten minutes ago, after realizing that the scar-faced wizard had discovered the perception of his spiritual power, Connor immediately decided to take back his mental power, and began to think seriously about why he would treat such a sword that he had never met before. The scarface wizard felt a little familiar aura.

Connor's memory is quite good, so he will soon think of the negotiation between him and Christant in the Kilian Tavern when he was still in Frosinone. It seems that it was Connor's chosen location and chosen time, and the appointment of Christant came out to meet him.

But you must know that Frosinone at that time could be said to be Christian's home court, so in fact it was a "big door banquet" arranged by Kristante for Connor. , a little carelessness, it is very likely that the opportunity will fall into a situation where there is no redemption.

When Connor and Kristante were talking about things, in the private room next door to them, Kristante arranged for an official wizard to be in charge of an ambush. The guy in ambush was of a very high level, and he was quietly lurking behind a wall. After coming down, if it wasn't for Connor's amazing perception of mental power, it would really be impossible to find this person. But at that time, although Connor discovered the ambush and gave the other party a small warning when he finally left, he did not see the true face of the mysterious wizard who was ambushing in the next room.

Originally, this matter was not considered a major event, and it had already passed for a long time. Connor had already put this matter behind him, but at this time, the appearance of this white-robed and scar-faced wizard was another It reminded Connor of this incident. From Connor's point of view, this person was the one who quietly ambushed him that day in the next room of Killian's Tavern.

In addition, Connor has another guess about the identity of this person...

According to Philo's narration in the woods just now, the genius wizard of the Church of Storms named Milik is perseveringly pursuing his footsteps, chasing and killing him frantically in the Navas Forest where countless monsters are hidden.

Well, if what Philo said is correct, since Philo appeared here and came to meet him, then Milik should be around here in all likelihood at this time, so this follower, Germany Connor knew the true identity of the white-robed, scar-faced wizard brought back by Zelby!

Milik, who didn't know his true identity yet, had been guessed by Connor, raised his eyebrows after hearing Connor's joke, and looked at Connor with a half-smile and said, "Do you know who I am? ?”

"I know, the wizard of the Church of the Storm!" Connor nodded, pretending to be frank:

Ignoring Connor's ridicule, Milik said in a deep voice: "My name is Milik, Connor Ferguson, you may have heard my name and know my style of behavior, so I invite you, the hereditary man of the empire Earl, you have made some unnecessary resistance, and honestly doing things for the Church of Storms is the best choice for you!"

After talking about Milik, he didn't mean to talk nonsense with Connor anymore, and turned around to leave, but what is interesting is that Milik, who is also a wizard of the Church of Storms like De Zerby, is not the same as those arbitrators. , sat next to De Zerby, but sat in a deserted place next to the small waterfall to practice alone. It seemed that the relationship between him and De Zerby was not particularly good.

Seeing Milik's actions in his eyes, although Connor still maintained a calm face, his heart was still quite heavy. Judging from Milik's warning to himself, it is obvious that he is serious about his own existence. With obvious hostility, and in such a sensitive situation now, the arrival of Milik is undoubtedly very likely to break the fragile balance between Connor and De Zelby in the team, which is very important for Connor. Obviously, it's not good news.

In addition, although he didn't deliberately observe Milik's arm, relying on his keen inspiration as a spiritual wizard, Connor felt the weak energy fluctuations emanating from Milik's body. Judging from the energy fluctuations, Milik's cultivation It should be the storm energy produced by the authentic Storm Church meditation method, other than that, there are no other special energy fluctuations.

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