Count of Wizards

Chapter 1050 Milik's doubts

Even if Milik is lucky, after the mission fails, Cardinal Hummels will not hold him accountable, but he will no longer have the slightest value and trust in Milik. Although this is an extrajudicial favor, but for Milik For Rick, it was also a very big disaster.

Since becoming an official wizard and being valued by Cardinal Hummels, the young and vigorous Milik has a bright future. It can be said that he is very arrogant and domineering. How many people have been offended.

In this case, Milik was able to remain intact, entirely because the people offended by him were all looking at Hummels' super thigh, and swallowed their anger not to trouble Milik, but once Milik Lik lost the trust of Hummels, and without Hummels' protection, Milik's fate in the Church of the Storm is self-evident. Even if he is not killed directly by the opponent, he will definitely be transferred. Stationed in a very dangerous place, not only the future is bleak, but also life is safe every moment.

Therefore, with Milik's character, such an ending is absolutely unacceptable, so he will use Gesens's magic energy to restore his injuries at any cost, so that he can regain the opportunity to kill Filo.

Taking a deep breath, Milik forcibly suppressed the anger in his heart, and then began to analyze his mind. Although Milik was a bit narrow-minded, he was not stupid, otherwise he would not be able to gain the trust of Cardinal Hummels , got the storm token symbolizing Hummels' power, and became one of Hummels' spokespersons in the Church of Storms.

In fact, in the world of wizards, none of the wizards who can cultivate to become a first-level wizard is an idiot, and no one is a simple character. Otherwise, in this dangerous world, I don’t know how many times I have died... ·······

After thinking for a long time, Milik's eyes flashed with suspicion. In his opinion, what Philo did just now can be described as very weird.

In the previous few fights, Milik and Filo also fought very fiercely. It's not that Filo didn't want to kill him, and planned to kill Milik, but in the end they all ended in failure and failed. .

Although Milik didn't know what the spell that Fero cast just now was, but judging from his experience, since the power of this spell is so terrifying, and Philo has to hurt himself before casting it, it is obvious that this This kind of spell can't be cast casually, and it is probably Philo's means to suppress the bottom of the box!

If this is the case, then a question that puzzled Milik came up!

When Philo wanted to kill Milik a few times before, he had never used this bottom-of-the-box spell, otherwise Milik would not have been unprepared just now, and he was caught off guard and directly In the move, he was caught off guard by Philo.

But now after Philo used this spell, after forcing Milik into a dangerous situation, he left very cleanly and directly, without any intention of making trouble. In Milik's view, this is somewhat abnormal If he was Philo, he would definitely not give himself a chance to slow down when he encountered such an opportunity!

After pondering for a few minutes, Milik didn't have an answer in his mind, but he still had some guesses about what Philo did.

From experience, when the wizard's bottom-of-the-box method is used, there will definitely be some restrictions on use, or some use costs, but whether the restrictions or costs are large or small, if Milik remembers correctly, cultivation After Filo, who performed the blood witchcraft, spit out the mouthful of blood at him, his expression immediately became very sluggish. Obviously, the price for Filo to cast this spell was not easy at all.

From this point of view, it seems not incomprehensible that after Philo seriously injured him, he left directly without getting into trouble. Perhaps Philo didn't want to continue to fight at that time, but because he was already at the end of his strength and had no way to do it.

After realizing this, the doubts in Milik's eyes gradually dissipated, and then he took the snow bird out of the small cloth bag, and immediately chased and killed Fei Luo under the guidance of the snow bird



"Connor, where is the formation you arranged?" Under the mountain stream, Philo, who had just returned here, looked around the mountains, rocks and trees and found no trace of the formation. He frowned and asked Connor next to him:

At this time, Connor Ferguson was sitting cross-legged on a boulder, meditating with his eyes closed. He looked very tired. After hearing Milik's question, he opened his eyes and glanced at Philo in front of him. Philo's inquiry was not immediately answered.

Although Philo's expression at this time is the same as before, there is no difference from before, but from the perspective of Connor, who is a spiritual wizard and has extremely keen inspiration, although Philo's disguise method is very clever, but through his speech and behavior With some clues revealed, Connor could still see that he was obviously seriously injured, but Philo used some means to cover it up in order not to let himself find out that he had other thoughts.

It's just that Philo didn't think about it. What he said was also a spiritual wizard known for his powerful spiritual power. Even if he concealed it brilliantly, could he still escape his eyes? Thinking of this, although Connor's face was as calm as water, there was a touch of arrogance in his heart.

Although Connor didn't know exactly what happened to Filo in the past few hours, judging from Filo's current injuries, he obviously had a tough battle with Milik, which not only made Connor Some wonder what kind of state Milik will be in when he is about to follow.

Although he has discovered the "secret" that Filo wants to hide, Connor does not intend to showdown with Filo, because at least for now, Filo is still very valuable to him, and he still needs Filo's help.

"It's right that you didn't find the trace of the formation. If you found out, how can you ambush Milik here?" Connor said lightly to Feilo's gaze:

Hearing what Connor said, Philo was obviously a little embarrassed, but he really didn't find any traces of formations in the environment in front of him, so he could only grunt to express his annoyance.

"Don't worry! Since I said I can trap Milik, I can definitely trap him, provided you attract him!" Connor said with a slight smile:

Although he didn't find the formation, but seeing Connor's confidence, Philo's doubts were reduced a lot, and then he said in a deep voice with certainty: "Milik is a mad dog, he will definitely follow!"

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