Count of Wizards

Chapter 1041 Untitled

De Zelby was not surprised that Milik had seen through his thoughts. He had never hoped that his plan could be hidden from Milik, but after Milik saw through his thoughts, he directly tore his face. De Zerby was a little surprised at being ruthless. After all, at least on the bright side, he was in front of everyone, and he was persuading Connor to follow Milik's plan. People, even if they find out the tricks in it, it is impossible to just attack so straightforwardly.

Surprise is nothing but surprise. De Zelby has been in the Church of the Storm for so many years, so he is naturally not a good man or woman. He was forced to swallow his anger in front of Milik of the Storm Token because he had no excuses before, but now that Connor has made the matter He came over and handed him a reasonable excuse. Naturally, he was not to be outdone, and said coldly to Milik:

"Milik, don't spout blood here, what kind of cowardice, what kind of obscenity, I have promised you to hunt down and kill Fei Luo just now, what do you want from me?"

"You didn't understand the matter of Philo. I have already promised to make up for your mistakes. Milik, what else do you want? Don't think that you can do anything wrong with the trust of Archbishop Hummels. , It’s too much to deceive people here!”

After slapping Milik hard, De Zerby immediately rounded up his words again, and continued to pretend to Connor and said: "Connor, you should help Milik, right? If he does this If you can’t finish one thing, if you return to our church, you will definitely be punished by Cardinal Hummels!”

"I don't care! What Christant told me was only here to find the ruins, not to help you hunt down Filo here! That guy Filo is powerful, who doesn't know? You want to trouble him , then go by yourself, what does it have to do with me as a dark wizard?" Connor didn't seem to give De Zerby at all, and directly retorted:

Seeing Connor and De Zelby singing together here, they didn't seem to take themselves seriously at all, and Milik, who was standing aside, was undoubtedly furious, and the veins on his forehead were faintly visible, but in In the situation where De Zerby obviously favored Connor, Milik had no choice but to use his cold eyes to cast a glance on Connor and De Zerby.

"Since Connor Ferguson, a filthy dark wizard, is unwilling to serve the church to hunt down Philo, then De Zelby, I order you to kill him now!" Waving the storm token in his hand, Milik pointed at Kang Na, ordered De Zerby:

Sensing that Milik was already a little crazy, before Connor could speak, De Zelby frowned and said bluntly: "When we set off from Frosinone, Director Cristant has already explained After that, if my mission fails and I don’t find the existence of the ruins, then let me kill Connor Ferguson.”

"But now our mission is in progress, and the result has not yet been determined whether it is a success or a failure, so your order, Milik, has already violated the mission I am carrying out!"

"Milike, if you want me to help you hunt down Filo, I can help you, but if you want me to violate the mission approved by Cardinal Hummels, then I can only refuse to execute it!" After speaking, Dezel shook his head heavily, expressing his firm attitude.

Sensing De Zerby's attitude, Milik, who knew that he would not gain any upper hand, tightly held the storm token in his hand, suppressing the anger in his heart, and slapped De Zerby every word He said: "Since you don't want to kill Connor, then let him search the ruins by himself first, and you take someone with me to hunt down Philo!"

Although it seemed that Milik had already made a compromise, De Zelby did not buy it, spread his hands and said helplessly: "Milik, I think you misunderstood, it's not that I don't want to kill Connor Ferguson, I am the pastor of the Church of Storms, Connor Ferguson is a dark wizard, how could I not want to kill him?"

"As for not killing Connor Ferguson now, it is because he still has an effect on the church. We need him to help the church find the existence of the relics. When he fails to find the relics, it triggers the secret mission assigned to me by Director Kristant. At that time, you don't need to tell Milik, I will kill him first!"

"Another point is, Cardinal Hummels, approved the task assigned to me, let me monitor Connor's search for the ruins, and make sure that Connor is within my sight, so you asked me to lead someone to follow him You go after Filo and let Connor search for the ruins alone, which is contrary to the mission I am carrying out now!"

After listening to De Zelby's explanation, Connor, who knew what was in his mind, sneered at Milik sarcastically, then ignored him, and walked straight to the distant forest.

Seeing that Connor was about to leave, De Zelby, who knew it was over, was immediately overjoyed, but he still pretended to be helpless, shook his head at Milik, then turned around and took the five An arbitrator from the Church of Storms also followed behind Connor, leaving only Milik holding the Storm Token in his hand.

Watching helplessly, Connor and De Zelby swaggered and walked away in front of him. Milik could be said to be furious, and his scarred face turned into a very ugly pig liver color. If it wasn't for Nian Zai, he would have to hunt down Philo to make up for his mistakes, and he couldn't spend too much energy on Connor Ferguson. Whatever Milik said today, they couldn't let their group leave so easily.

"De Zerby, Connor Ferguson, you two damn bastards, I will remember you two for what happened today, let's play slowly!" Milik said to himself in a cold and resentful voice :

After the words fell, Milik took the storm token in his hand back into the space ring properly, and then flew towards the northwest direction where Filo was. Last night, he was delayed all night because of De Zelby's intentional delay. Now he must speed up and go after Philo.

Seeing Milik behind him, flying to the northwest by himself, De Zerby, who had survived this difficulty, was inevitably a little excited, and said to Connor via voice transmission: "You really made a wise choice !"

Hearing De Zerby's voice transmission, Connor, who was walking at the forefront of the team, sneered in his heart, but did not reply to De Zerby's voice transmission, and continued to lead the team's forward direction.

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