Count of Wizards

Chapter 1046 One Day

"This place is very good!" Connor nodded, affirming Feilo's choice, then changed his voice, pointed to the terrain in front of him and asked Feilo, "How sure are you, Philo, that Milik lead here"

Facing Connor's inquiry, Philo, who was originally full of confidence, became a little hesitant. Under Connor's gaze, he hesitated for a while, and then asked Connor carefully: "Connor Na, how long will it take you to set up the formation here?"

"What kind of formation I arrange depends on how much time you buy me. The longer you can buy me, the stronger the formation I arrange, and the more concealed it will not be discovered by Milik, otherwise it will be rushed The array arranged in between, not only did not have any effect, but it was discovered by Milik in advance, and he frightened the snake!" Connor said lightly, and after a brief introduction, he kicked the ball back to Filo.

Philo still seemed to agree with Connor's remarks, he did not refute, but pondered for a while, and asked Connor: "Connor, given you a day, what can you deploy?" What kind of formation?"

After hearing the word "one day" from Fei Luo, Connor's eyes flickered for a moment, and then he said to Fei Luo: "The array arranged in one day will not constitute Milik's life safety." What a big threat, but it is absolutely impossible for him to escape from the formation easily!"

After Connor's voice fell, a smile appeared on Philo's face. Obviously he was satisfied with Connor's answer, and he said without hesitation, "That's one day!"

Now that the decision had been made, Philo didn't stay here any longer, and immediately set off to other places in the Navas Forest, using it as a bait to buy time for Connor to set up a formation.

Seeing Philo's disappearing back, Connor's eyes flashed an imperceptible light, and then he turned around and started his work.



While Filo and Connor were making a decision, Milik was also in the Navas Forest, following Filo's trail. At this time, there was a fist-sized growth on his shoulder, and his whole body was snow-white without a single hair. , looking at the very smart bird with blue pupils, standing on Milik's shoulder, this little bird is not idle, it seems to be trying very hard to sniff something from the air, and then guide Milik towards What direction to go.

After walking for a while under the guidance of this little bird, Milik observed the surrounding environment and found that although he had been flying non-stop for several hours, he had not left this area, and he immediately realized something , Immediately flipping his hands, he took out a roll of map from the space ring, and began to observe his current position according to the markings on the map.

"Hehe, did you finally find out something until now? Philo, you bastard, you are really stupid!" After comparing his position in the forest, Milik retracted the map into the space ring, and said Said aloud to himself:

After speaking, Milik looked around again, then pondered for a while, took out a potion bottle from the interspatial ring, and poured out a potion from the potion bottle that was only a quarter of the size of a fingernail, bright red like blood, Small pills with a light fragrance.

With the appearance of this small bright red pill, the cute, snow-white bird on Milik's shoulder suddenly became excited, and his blue eyes were fixed on the pill in Milik's hand. It was full of longing, and from time to time it used its mouth to gently peck Milik's neck, as if urging Milik to quickly feed him the bright red pill

Seeing the little bird's desire for pills, Milik smiled slightly, and then sent the pill in his hand to the little bird's mouth. The little bird was overjoyed, swallowed the pill in one gulp, and enjoyed it very much He closed his eyes, and a few seconds later, the bird's body emitted a faint energy fluctuation. It seemed that Milik just gave it a drink, which helped it a lot.

Gently stroking the little white bird, Milik said softly to it: "Snowbird, snowbird, you little thing, I also fed you this blood glue pill, you have to help me quickly Find that damn bastard Philo!"

This little white bird, which Milik called "Snowbird", also seemed to be extremely intelligent. It was closing its eyes and digesting the power of the blood gel pills. After hearing what Milik said to it, it seemed He also understood what Milik wanted to express, shook his snow-white head in a serious manner and nodded. Seeing this scene, a faint smile appeared on Milik's fierce face, and he couldn't help but caress again. A few snowbirds' clean feathers.

After nodding, the cute little bird continued to digest the effects of the blood gel pills Milik gave it, and Milik didn't mean to urge it at all, and waited patiently for Snowbird to finish digesting the effects of the medicine. After waiting for ten minutes, the snowbird finally opened its small eyes, waved its snow-white wings slightly, and pointed in the direction of true north.

Seeing this, Milik, who was guided, was overjoyed immediately, without any hesitation, the robe of the Church of the Storm flashed on his body, and he flew to the north direction. Milik's flying speed was also very fast, and with Snowbird's With precise guidance, many detours were avoided, and it took less than half an hour for the mental power to perceive Philo in front of him.

Milik, who found Fei Luo's trace, did not chase after him immediately, but carefully put the Snowbird standing on his shoulder into a small cloth bag. After doing this to ensure the safety of the Snowbird , A cruel smile appeared on Milik's face, and then his figure flashed, and he rushed towards Philo who was chasing and fleeing in the distance.

At this time, Philo, who was sent out as a bait to buy time for Connor, naturally found Milik who was chasing after him. If he dared to be negligent, he would fly to the distance with all his strength. Since he had promised Connor that he would buy him a day to set up the formation, he would try his best to do it within his ability.

However, in this day, running can be delayed, and fighting can be passed. However, for Philo, who now has Connor's help, he will not choose to come face to face unless it is absolutely necessary. To Milik's.

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